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  1. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Protein Timers

    Blog Post
    May 4, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ....7/4.7 3.9 h (red) pMedium-FT-N1 pTRE-Medium-FT pBAD/HisB-Medium-FT Slow-FT 402 (blue), 583 (red)...separate timers shown in the table: Fast-FT, Medium-FT, and Slow-FT. These display progressively longer blue...2.8/4.1 7.1 h (red) pFast-FT-N1 pTRE-Fast-FTpBAD/HisB-Fast-FT Medium-FT 401 (blue), 579 (red) 464 2.6/4.6 28 h (red) pSlow-FT-N1 pTRE-Slow-FT pBAD/HisB-Slow-FT -  Applications of fluorescent...models for trafficking to the lysosome by fusing Medium-FT to LAMP-2A, a lysosome-associated membrane protein...monomeric FP timers (mK-GO from Tsuboi et al. and the FT series from Subach et al.) were derived from previously...Subach et al made a concerted effort to develop their FT series using their knowledge of protein structure...
  2. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    May 20, 2014, 2:06 p.m.
    ...their activation. The four main FTs are called Slow-FT, Medium-FT, Fast-FT, and mK-GO. Large Stokes Shift...switchable (e.g. rsEGFP, Dreiklang). Fluorescent Timers (FT): These proteins change their color over time. Therefore...
Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 results