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  1. CRISPR Guide

    ...researchers have turned dCas9 into a customizable DNA labeler compatible with fluorescence microscopy in living...genomic locus requires recruitment of many copies of labeled proteins to the given region. For example, chromosome-specific...proximity. A non-repetitive genomic locus can also be labeled by co-delivering multiple gRNAs that tile the locus...acceptor site to dCas9 and co-expressing BirA biotin ligase, as seen in the CAPTURE system . The locus is subsequently... . 529(7587):490-5. PMID: 26735016 Multiplexed labeling of genomic loci with dCas9 and engineered sgRNAs... 33(5):543-8. PMID: 25803306 Multicolor CRISPR labeling of chromosomal loci in human cells. 2015. Ma H...
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