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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results
  1. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Protein Timers

    Blog Post
    ...FPs, the FP timers, add an entire new dimension to monitoring localization; using FP timers, researchers...over time.Hallmarks of fluorescent protein timers When FP timers are first expressed, they predominantly...population of timer indicates the age of the pool: the higher the ratio, the older the pool. FP timers have been...Terskikh et al. reported the production of dsRed E5. This timer predictably transitions from green to red...expression time. 2. Timer functionality with a single gene Although it is possible to make a timer system composed... of the common FP timers is that you can monitor age by expressing a single FP-timer protein or protein.... Of course, timers may be sensitive to changes in oxygen, temperature, and pH, but timer activity can...
  2. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    ...switchable (e.g. rsEGFP, Dreiklang). Fluorescent Timers (FT): These proteins change their color over time...time. Therefore, these can be used as “timers” for cellular processes following their activation. The ... 37°C, mCherry takes ~15min, TagRFP ~100min and DsRed ~10hours. Temperature: FPs maturation times and ...
  3. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

    Blog Post
    ...protein dsRed that changes irreversibly its color from green to red when it is oxidized. The Timer tool ...Yan labs developed MitoTimer plasmids. MitoTimer proteins are derived from the Timer protein - a mutant...occurs during Timer protein life due to a form of oxidation (dehydrogenation). MitoTimers are composed ...the induction of both DsRed fluorescence and GFP shRNA. Mice carrying the R26DsRedR; CRUSH-GFP; and Nestin-Cre...composed of a Timer protein fused to the mitochondrial targeting sequence of cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIII...has used an inducible MitoTimer reporter using a Tet-on system (pTRE-Tight-MitoTimer) to show its usefulness...Bomati et al., Sci Rep 2014 Jun 27;4:5469. MitoTimer plasmids to report mitochondrial turnover ...
  4. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Photoactivatable Photoconvertible Photoswitchable Timers Blue/UV Protein Excitation (nm) Emission (nm) Brightness... - Mammalian Expression Jump to Top Fluorescent Timers Protein Excitation (nm) Emission (nm) Brightness...Gateway cloning; includes tagging with ECFP, EYFP, DsRed, Cerulean Bacteria Gradia Lab Bacterial Vectors ...Mammalian Expression DsRed2 563 582 24 Tetramer pCAG-DsRed2 - Mammalian Expression DsRed2-N1 - Mammalian Expression... Expression DsRed2-C1 - Mammalian Expression DsRed2-pBAD - Bacterial Expression mApple 568 592 37 6.5 ...
  5. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...Plasmids Daniele Arosio Redox/ROS MitoTimer, mitochondrial targeted DsRed1-E5 as a reporter for mitochondrial...mitochondrial oxidative stress A novel MitoTimer reporter gene for mitochondrial content, structure, stress and...
Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results