Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Protein Timers
Blog Post
May 4, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
...FPs, the FP timers, add an entire new dimension to monitoring localization; using FP timers, researchers...over time.Hallmarks of fluorescent protein timers
When FP timers are first expressed, they predominantly...population of timer indicates the age of the pool: the higher the ratio, the older the pool.
FP timers have been...Terskikh et al. reported the production of dsRed E5. This timer predictably transitions from green to red...expression time.
2. Timer functionality with a single gene
Although it is possible to make a timer system composed... of the common FP timers is that you can monitor age by expressing a single FP-timer protein or protein.... Of course, timers may be sensitive to changes in oxygen, temperature, and pH, but timer activity can...