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Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 results
  1. Choosing Your Fluorescent Proteins for Multi-Color Imaging

    Blog Post
    Oct. 9, 2014, 3 p.m.
    ...#49004) to the spectra of both mCherry and TagRFP.  Here, the TagRFP spectrum is shown in the darker colors...peak of the TagRFP excitation and the emission filter collects a larger fraction of the TagRFP emission ... emission. For this filter set, we would expect TagRFP to give a brighter signal than mCherry. In general...shorter wavelength red fluorescent proteins like TagRFP or mRuby2 than longer wavelength proteins like ... or one of the improved GFP variants, mRuby2 or TagRFP-T, and an infrared fluorescent protein such as ...
  2. Hot Plasmids May 2018 - Optogenetics, Decaffeination, Biosensors, and Fluorescent Protein Tools

    Blog Post
    May 15, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
    ...change that placesTagRFP-T and Dronpa in close proximity. By monitoring changes in TagRFP-T fluorescence...FLINC)-based biosensors measure fluctuations of TagRFP-T fluorescence intensity due to interactions with...membrane in living cells using a construct in which TagRFP-T and Dronpa flanked a PKA substrate fused to the...
  3. Fluorescent Tagging of Endogenous Genes with SapTrap

    Blog Post
    Oct. 12, 2017, 2:26 p.m.
    ... containing several types of fluorescent (EGFP, tagRFP, mCherry) and nonfluorescent (Halo, SNAP) tags,...NanoLuc), fluorescent proteins (TagGFP2, TagBFP, TagRFP, and T2A-TurboGFP-PEST), and small epitope tags...
  4. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    May 20, 2014, 2:06 p.m.
    ...can fold in <10min at 37°C, mCherry takes ~15min, TagRFP ~100min and DsRed ~10hours. Temperature: FPs set as 1. Some proteins are very dim (e.g. TagRFP657, which has a brightness of 0.1) and this should...
  5. 15 Hot Plasmids from 2017

    Blog Post
    Jan. 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
    ...emission spectra (N- and C-terminal tags for mTagBFP, TagRFPt, EGFP, mVenus, mCerulean3, mKOFP2) and empty vectors...
Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 results