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  1. New England Biolabs Cell-Imaging Plasmid Collection

    ...non-cell-permeant proteins. CLIP-tag CLIP-tag is identical in function to SNAP-tag but reacts with benzylcytosine...Plasmid SNAP-tag Control for cell surface localization 101136 pCLIP-tag (m) Vector CLIP-tag Empty backbone...Plasmid CLIP-tag Control for mitochondrial localization 101125 pCLIPf-NK1R Control Plasmid CLIP-tag Control...or localization. ACP and MCP tags ACP- and MCP-tags are small protein tags based on the acyl carrier protein...these tags. Plasmids Addgene ID Plasmid Substrate Feature 101137 pSNAP-tag (T7) Vector SNAP-tag Empty ...pMCP-tag (m) Vector ACP/MCP-tag Empty backbone for transient mammalian expression 101126 pACP-tag (m)-...ACP/MCP-tag Control for cell surface localization Supplemental Information SNAP and CLIP tags SNAP and...
  2. CRISPR History and Development for Genome Engineering

    ... (CAPTURE.) Tag : Multiple methods make it easier to tag endogenous loci with epitope tags or fluorescent...include mutations seen in human patients, protein tags, or loxP/FRT sites, among others. Homology-directed... not occur in mammalian cells. Purify : Epitope-tagged dCas9 can also be used to purify a genomic locus... EM, Myers RM. 2015. CETCh-seq: CRISPR epitope tagging ChIP-seq of DNA-binding proteins. Genome Res . ...useful (if not more so) for research applications, eclipsing past genome engineering technologies like zinc...
  3. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...monitoring autophagy A Super-Ecliptic, pHluorin-mKate2, Tandem Fluorescent Protein-Tagged Human LC3 for the Monitoring...categories of biosensors or browse all the biosensors tagged in our catalog . Use the article links to find a novel reporter protein, tandem fluorescent-tagged LC3. Autophagy. 2007;3(5):452-60. Tamotsu Yoshimori...Hoffman Voltage JEDI-2P voltage indicator for two-photon imaging Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording...Rafael Yuste Voltage Ultrafast fluorescent voltage sensor ASAP2f Subcellular Imaging of Voltage and Calcium...fluorescent voltage sensor. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Apr 22. Michael Lin Voltage Fluorescent voltage reporters...Campbell Voltage Multicoloured voltage reporters (QuasAr2) Bright and fast multicoloured voltage reporters...
  4. Immunology Research Plasmids and Resources

    ...prepronociceptin PPNOC POMC proopiomelanocortin ACTH, CLIP, LPH, MSH, NPP, POC PPARA peroxisome proliferator-activated... adds a myristoylation sequence and flag-epitope tag to each ORF from the labs of William Hahn and Jean...early stage tumors ARP, MANF, MGC142148, MGC142150 ARMETL1 arginine-rich, mutated in early stage tumors-like...PAFR PTGDR prostaglandin D2 receptor (DP) AS1, ASRT1, DP, DP1, MGC49004 PTGDS prostaglandin D2 synthase..., PGDS2 PTGER1 prostaglandin E receptor 1 (subtype EP1), 42kDa EP1 PTGER2 prostaglandin E receptor 2 (...MGC27302 PTGER4 prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) EP4, EP4R, MGC126583 PTGFR prostaglandin F receptor...prepropeptide MTLRP, obestatin GHSR growth hormone secretagogue receptor - GIP gastric inhibitory polypeptide...
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results