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Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 results
  1. Live and Let Dye: Self-Labeling Protein Tags

    Blog Post
    April 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Characterization of the Self-Labeling Protein Tags HaloTag7, SNAP-tag, and CLIP-tag. Biochemistry, 60(33), 2560–2575...application, SNAP-tag, CLIP-tag (both 182 aa), and eDHFR (159 aa) are smaller than HaloTag (295 aa) – for... the most popular self-labeling tag in Addgene’s collection. CLIP-tag: Also in 2008, Kai Johnsson’s lab...lab reported another AGT-based tag named CLIP-tag, which reacts with O2-benzylcytosine(BC) ligands (Gautier...Although based on the same original enzyme, SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag show good specificity for their own ligands...genetic tag on the protein of interest. Table 1: Summary of popular self-labeling tag systems Tag Size...aren’t as many commercial options for CLIP-tag and very few TMP-tag or tetracysteine labeling dyes.  If ...
  2. New Podcast Segment: Hot Plasmids

    Blog Post
    May 17, 2017, 3:37 p.m.
    ... segments into its own (highly Tweetable!) audio clip. In the future, you’ll be able to access these snippets...John Chodera's Lab - Get high expression of His-tagged human kinases in bactera. Listen to Our Segment...
  3. Tetbow: Bright Multicolor Labeling for Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    Jan. 24, 2019, 2:24 p.m.
    ... with containing chemical tags such as the SNAP-tag, Halo-tag, and CLIP-tag (Kohl et al., 2014) (Addgene... et al. "Ultrafast tissue staining with chemical tags." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111.36... circuits with fluorescent proteins and chemical tags." eLife 7 (2018): e40350. PubMed PMID: 30454553....
  4. Filming Science Videos in the Age of Social Distancing

    Blog Post
    May 20, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...using a simple, external video recorder and a mic clipped to her shirt. She rolled several long takes, and...record into an external recorder using a lav mic, clipped to the talent’s shirt. But knowing I would have...leisure. For virtual B-Roll (that’s the secondary footage you often see playing over the voice-over in videos...: If you’ve ever watched any behind the scenes footage in the last several years, you can usually see ...
  5. Tips for arabidopsis transformation

    Blog Post
    Oct. 25, 2018, 1:23 p.m.
    ...terminally tagged fusion proteins with fluorescent (YFP, GFP, CFP, RFP, etc.) or affinity tags (HA, FLAG...has recovered from the stress of selection you can clip a leaf and extract genomic DNA for genotyping. This...
  6. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    Dec. 22, 2016, 3:03 p.m.
    ...Roux lab has deposited HA tagged BioID2 for N-terminal fusions and Myc tagged BioID2 for C-terminal fusions...for an individual tagging event. Commonly used sequences, including fluorescent tags, a floxed Cbr-unc...proteins are tagged with Protein A-Renilla luciferase and the “prey” proteins are tagged with Firefly ...favorably to those of CLIP, the gold standard for characterizing RBP targets. One key advantage of TRIBE is To streamline CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic tag insertion in the C. elegans genome, Erik Jorgensen...119 selectable marker, and “connectors” that link tags to the targeted gene are supplied to the reaction...editing in worms to the point that high-throughput tagging projects can be performed. Schwartz, et al. Genetics...
  7. Rosella: A Fluorescent pH-Biosensor for Studying Autophagy

    Blog Post
    April 13, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...microscopy analysis is time consuming. GFP-tagged Atg8p or LC3: ATG8 is part of a group of genes that affect...) associates with autophagosomal membranes, so tagging it with GFP allows for tracking the localization...autophagosomes and autophagic bodies in yeast. A GFP-tagged version of LC3, the mammalian Atg8p homolog, can...emission spectra. DsRed is the permanent fluorescent tag portion of Rosella: it will emit red fluorescence...identify because their contents can be at various stages of degradation. Additionally, electron microscopy...DsRed.T3 and a pH-sensitive GFP variant, super ecliptic pHluorin (SEP). They are connected by a 9 amino...
  8. Fluorescent Biosensors for Measuring Autophagic Flux

    Blog Post
    Jan. 22, 2019, 2:41 p.m.
    ...generate one molecule of GFP-tagged LC3 for every one molecule of RFP-tagged LC3∆G. Like the unmodified ...connected to a pH-sensitive GFP variant, super ecliptic pHluorin (SEP). In the absence of autophagy, the...
  9. Improved Plasmid Maps Powered by SnapGene

    Blog Post
    June 29, 2017, 1:06 p.m.
    ...resistance genes, selectable markers, promoters, origins, tags, and certain ORFs. Their sophisticated detection... between the two locations and send it to the clipboard for copy and paste functionality. Sequence ...between the two locations and sends it to the clipboard for copy and paste functionality. Restriction...
  10. Cpf1 Update: Comparison to Cas9 and NgAgo

    Blog Post
    July 14, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...cousins of well-known Cas9. Cpf1 cleaves DNA in a staggered pattern and requires only one RNA rather than ...editing.  Find Cpf1 Plasmids at Addgene Potential advantages of Cpf1 Type II CRISPR systems based on Cas9 ...nt upstream of the PAM site, Cpf1 cleaves in a staggered fashion, creating a 5 nucleotide 5’ overhang 18... 18-23 bases away from the PAM. Cpf1’s staggered cleavage pattern opens up the possibility of directional...with 24 nt guides), so it has the potential to eclipse any of the CRISPR nucleases in AAV-based applications...
Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 results