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Showing: 1 - 20 of 64 results
  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ... Gadella 85053 pmScarlet-i_H2A_C1 Nucleus H2A mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 85052 pmScarlet-H_H2A_C1 Nucleus...Nucleus H2A mScarlet-H Dorus Gadella 85051 pmScarlet_H2A_C1 Nucleus H2A mScarlet Dorus Gadella 18982 pHIV-...Bruchez 85065 pmScarlet-I_peroxisome_C1 Peroxisome SRL mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 85064 pmScarlet-H_peroxisome_C1...Peroxisome SRL mScarlet-H Dorus Gadella 85063 pmScarlet_peroxisome_C1 Peroxisome SRL mScarlet Dorus Gadella...pBOB-CARMIL2 BH domain-GFP Plasma Membrane CARMIL2 BH domain GFP John Cooper 118737 pBOB-CARMIL2 BH domain-tdTomato...85045 pmScarlet_alphaTubulin_C1 Microtubules alpha-tubulin mScarlet Dorus Gadella 85046 pmScarlet-H_alphaTubulin_C1...alpha-tubulin mScarlet-H Dorus Gadella 85047 pmScarlet-i_alphaTubulin_C1 Microtubules alpha-tubulin mScarlet-I Dorus...
  2. Optogenetics AAV Preps

    ...pAAV_hSyn-PdCO-mScarlet-WPRE Syn PdCO mScarlet Constitutive 1, 5 Yizhar 198511 pAAV_hSyn-DIO-PdCO-mScarlet-WPRE ...124650 pAAV-CamKIIa-C1V1(t/t)-mScarlet-KV2.1 CaMKII C1V1 (t/t) mScarlet Constitutive 9 Harvey 59170 pAAV-Syn-Chronos-GFP...pAAV-CamKIIa-ChrimsonR-mScarlet-KV2.1 CaMKII ChrimsonR (soma-targeted) mScarlet Constitutive 9 Harvey ...pAAV-CaMKIIa-ChRmine-mScarlet-Kv2.1-WPRE CamKII ChRmine (high-photocurrent, red-shifted) mScarlet Constitutive...-hSyn-ChRmine-mScarlet-Kv2.1-WPRE Syn ChRmine (high-photocurrent, red-shifted) mScarlet Constitutive 8...pAAV-Ef1a-DIO-ChRmine-mScarlet-WPRE EF1a ChRmine (high-photocurrent, red-shifted) mScarlet Cre dependent 1,...137158 pAAV-nEF-ChRmine-mScarlet nEF ChRmine (high-photocurrent, red-shifted) mScarlet Constitutive 8 Deisseroth...
  3. Control AAV Preps

    ...pAAV-CaMKIIa-mScarlet CamKIIa mScarlet Constitutive 8 Deisseroth 131001 pAAV-hSyn-mScarlet Syn mScarlet Constitutive..., PHP.eB Dimidschstein 137135 pAAV-Ef1a-oScarlet EF1a oScarlet Constitutive 8 Deisseroth 192552 pAAV-CAG..., 8, 9, rg* Harvey 131002 pAAV-Ef1a-DIO mScarlet EF1a mScarlet Cre dependent 1, 5 Deisseroth 50457 pAAV-hSyn-DIO-EGFP...Deisseroth 137137 pAAV-Ef1a-Con/Foff 2.0-oScarlet EF1a oScarlet Cre dependent 8 Deisseroth 137162 pAAV-... 8 Deisseroth 137138 pAAV-Ef1a-Coff/Fon-oScarlet EF1a oScarlet Flp dependent 8 Deisseroth 55650 pAAV-hSyn...dependent 8 Deisseroth 137136 pAAV-Ef1a-Con/Fon-oScarlet EF1a oScarlet Cre and Flp dependent 8 Deisseroth 137164...
  4. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Expression mScarlet-I3 568 592 68 4.2 2 min Monomer pmScarlet-I3_C1 - Mammalian Expression mScarlet3 569 592...Monomer pmScarlet3_C1 - Mammalian Expression mScarlet 569 594 71 5.3 2.9 hr Monomer pmScarlet_C1 - Mammalian...Expression mCarmine 603 675 5.81 5.58 Monomer mCarmine in pcDNA3 - Mammalian Expression mCarmine in pRSETB...Maturation Structure Plasmids mScarlet-H 551 592 15 4.8 4.4 hr Monomer pmScarlet-H_C1 - Mammalian Expression...Mammalian Expression pCS2+mScarlet-C Cloning Vector - Mammalian Expression mScarlet-I 569 593 57 5.4 36 min...Bacterial Expression mCardinal 604 659 17 5.3 27 min Prone to dimerization mCardinal-N1 - Mammalian Expression...Expression mCardinal-C1 - Mammalian Expression mCardinal-pBAD - Bacterial Expression mMaroon 610 652 - Monomer...
  5. Serotype Testing AAV

    ...Add to Cart AAV2 37825-AAV2.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV5 37825-AAV5.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV8 37825...Add to Cart AAV2 50465-AAV2.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV5 50465-AAV5.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV8 50465...37825-AAV8.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV9 37825-AAV9.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV Retrograde 37825-AAVrg....50465-AAV8.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV9 50465-AAV9.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart AAV Retrograde 50465-AAVrg....AAVrg.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart pAAV-hSyn-EGFP (Plasmid #50465) Description : Ready-to-use AAV in various ...AAVrg.T 20 µL $ 140 Add to Cart *Each viral service request will also include virus associated DNA (vdna),...
  6. Synthetic Biology - Assembly Standards Guide

    ... Enzymes: SpeI , NotI , PstI Scar: TACTAGAG or TACTAG Features: 8 bp Scar; No In-Frame Fusions; Coding...Suffix Enzymes: Nhel , NotI , PstI Scar: GCTAGT Features: 6 bp scar encodes Ala-Ser; Allows for in-frame... CTCGAG Suffix Enzymes: BamHI , Xhol Scar: GGATCT Features: Scar encodes Gly-Ser in-frame with prefix ..., PstI Scar: ACTAGA Features: Modified RFC 10 with shortened prefix/suffix giving in-frame scar encoding... CTGCAG Suffix Enzymes: Agel , Spel , Notl, Pstl Scar: ACCGGC Features: Modified RFC 10 w/ start and stop...
  7. Deisseroth INTRSECT Collection

    ...AND NOT Cre 137135 pAAV-Ef1a-oScarlet None 137136 pAAV-Ef1a-Con/Fon-oScarlet Cre AND Flp 137137 pAAV-Ef1a-Con...pAAV-Ef1a-Con/Foff 2.0-oScarlet Cre AND NOT Flp FRT/F5 137138 pAAV-Ef1a-Coff/Fon-oScarlet Flp AND NOT Cre Dual...137158 pAAV-nEF-ChRmine-mScarlet None 137159 pAAV-nEF-Con/Fon-ChRmine-oScarlet Cre AND Flp 137160 pAAV-nEF-Coff...Fon-ChRmine-oScarlet Cre AND NOT Flp FRT/F5 137161 pAAV-nEF-Con/Foff 2.0-ChRmine-oScarlet Flp AND NOT ...International 129:104482. PMID:31170424 Poulin JF, Caronia G, Hofer C, Cui Q, Helm B, Ramakrishnan C, Chan...LE, Ramakrishnan C, Silberberg G, Deisseroth K, Carlén M, Meletis K. 2019. A hypothalamus-habenula circuit...
  8. CRISPR Guide

    ...CRISPR plasmid will have all desired genomic edits carried out by Cas9. Multiplexing applications include ... and delivered to specific genomic locations to carry out unique tasks. We’ll discuss more Cas9 fusion...location in the genome, where the transposase then carries out integration of donor DNA. Both types of CASTs...with the sequence, so the edit is not considered “scarless”. Figure 7: Overview of CRISPR transposases Browse...that displays improved specificity, and editors carrying an ADAR truncation that retain RNA editing capabilities... Yang, L., Esvelt, K. M., Aach, J., Guell, M., DiCarlo, J. E., Norville, J. E., & Church, G. M. (2013)...Jaenisch, R. (2013). One-Step generation of mice carrying mutations in multiple genes by CRISPR/CAS-Mediated...
  9. NETRF

    Collection cures and more effective treatments for carcinoid, pancreatic, and related neuroendocrine cancers... Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors Qiao Zhou Harvard University Epigenetic... Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors Bradley Bernstein Broad Institute Identifying...Altered Epigenetic States and Drivers in Intestinal Carcinoid and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors...
  10. Addgene Packaged on Request: Scope of Service

    ... expert viral vector production team carefully review your cargo/serotype selection after you submit your...′ ITR exceeding 4.7 kb Transfer plasmids with a cargo that may reduce titer due to toxicity or other reasons...Disclaimer Due to the novel nature of experiments carried out with our materials, Addgene cannot guarantee...
  11. Luciferase Plasmids

    ...experimental systems. LumiLuc and LumiScarlet : LumiLuc and LumiScarlet are ATP-independent luciferases ...Insertion of imperfect miRNA sequence in the 3' UTR Carl Novina 33154 pAC-Luc Firefly Creation of N-terminal...regions in Drosopholia Herman Wijnen 126033 pTETRIS-cargo Firefly For use as a reporter of the ability of ...fusion for expression in plants, co-expressed with mScarlet-I for ratiometric imaging David Nelson 141301 ...
  12. Plasmids for Stem Cell Research

    ...Species Article PI iPSCs Cardiomyocytes Lentiviral Human Robust cardiomyocyte differentiation from human...reprogramming to cardiomyocytes using calcium activity as a functional measure of success. Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013...Sci U S A. 2012 May 29. Palecek Fibroblasts Cardiomyocytes Lentiviral Mouse Optimization of direct fibroblast...
  13. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...118744 pScarlet-Kif5a KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Beverly Koller 118745 pCAG-Scarlet-Kif5a KIF5A mScarlet CAG ...mKate2 hsp70 ALS Caren Norden 105971 pME mKate2-dynactin1-811 DCTN1 mKate2 ALS Caren Norden 106093 pFRT_TO_FlagHA_TIA1...Arrowsmith 184825 pSN837 KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Kyoko Chiba 184826 pSN838 KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Kyoko Chiba 184827...184827 pSN526 KIF5A mScarlet Strep polH ALS Kyoko Chiba 184832 pSN840 KIF5A mScarlet Strep polH ALS Kyoko...JCE692) PRKCG PKC1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 16 Juan Carlos Igual 89925 Profiline PFN1 T7 ALS Guillaume Romet-Lemonne...Marius Wernig 176852 UBQLN2_450-624W UBQLN2 T7 ALS Carlos Castañeda 176915 pcDNA3.1(+)_Paragranulin+linker...TMEM106B Halo Frontotemporal dementia in GRN mutation carriers Michael Ward 178174 VAPB_Halo_C_allele VAPB Halo...
  14. Immunology Research Plasmids and Resources

    ...nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I, member 3 CAR, CAR1, MB67, MGC150433, MGC97144, MGC97209 NR2C1 nuclear...MGC126262, PSCTK1, XLA CARD11 caspase recruitment domain family, member 11 BIMP3, CARMA1, MGC133069 CD19 CD19... TDGF1 teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 CR, CRGF, CRIPTO, Cripto-1 TDGF3 teratocarcinoma-derived...2 BCL10 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10 CARMEN, CIPER, CLAP, c-E10, mE10 CARD11 caspase recruitment domain family...ECD, SEM1, SHFD1, SHSF1, Shfdg1 SLC10A2 solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter family..., RAC-gamma, STK-2 BCL10 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10 CARMEN, CIPER, CLAP, c-E10, mE10 BLNK B-cell linker BASH..., CKLF2, CKLF3, CKLF4, HSPC224, UCK-1 CLCF1 cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 BSF3, CISS2, CLC, NNT1...
  15. The Pleiades Promoter Project

    ...intron-lacZ/NLS Ple18 CARTPT pEMS1243 EGFP/NLS Ple20 CARTPT pEMS1245 EGFP/NLS Ple21 CARTPT pEMS1246 EGFP/NLS...NLS Ple21 CARTPT pEMS1492 intron-lacZ/NLS Ple22 CCKBR pEMS1493 intron-lacZ/NLS Ple23 CCKBR pEMS1494 intron-lacZ...
  16. Zhang Lab CRISPR Page

    ...oligos (design is indicated below) can be cloned scarlessly into the vector before the sgRNA scaffold. The..., and a pair of annealed oligos can be cloned scarlessly into the vector before the sgRNA scaffold. three significantly mutated genes in lung adenocarcinoma. Delivery of a single AAV vector ( AAV-KPL ...mutations, leading to macroscopic tumors of adenocarcinoma pathology. These plasmids as well as a backbone...
  17. Resolute Plasmid Collection

    ...reagents to boost the research focused on Solute carrier proteins (SLCs). Browse the SLC plasmid collection...Initiative Collection NeuroMab Collection Solute carrier proteins (SLCs) are the largest family of transporters...experiments. These libraries target the solute carrier family of proteins. Library ID PI Description Human...
  18. Cre-lox system

    ...31132 pCSCre Cre CMV Xenopus Ryffel 31309 pCARCre Cre cardiac actin Xenopus Ryffel 32144 pJFRC170-3XUAS-IVS-Cre...inducible - rrTA expression driven by mouse Nkx cardiac enhancer and promoter fragment minimal TetO-CMV...69916 pAAV.cTNT.iCre iCre and tdtomato Chicken cardiac troponin T AAV Pu 70120 pEMS2159 iCre with MCS ...Eisenhoffer 132551 AAV-U6-gRNA-TnT-Cre Cre Chicken cardiac troponin T AAV Pu 134308 pCAG-Synaptophysin-TdTomato-IRES2...
  19. Lentiviral Prep Service

    ...Library Version 1 Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 1 of the CellTag barcoding library. Version...Library Version 2 Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 2 of the CellTag barcoding library. Version...Library Version 3 Ready-to-use lentiviral particles carrying version 3 of the CellTag barcoding library. Version...
  20. Brain Initiative Collection

    ...pAAV_EF1a-DIO-PdCO-mScarlet-ER-miniWPRE Expresses optimized PdCO in frame with mScarlet under control of...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 64 results