...enzymes, the Cascade-Cas3 system has been co-opted for use in eukaryotic cells . The Cascade complex is ...separate Cas enzymes that form a complex called Cascade (see Cas3 for more details), while type V-K systems ... Degrading DNA with Cas3 Rather than initiating DNA cleavage to form a break, Cas3 initiates single-strand...deletions generated by Cas9 systems. Cas3 must be paired with the Cascade ( C RISPR- as sociated c omplex ...recruited to target DNA using a gRNA and recruits Cas3. Cas3 nicks the non-targeting strand and starts degrading... strand is cleaved non-specifically by Cas3 along the way. Cas3 initiates a final DSB, either due to a.... Figure 14: Overview of editing with Cas3 Browse Plasmids: Cas3 Want more information on the wide variety...