Fluorescent Proteins 101: When GFP lets you down
Blog Post
Aug. 23, 2018, 12:05 p.m.
...conditions, with pKa values below 4. Examples include mTurquoise2 (pKa = 3.1), tagRFP (pKa = 3.1) and mCherry (...pKa = 3.8). We have observed that mCherry (and mTurquoise2, not shown) remains fluorescent in acidic organelles...successfully generated several functional heterotrimeric G-alpha subunit fusions that do not tolerate N- and ...Central PMCID: PMC3918502.
14. Chernov, Konstantin G., et al. "Near-infrared fluorescent proteins, biosensors...et al. "Real-time visualization of heterotrimeric G protein Gq activation in living cells." BMC biology...