Teaching an Old DOG New Tricks: Controlling Protein Activity with GFP
Blog Post
Nov. 24, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
...electroporation studies, DsRed reporter expression was induced in ~76% of GFP+ cells, and 100% of DsRed+ cells also...mouse retina. GFP expression robustly activated the reporter gene TdTomato, whose expression was absent without.... Cepko lab researcher Jonathan Tang wanted to express a variety of proteins in single cell types in the... could use previously established mouse lines expressing GFP in specific cell types to do more than just...cells. If GFP could be co-opted to control gene expression, he could then selectively manipulate only GFP-labeled...GFP, but commonly used red fluorescent proteins dsRed, mCherry, and TdTomato do not induce transcription...and rTetR systems such that they activate gene expression from different promoters.
Moving to an in vivo...