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Showing: 161 - 180 of 794 results
  1. Antibodies 101: Choosing the Right Isotype

    Blog Post
    April 6, 2023, 3 p.m.
    ...your experiment (all well validated for your application, of course!) When the stars are aligned and the...factors that affect isotype choice. Target and application should be considered The first question you may... a strong signal and to work in a variety of applications. The desired specificity of your secondary antibody...affect my experiment?” Well, it depends on the application and target. If you are running a basic is expressed at very low levels or your application requires a high degree of affinity, then species...considered when choosing an antibody. In some applications probing species-on-species, i.e. using a mouse...mouse IgG2a and rat IgG1 antibodies in the same application, using a Goat anti-mouse IgG2a cross-adsorbed...
  2. 7 Simple Strategies to Resolve Conflicts with Difficult Supervisors

    Blog Post
    Jan. 21, 2015, 1:30 p.m.
    ... series.  “The only healthy communication style is assertive communication.” - Jim Rohn, Author, Entrepreneur...I heard about supervisors in all of the above categories. In addition, I also learned about two other ...Assertiveness? An assertive person is able to communicate their ideas confidently while also considering...of the most frequent sources of conflict is miscommunication. For example, you might misunderstand your...the wrong direction. The best way to avoid miscommunication is to follow up after every meeting with an...workplace, these strategies will help you to communicate with confidence earn respect from your an email, there is a high likelihood of miscommunication, which can lead to even more conflicts. If...
  3. Plasmids 101: Optimizing Plasmid Yields

    Blog Post
    May 26, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...are, you’ll even have DNA left over for other applications, like PCR, cloning, transfection, or long-term...wash step or use a different strain. For most applications, Addgene uses and recommends DH5𝝰! This strain...cloning Bacterial strains adapted for protein purification use the cell’s resources to produce high levels...retransforming the plasmid into a strain meant for DNA purification. It sounds like extra work, but it will likely...your E. coli to ensure it is suitable for your application. We have previously reviewed many common lab ...partially specified by a plasmid’s origin of replication, but can also be affected by the plasmid size...the material used for inoculation. To further complicate matters, plasmid copy numbers are often ambiguous...
  4. FLEx Technology and Optogenetics: Flipping the switch on gene expression with high spatial and temporal resolution

    Blog Post
    Oct. 17, 2019, 12:28 p.m.
    ...and Jinfang Zhu. "Immunologic applications of conditional gene modification technology in the mouse." Current...contributed by Alessia Armezzani, scientific communication manager at genOway. A few decades ago, the brain...École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Her love for educational science led her to pursue a teaching career, ..., and she now is a very happy scientific communication manager at genOway.     Acknowledgement:Through...Bacteriophage P1 site-specific recombination. Purification and properties of the Cre recombinase protein...): 7025-7030. PubMed PMID: 18614669. Belzung, Catherine, Marc Turiault, and Guy Griebel. "Optogenetics...Yizhar, and Karl Deisseroth. "The development and application of optogenetics." Annual review of neuroscience...
  5. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

    Blog Post
    Oct. 9, 2018, 12:21 p.m.
    ...need? Multiple first or corresponding author publications (published, not in preparation) A history of...The other items will follow. If you get more publications, you will be more competitive for write as well as mentor. Yet, even the most dedicated mentor is not always available for mentees due... project. Furthermore, Group Leader position applications require 3 letters of reference- the graduate...interests, complementary perspectives, a shared communication style. You “get” each other. The other factor...makes time for you, as needed, this is a strong indicator that this person cares about your science and ...spurious yet intriguing findings that fail to replicate. Plan experiments logically and strategically ...
  6. Antibodies 101: Validation

    Blog Post
    March 24, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...intended application - Remember, just because your antibody performs as expected in one application does ...strategies for antibody validation in different applications. Here, I want to highlight the general suggestions...intentionally generalizable and not specific to certain applications or antibody targets. That said, not every strategy...will be suitable for every antibody or every application. The goal is to show that your antibody has been...strategy to use will depend on your intended application and available resources.     Figure 1...confident in your data. This is a good option for applications like immunohistochemistry on human tissues, ... for validating antibodies for immunocapture applications and is amenable to high-throughput analyses,...
  7. Optogenetics + CRISPR, Using Light to Control Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    Sept. 3, 2020, 12:15 p.m.
    ...light has limited applications in vivo. UV and blue light is readily absorbed and scattered by the skin, so...strategies Publication System nickname Photoactivatable moiety Cas9 variatn CRISPR protein application Split...improvements to CRISPR technology since its initial applications for genome engineering in 2012.  Many of these...scientists to use light to externally control the location, timing, and reversibility of the genome editing...enzymatic activity. Photoactivatable genome modifications by NHEJ and HDR using split systems Later in...mutations via NHEJ (frequency of 20.5%) and induced modifications by HDR (frequency of 7.2%). The authors additionally...light (730 nm). This nucleotide triggers the translocation of the protein BldD to the nucleus. To couple...
  8. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    Nov. 19, 2013, 2:37 p.m.
    ...insert will typically contain both a protein modification sequence and a selectable gene product for isolation...tags have been integrated. Simply design your amplification primers with the desired targeting homology—.... cerevisiae, looking at their performance in categories such as brightness, stability, and disruption...optimal FP combinations for use in yeast imaging, categorized by specific filter sets and experimental output...This collection is ideal for tandem affinity purification of protein complexes. John Pringle and Jürg ...deposited a large collection of plasmids for genome modification in yeast developed by Dr. Pringle’s former lab...collection of plasmids for a wide variety of genome modifications in S. Pombe, including full and partial gene...
  9. Droplet Digital PCR for AAV Quantitation

    Blog Post
    Jan. 16, 2020, 2:18 p.m.
    ...take to achieve a clean NTC: Have a dedicated bench with a dedicated set of pipettes for ddPCR set-up. .... Each droplet contains the ingredients for amplification of the target DNA. This partitioning reduces...detection of the product. As an added benefit, replicates are built into the technology. One well (containing...droplet contains the material required for a mini amplification reaction to take place.  When the PCR is complete...number of cycles. After additional rounds of amplification, your fluorescence amplitude will increase, ... use ddPCR for AAV titration, there are many applications for the technology.  Droplet digital PCR is ...being used in the detection of microbes. Some applications include measuring viable probiotics and detecting...
  10. Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

    Blog Post
    Feb. 9, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ... put it best when he stated, “the value of an education . . . is not the learning of many facts but the...possible to bring the kinds of transformative educational experiences afforded to those fortunate enough...which can lead to greater success in meeting educational goals (Kowalski et al., 2016; Scott, 2021). In...CUREs are beginning to transform undergraduate education in the sciences by making a greater number of ...scientific research more inclusive. CBE Life Sciences Education. 13(4):602-606. Brian, D. 1996, Einstein: A Life...positive STEM attitudes in CUREs. CBE Life Sciences Education. 21(4):ar74. Duboue, E., Kowalko, J., Keene, A...biochemistry laboratory: Part I – guided inquiry – purification and characterization of a fusion protein: Histidine...
  11. Negative Can Be Positive: Open AAV Data with Addgene

    Blog Post
    Sept. 6, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...caudal NST. (A-C) Low-magnification images showing viral spread. (D-F)  High-magnification images immuno-stained... right AAV for your system or to successfully replicate published works. Of particular importance to these...improve our Addgene Data Hub, 76% of respondents indicated they wanted to see more negative data (Figure ...minimum n = 2, and well labeled high- and low-magnification images demonstrating vector performance) will...performance. Yet, most of the technical data needed to replicate and build on others’ results is available not ...information provided in openly accessible forms like publications. Why not get this data out there?  The Addgene...Sommer, J. M., Pierce, G. F., & Qu, G. (2005). Identification of factors that contribute to recombinant AAV2...
  12. pSiM24: Simplifying Plant Genetic Engineering

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...for both transient and stable gene expression applications in plants. This smaller, easily customizable...Agrobacterium are termed binary vectors because they must replicate in two species: Agrobacterium and E. coli. Like.... coli. However, they also need to be able to replicate in Agrobacterium to ensure that they are maintained... Thus, binary vectors contain two origins of replication, one each for E. coli and Agrobacterium, along...bases each. By switching the E. coli origin of replication and codon-optimizing the Agrobacterium ORI, they...constitutively active M24 promoter has been modified with duplicated enhancer domains and characterized in studies...these properties of pSiM24 are suitable for many applications, the plasmid can also be customized due to its...
  13. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Tools for Making Scientific Graphics

    Blog Post
    June 11, 2019, 1:16 p.m. that let me create graphics that better communicated the science in my blog posts. This post tools which will hopefully also help you communicate your science, whether it’s in presentations, ...number of drawing tools, so it’s harder to draw intricate figures, like a brain or a mouse. Vectr Vectr ...without the watermark, which are better suited for publications, if you sign up for a paid account.  I’m proud... free medical images organized into four main categories: anatomy and the human body, cellular biology...appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made to the images. This requirement...easier to give attribution, than for journal publications. Google Image Search Google image search is ...
  14. Viral Vectors 101: Parts of the AAV Packaging Plasmid

    Blog Post
    Dec. 3, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Rep78/68 play a key role in AAV genome replication. Replication initiates from the AAV genome ITRs on ...contains the proteins needed for the virus to replicate,  and the transfer plasmid which contains the ...aka the RepCap plasmid encodes two genes: the replication (rep) gene and the capsid (cap) gene. In wild-type...its products. Created with   Replication (rep) gene The rep gene encodes four proteins...proteins that are required for viral genome replication and packaging: Rep78, Rep68, Rep52, and Rep40. Rep gene... generate a 3’ hydroxyl group needed for DNA replication, Rep78/68 binds the Rep binding element (RBE)...nicked by its endonuclease domain. Following replication, Rep78/68 stays attached to the AAV genome and...
  15. Finding nucleic acids with SHERLOCK and DETECTR

    Blog Post
    April 16, 2020, 1 p.m.
    ...activated” Cas13 produces a quantifiable signal that indicates the presence of your targeted nucleic acid. To...amplified using RPA (recombinase polymerase amplification) or reverse transcriptase (RT)-RPA, respectively...RNA for subsequent detection by Cas13. This amplification step in combination with the ssRNA reporter ... introduced in 2017 so the lab made further modifications to improve their detection system. They named... SHERLOCKv2 uses far less primer in the pre-amplification step allowing for greater quantitation without...hour. Find the SHERLOCK plasmids at Addgene! Applications of the SHERLOCK detection system The Zhang lab...portability. This method can be used for an array of applications including clinical diagnostics (e.g. pathogen...
  16. Overcoming the AAV Size Limitation for CRISPR Delivery

    Blog Post
    Sept. 16, 2020, 1 p.m.
    ...described above showed successful target modification, indicating that AAV is a good delivery vehicle for... with AAV. This system fuses catalytically dead dCas13b to the catalytic domain of RNA deaminase ADAR2...overall packaging capacity but necessitating purification and co-infection of two AAVs. Cas9 orthologs...Streptococcus thermophilus and a rationally-designed truncated Cas9. Unfortunately, certain drawbacks limit the...that limits the number of targetable loci, and truncated Cas9 has much lower efficiency than its wild-type...the AAV-SaCas9-sgRNA constructs mediate genome modification, but they did so without a substantial immune...ADAR2. Constructs containing the ADAR2 truncation ADAR2DD(delta984-1090) are approximately 4.1 kb in length...
  17. Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter

    Blog Post
    May 21, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
    ...excellent communication skills” try giving an example, like “I have extensive communication experience...usually yes! A good cover letter won’t hurt your application, but it can certainly help you stand out.  In...letter is vital, particularly in fields where communication and writing are key skills. Other fields, often...consider cover letters an important part of the application. Even within an organization, there can be variance...good cover letter!) As with any part of the job application process, it's a good idea to talk to people in... to proactively address questions about your application. These could be logistical, like briefly explaining...explaining a gap in your job history or sharing relocation plans. They can be skills-based: if you're switching...
  18. CRISPR 101: Targeting RNA with Cas13a (C2c2)

    Blog Post
    Sept. 21, 2017, 2:07 p.m.
    ...use, functional in most species, and has many applications. That said, SpCas9 is not the only game in town... makes this molecule unique, and the various applications of Cas13a. The origins of Cas13a: An RNA cleaving...53 potential candidate genes that fell into 3 categories based on the architecture of the CRISPR protein... is analogous to the PAM sequence for Cas9, is located at the 3’ end of the spacer sequence and consists...discussed below. Subscribe to CRISPR Blog Posts Applications of Cas13a   Figure 1: Using Cas13a as...) is amplified using Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) or Reverse-transcription RPA (RT-RPA),...fluorophore. The fluorescent signal can be used as an indicator to determine whether the target sequence is present...
  19. Antibodies 101: Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post
    July 20, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ... it passes through and scatters in different directions. The degree of scatter is captured by detectors...Light that scatters sideways to the path that it was initially traveling is called side scatter (SSC) and...granulocytes in a plot of forward scatter (FSC) versus side scatter (SSC). Users can gate around their...protein composition. It is used for a variety of applications such as measuring target protein expression ...expression levels, assessing post-translational modifications, determining cell health, analyzing cell cycle stages...size and complexity, measured using visible light scatter The optical system has both visible and it was initially traveling is called forward scatter (FSC) and provides information about the relative...
  20. Optimizing Donor DNA for Enhanced CRISPR Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    March 24, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... reagent. This interplay falls into two broad categories and thus, causes two types of editing outcomes...altering its function). HDR is crucial for certain applications, for example, correcting the allele that causes... dissociation rates and discovered that the catalytically active form of the nuclease dissociates very...we measured identical dissociation rates for catalytically inactive dCas9 molecules. We followed these ...Our in vitro results also demonstrated that catalytically inactive dCas9 produced a “bubble” structure...nucleofection The in vivo editing experiments in this publication were performed using a technique called nucleofection...Additonal Corn Lab Members who worked on this publication:         References 1. Richardson, Christopher...
Showing: 161 - 180 of 794 results