Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion
Blog Post
Aug. 4, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
...process worked well with the common GFP variants EGFP, mGFP4-T, and S65T GFP, and no red color was observed...exciting GFP-labeled plant cells at 405 nm instead of 488 nm, Sattarzadeh et al. noticed that GFP had turned...cytosol-targeted GFP. White circles represent the irradiated area. Photoconverted GFP spreads through ...Applications and limitations of GFP photoconversion
One concern with photoconverting GFP is the expression level...intensity increases with GFP concentration and saturates around 30 uM. For low-abundance GFP fusions, a photoconversion...repurpose GFP is great news for microscopy enthusiasts!
Addgene has empty backbones containing GFP variants...monitor compartment/protein dynamics or evaluate protein turnover rate. In many cases, however, a GFP-tagged...