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Showing: 101 - 120 of 330 results
  1. PCR Applications for Copy Number Variation Assays

    Blog Post
    April 26, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ..., Nik Yusof, N. K., Lee, C. K., Abu Bakar, S., AbuBakar, S., Hollox, E. J., & Boon Peng, H. (2015). A ...2792.1. Epub 2011 May 9. PMID: 21554069. Haridan, U. S., Mokhtar, U., Machado, L. R., Abdul Aziz, A. T., ...
  2. A Look Back at One Year of Plasmid Sharing for COVID-19 Research

    Blog Post
    July 12, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...deposited plasmids for the expression of cathepsin S, L, and B. This became a great starting point for ...Bertozzi CR, Carette JE, Stanley SA, Harris E, Konermann S, Hsu PD (2021) Genome-wide, bidirectional CRISPR screens...Garcia N, Whiteman MB, McKay LGA, Lelis FJN, Habibi S, Cai Y, Rennick LJ, Duprex WP, McCarthy KR, Lavine...
  3. To Codon Optimize or Not: That is the Question

    Blog Post
    Nov. 12, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...codon bias across all endogenous genes in E. coli and S. cerevisiae (Tuller et. al., 2010). Figure Gustafsson C, Govindarajan S, Minshull J (2004) Codon bias and heterologous protein...synthetic biology in Natural or synthetic? How Addgene;s dataset reveals trends in biological innovation Resources...
  4. Transferable Skills Guide: Managing a Team

    Blog Post
    Jan. 30, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
    ... because I only left him/her with small tasks and s/he was always asking for more work (this is a big ...your network…. I found it helpful to plan my week(s) in advance as much as possible so I could more you, just like you are supporting your report(s). This means that you should be able to go to your...
  5. Tips for Screening with Yeast Two Hybrid Systems

    Blog Post
    Oct. 22, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ... heterologous systems (e.g. mammalian proteins in S. cerevisiae). While this may be difficult to resolve...1985; 43:729-736. PubMed PMID: 3907859. 4. Fields, S., Song, O. A novel genetic system to detect protein-protein...membrane protein interactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004; 101(33):12242–12247. Pubmed PMID: 15299147...
  6. A Practical Guide to Optimizing AAV DIO and FLEx Vector Expression

    Blog Post
    Nov. 2, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ... and resources References Aschauer DF, Kreuz S, Rumpel S (2013) Analysis of Transduction Efficiency, Tropism... OS, Velardo MJ, Peden CS, Williams P, Zolotukhin S, Reier PJ, Mandel RJ, Muzyczka N (2004) Dudek AM, Pillay S, Puschnik AS, Nagamine CM, Cheng F, Qiu J, Carette...
  7. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Antibodies

    Blog Post
    Jan. 19, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...012198382-6/50026-1 Wang R, Xiang S, Feng Y, Srinivas S, Zhang Y, Lin M, Wang S (2013) Engineering Ayyar BV, Arora S, Ravi SS (2017) Optimizing antibody expression: The...
  8. RNA Interference in Plant Biology: New Tools for an Old Favorite

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...processed miRNA or siRNAs then silence the target gene(s) either transcriptionally or post-transcriptionally...produced that contains sequence against your gene(s) of interest and the reporter. This approach greatly...Plant Biology 7:251–257 . Li J-F, Chung HS, Niu Y, Bush J, McCormack...F, Joberty G, Zinn N, Mueller WF, Clauder-Münster S, Eberhard D, Fälth Savitski M, Grandi P, Jakob P, ...
  9. CRISPR Methods for Bacteria: Genome Engineering, CRISPRa, CRISPRi, Base Editing, and More

    Blog Post
    Sept. 28, 2020, noon
    ...detectable using PCR. The system also functions in S. pneumoniae and can be used to generate multiple mutations...gene lambda Red. pTargetF contains the specific gRNA(s), and the repair template is supplied as a dsDNA fragment...Perutka J, Powell JE, Geng P, Richhart DD, Byrom M, Kar S, Davies BW, Ellington AD, Moran NA, Barrick JE (2018....7b00399 Li Q, Sun B, Chen J, Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Yang S (2021) A modified pCas/pTargetF system for CRISPR-...AK, Carette X, Potluri L-P, Sharp JD, Xu R, Prisic S, Husson RN (2016) Investigating essential gene function...
  10. Sensing Neuronal Dopamine

    Blog Post
    July 30, 2019, 12:59 p.m.
    ...showed rapid response (60 or 130 ms on and 0.7 or 2.5 s off, for mouse or human receptors, respectively). ...AAV vector inventory. References Darvesh, Altaf S., et al. "In vivo brain microdialysis: advances in...
  11. Antibodies 101: Affinity Tags

    Blog Post
    Sept. 19, 2023, 1 p.m.
    ...western blot and immunofluorescence. GST  Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) is a 26 kDa tag which can be Fox, J. D., & Waugh, D. S. (2002). Maltose-Binding Protein as a Solubility Enhancer...
  12. Proximity Labeling: A Powerful Tool for Protein Complex Purification and Proteomic Mapping

    Blog Post
    Dec. 2, 2019, 2 p.m. (Ge et al., 2019). This technique relies on an S. auerus transpeptidase sortase A variant (mgSrtA),...-1837. PubMed PMID: 30676735. Kim, D. I., Jensen, S. C., Noble, K. A., KC, B., Roux, K. H., Motamedchaboki... PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4831873. Lam, Stephanie S., et al. "Directed evolution of APEX2 for electron...
  13. Deep Mutational Scanning with One Pot Saturation Mutagenesis

    Blog Post
    Feb. 22, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ...this. 2) When your gene of interest has a BbvCI site(s). If so, the nicking mutagenesis protocol will still...still work if the orientation of the BbvCI site(s) of the gene are in the same orientation as those in directed mutagenesis to remove the BbvCI site(s). Overall, the key features of the one-pot saturation...
  14. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

    Blog Post
    April 20, 2021, 2:30 p.m.
    ...// Joglekar AV, Sandoval S (2017) Pseudotyped Lentiviral Vectors: One Vector,...10.1128/jvi.71.8.6174-6178.1997 Wickersham IR, Finke S, Conzelmann K-K, Callaway EM (2006) Retrograde neuronal...Wickersham IR, Lyon DC, Barnard RJO, Mori T, Finke S, Conzelmann K-K, Young JAT, Callaway EM (2007) Monosynaptic...
  15. Advanced Uses of Cre-lox and Flp-FRT - A Neuroscientist’s View

    Blog Post
    Oct. 19, 2017, 1:54 p.m. invert or ‘flip DNA’, is derived from the yeast S. cerevisiae (Gronostajski and Sadowski 1985). The ...References 1. Atasoy, D., Y. Aponte, H. H. Su, and S. M. Sternson. 2008. “A FLEX Switch Targets Channelrhodopsin...Ligand-Dependent Chimeric Cre Recombinase.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92(15): 6991–95. PubMed PMID: 7624356. PubMed Central...
  16. CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit

    Blog Post
    Nov. 3, 2022, 12:15 p.m.
    ...Renaud J-B, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J, Joly J-S, Concordet J-P. Evaluation of...e58. Cancellieri S, Canver MC, Bombieri N, Giugno R, Pinello L. CRISPRitz...
  17. Revamp Your Lab Meetings With Creative Virtual Collaboration

    Blog Post
    Feb. 9, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Denfeld BA, de Eyto E, Hampton SE, Keller PS, Sharma S, Lewis ASL, Weyhenmeyer GA, O’Reilly CM, Lofton ME... Wuchty S, Jones BF, Uzzi B (2007) The Increasing Dominance ...
  18. Choosing Your Fluorescent Proteins for Multi-Color Imaging

    Blog Post
    Oct. 9, 2014, 3 p.m.
    ...that can be imaged with the optics on the microscope(s) you intend to use. An accurate determination of whether...protein that is supposed to be extremely bright. In S. cerevisiae, we've tested a number of green and red...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 330 results