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  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...-RFP-C-h-Rab4a-c-Myc Recycling endosomes Rab4a TagRFP James Johnson 79799 pTag-BFP-C-h-Rab4a-c-Myc Recycling...endosomes RAB5A mRFP Ari Helenius 61801 GFP-Rab4B Early endosomes Rab4B AcGFP Gia Voeltz 49201 mCh-Rab5 Early... Francois St-Pierre 158002 pCMV-mGold-Rab4a-C-7 Endosomes Rab4a mGold Francois St-Pierre 14873 GolgiCFP...Recycling endosomes Rab4a TagBFP James Johnson 12674 GFP-rab11 WT Recycling endosomes Rab11a GFP Richard...
Showing: 1 - 1 of 1 results