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Showing: 41 - 60 of 604 results
  1. An Addgene Co-op: The Intersection of Fun, Friendship, and Work

    Blog Post
    June 29, 2023, 7 p.m.
    ...collection. While most days I was up to my neck in to-dos, I also found time to go out to sushi restaurants... building strong connections with coworkers and doing something meaningful with my career. I can’t much of her focus is on the scientific work we do while mine is mainly within content and business.... who are interested in understanding the work you do, in addition to being genuinely interested in net and trampoline all at once. I was able to do something that was challenging while helping us spreadsheets every day of my co-op. I had to do research on loads of different best practices, create...
  2. Oh, The Places You Can Go: Careers in Science Communication - Writing for a Research Institute

    Blog Post
    Feb. 2, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
    ...contracting life where you do a little bit of work for one client and then switch to doing something else. You...always loved science, but didn’t know what she would do if she wasn’t at the bench.  “I was literally sitting...with a postdoc, and I’m like, “Oh my god, what can I do?! This is a mistake! Why did I even come [to grad...’s a science writer?” Learning about SciComm by doing SciComm Writing had always been a strength of Susan...s something that good storytellers in science can do.” Susan’s number one piece of advice for getting...on things.” Susan personally found this easier to do while still in school since opportunities, such as...
  3. Career Coaching for Scientists: Why and Where Do I Find One?

    Blog Post
    Jan. 29, 2015, 1:25 p.m.
    ...improve their current job situation. What can a coach do that is different from an adviser, boss or mentor...have seen, without exception, that this helps people do a better job at reaching their goals.  Check out ...aware of the benefits of coaching relationships and do not know where to look for a coach. Many (most?) ...will cost a fortune for a successful outcome. How do I find a coach? Start with referrals. Are there scientists...what your goals are for the coaching relationship. Do you want to change jobs? Grow your professional presence...need to choose well. What are their qualifications? Do they have certifications? How can they demonstrate...and Anthony Collmann of White Consulting frequently do sessions by Skype or phone. Samantha Sutton is another...
  4. Lab to Office Culture Shock

    Blog Post
    Feb. 5, 2019, 1:04 p.m. to help you do your job as well as possible. It’s in their best interest to do so, sure, but it ... something to do and there is no thumb twiddling. But you like the downtime, you say? Do you know what... anymore. Being a scientist is not about what you do--it’s about how you think. I have not worked at the... how much of that time you’re actually spending doing work. Yes, you may legitimately need to be in the...the opportunity to learn their “language”, and in doing so you may discover that your career options are...the meetings you’re attending are a waste of time, do what you can to fix them, and take a look at these...
  5. Career Insights: Technical Support Specialist

    Blog Post
    Nov. 9, 2017, 2 p.m.
    ... issue, you will do well in a technical support role. What general characteristics do jobs in technical...Additional Resources on the Addgene Blog Read What Do I Do Now? Academic v. Non-Academic Career Decisions ...results, answer loads of questions, and I also had to do some troubleshooting as advised by the technical ...that rather unpleasant experience I thought: I could do this job so much better. Driven by that, I successfully...different from those specified on its data sheet?” or “Do you have additional data regarding the specificity... Outreach Scientist at Addgene. These days he's doing a lot of science communication, and is particularly...
  6. An Inside Look into Addgene's Dev Team

    Blog Post
    Jan. 23, 2020, 2:45 p.m.
    ...supposed to be doing. When this happens, we discuss and agree on a common name. While we do our best to ... another point of collaboration for us. I enjoy doing code reviews because it’s like a little peek into...and fixing bugs: we take time during each sprint to do some maintenance work on our code. One way to tidying up your home. You could choose to only do the dishes once a month, resulting in a dangerous...dangerous mountain of dirty dishes or you could choose to do the dishes after every meal and be reassured of two years, from planning to completion, to do this upgrade while continuing to add new features...Conclusion While none of us are life science majors, we do our best to understand the science. By understanding...
  7. The Importance of a Fun Workplace: Company Culture at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Sept. 3, 2015, 2:30 p.m. culture! Addgene is the best place to work, we do SO many fun things!!”  Okay - honestly, maybe not...thoroughly. It’s kind of a chicken and egg situation- do we work so hard so we have time to play later? everyone is kind and collaborative and all we do is have fun all day long, whistling while we work...included) that plan big company events and fun things to do throughout the month. Although we are busy with many...tough to come up with new and interesting things to do, feel free to crowdsource! 2. Free food generally...dangle the carrot (or more popularly- cookies). 3. Do something outside of your ordinary environment Team...your office space too Balance point number 3 with doing fun things within your office. This way people don...
  8. How-to: 5 Steps to a Great Panel Discussion

    Blog Post
    Oct. 22, 2014, 1:57 p.m.
    ...reading email). My advice is always "don't do it unless you can do it well" – even the smallest program. I... personal rule is that I do not let the panelists introduce themselves. I do a 1-2 minute introduction... with a few questions. Who is out there? What do they do? Find out their areas of science or expertise...bios were likely part of the publicity. Good panels do not waste time on long introductions. The moderator...
  9. Story of a SynBio Startup: RevBio's Epiphany (or Lack Thereof)

    Blog Post
    June 5, 2014, 3:32 p.m. that change color throughout the day) and doing this with very little money. So when did inspiration...biology PhD’s. I was facing the prospect of having to do a third postdoc in order to rebuild my resume, so...we spent a lot of time talking about what we could do to make ourselves marketable to the wider world and...altogether. We had a lot of ideas about things we could do for work, and they weren’t restricted to science ...some point, our ideas got pretty good. We started doing extracurricular research on some of them to see ...along the lines of “I hate GMOs, but what you are doing makes sense. I can support that.” That was interesting...building this company, and that’s what we want it to do. It’s exhilarating to have that sort of freedom. ...
  10. Interview with Bart Newland, Addgene’s Newest Board Member

    Blog Post
    Aug. 3, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...organization and see how I can help. Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work? BN: I love to travel and...interesting. It’s very varied. There’s IP work to do, general corporate work, and negotiating contracts...bring to Addgene -- that comfort with saying, “if we do this, then what?” I hope to bring that business experience...
  11. Transferable Skills Guide: Creativity

    Blog Post
    Jan. 18, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ... unrelated to do (many Addgenies enjoy rock climbing, for example) and let your brain do some thinking...had to think creatively to solve a problem. But how do you intentionally engage in a creative problem-solving...during. (Boyes, 2019) If you’ve taken the time to do this and are still struggling with idea generation...on your problem-solving resources. What would you do if you had all the funding in the world? What if ...if you could hire more people? What would you do with unlimited time? Another strategy for your brainstorm...participants feel comfortable sharing their ideas? And how do we give people the opportunity to speak out and prevent...If all else fails, one of the best things you can do for yourself when you’re stuck on a problem is to...
  12. Bringing Sustainable Practices to the Lab: Easy Action Items

    Blog Post
    April 22, 2019, 12:26 p.m.
    ...Here are a few easy and fast things you can start doing right away to reduce your consumption in the lab...on all the latest news and encourage your peers to do the same. Long-term lab conservation goals Lastly...motivated and to feel accomplished. In addition to doing some of the quick things above, try joining or starting... -80 °C freezer to -70 °C and teach other labs to do the same. -70 °C is cold enough to keep some common...
  13. Drew Endy Introduces the Biobrick Public Agreement Plasmid Collection

    Blog Post
    Dec. 12, 2013, 3:35 p.m.
    ...together 10-gene systems, what do you want to make? So, tell us readers, what do you want to make?   References..., and the future of the bioeconomy. Addgene: What do these BIOFAB and BIL gates kits – the first to be...Typically when people use plasmids, they are trying to do one thing at a time. What the BioBricks Foundation...every primary metabolite in a cell. The only way to do that at scale right now is to grow up a bunch of ...displays for control and visualization. Addgene: What do you envision for the future as this programming language... You can now forward engineer a 10-gene system to do something. We know from our testing of these parts...
  14. Q&A with Karen Katz and Carl Paratore, the Newest Members of the Addgene Board of Directors

    Blog Post
    Feb. 19, 2019, 1:36 p.m. been able to watch the growth since then. What do you think is the most important resource that Addgene...and other necessary information that’s required to do research. Paratore: What I’ve been most impressed...distributing them and spending more time on research. What do you hope Addgene will accomplish in the near future...progresses in 2019 and beyond. In your perspective, what do you think are important considerations for the future...Master the fundamentals. Before you can go off and do great things in a particular area or profession, ... fundamentals.   What are your favorite things to do out of the office? Katz: I have a puppy and so I ...
  15. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

    Blog Post
    Dec. 11, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
    ...and @HelloPhD "Role" call. #BLACKandSTEM what do you do? — Stephani Page, PhD 👩🏾‍🔬💜 (@ThePurplePage... I'm my lab's resident #scicomm expert. What tips do you have for using social media as a scientist? Twitter and LinkedIn probably had something to do with it. Five resources to help you get started ...people for about a week and then unfollow those who do not capture your interest during that week.” You useful, but it’s also one more thing on your to do list. This video shows quick ways social media can...
  16. Protein Tagging with CRISPR/Cas9: A Conversation with Mendenhall and Myers

    Blog Post
    July 28, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...figure out where they bind to the genome. We’ve been doing that for years using this assay called ChIP-seq,... In adapting the CRISPR/Cas system, what we are doing is adding in a second plasmid to target an epitope...quickly? Myers: We were hoping to figure out how to do this for many hundreds of transcription factors. ...antibody problem. We thought it was the right thing to do to put these out there. It’s a simple solution. It...from FLAG to GFP or a different epitope. Addgene: Do you have any additional tips, tricks, or words of... social pressure on many other labs that may be doing something similar. There may be other variants of...
  17. Summer SciComm: Science Storytelling

    Blog Post
    Sept. 16, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...they do it.    Finding Conflict in Science  In all science communication, what you are doing is telling...they’re firmly part of the story to the scientists doing the work.  And while these pieces aren't always ...of my story” and that’s a very valid critique! But do you remember earlier when I said that even when we...t that sense of curiosity and wonder why you’re doing and sharing science in the first place?   References...
  18. Addgene's Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

    Blog Post
    Dec. 7, 2015, 6 p.m.
    ...that we are doing just that. Do you like the direction the blog has taken over the past year? Do you think... 7. Career Coaching for Scientists: Why and Where Do I Find One? If you need help making a transition...Addgenie Joanne Kamens explains what career coaches do and offers up some career coach suggestions. 8. ...
  19. Management for Scientists: What Makes a Good Manager Anyway?

    Blog Post
    Dec. 9, 2014, 2:22 p.m. the principle that you can't motivate people to do things, you can only demotivate them. The primary...less a really good one). While getting your PhD or doing a postdoc few science trainees will have opportunities...hard and most people have some learning they need to do before they can be good at it. Like any other skill...freedom and diversity built into their jobs Chance to do/learn new things, diversity of responsibilities, ...if opportunities for learning and personal growth do not exist or if they feel underutilized in their ...
  20. How Do I Place an Addgene Order Using a PO Number?

    Blog Post
    Feb. 27, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...customer place an Addgene order using a PO number? Why do I have to order directly from your website? Many ...sent to the contact email addresses provided. How do I place an order using a PO number? Placing an order... PO, learn more about how to create a quote. How do I pay the invoice? After your Addgene order ships...this article, check out our Help Center article How do I pay by purchase order (PO) number? You can find...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 604 results