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Showing: 481 - 500 of 794 results
  1. Addgene's Cancer Collection Pages Connect the Research Community

    Blog Post
    Sept. 6, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... millions of people die from cancer-related complications each year. Despite these grim statistics, new...any of these genes through several different applications such as fluorescent protein fusion studies and...Lemieux is a Scientist at Addgene with interests in education and scientific writing.     References 1. Martz...Martz, Colin A., et al. "Systematic identification of signaling pathways with potential to confer anticancer...
  2. A Guide to Starting Your Own Journal Club

    Blog Post
    Feb. 6, 2020, 3 p.m.
    ...emerging work by collaboratively discussing recent publications in a specific field(s). Most anyone who has ...the company at large, by polling and informal communications we made a decision to try out a Bioinformatics...major findings and then focusing more on broader implications rather than diving deep into the individual ....  These variations are suited for different applications and should be carefully chosen for each group...
  3. Getting to Know Expansion Microscopy

    Blog Post
    June 20, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...with an abundance of protocols and examples of applications from across disciplines now available. In this...experiment or evaluating ExM images in a new publication.         Why Expansion Microscopy?  Traditional...microscopes sounds great, right? But there is always a catch - some limitation of the technique that users should...Tissue expansion is not compatible with in vivo applications and there’s just not much to be done about that...
  4. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

    Blog Post
    Dec. 22, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...cut site location Position your CRISPR cut site as close as possible to the knock-in location. HDR depends...sequence to be incorporated at a precise genomic location, with little to no room for error. It’s no surprise...nutrients in their media, they will not undergo DNA replication, so make sure you are keeping an eye on those...
  5. Uncovering Ancestral Bias in CRISPR Research

    Blog Post
    Nov. 29, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Dependency Map cancer cell lines (left). Heatmap indicating the breakdown of ancestry associated dependencies...machinery where to cut.      Fig. 2: Heatmap indicating loci where SNPs reside on sgRNA target sequences...Understanding the impact Fig. 3: Histograms indicating the frequency (x-axis) which SNPs map to thetargeting...same reference genomes and libraries. Further complicating the issue is the long and ugly history of reporting...
  6. Tips for Screening with Yeast Two Hybrid Systems

    Blog Post
    Oct. 22, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ... can often be accounted for using appropriate replicates and controls (see Tips below), and by validating...two-hybrid screening Minimizing false positives: Run replicates of the experiment to reduce the likelihood of...expression and correct folding, post-translational modification, protein degradation, access to the nucleus of the enzyme responsible for the modification in the assay host strain can help. In order...
  7. INTEGRATE: Bacterial Genome Engineering Using CRISPR-Transposons

    Blog Post
    Dec. 7, 2020, 2:53 p.m.
    ... and have been adapted for a wide variety of applications - as mutagenesis tools for genetic studies (... The process also creates a 5-bp target-site duplication (TSD), a hallmark characteristic of the Tn7-family...the new streamlined VchINT system was shown to catalyze insertion of mini-transposons up to 10 kb in one or multiple desired genomic loci. Many applications of these systems have already been demonstrated...
  8. Don’t FRET: Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation Makes Visualizing Protein-Protein Interactions Easy

    Blog Post
    Aug. 27, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...PIPs, resulting in a fluorescent readout.   Applications for bimolecular fluorescence complementation...resulting from the assayed PPI. This high-throughput application is much more straightforward to carry out because...protein construction, cellular expression, and quantification (Kerppola, 2006, 2013). These are described... supraphysiological expression levels. BiFC quantification This is where BiFC outshines FRET — BiFC experiments...
  9. Better Dyeing Through Chemistry & Small Molecule Fluorophores

    Blog Post
    Sept. 8, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Subsequent advances in fluorescent proteins have replicated many of the properties once exclusive to small-molecules...phosphopantetheinyltransferase) – These enzymes catalyze the covalent attachment of a fluorophore ligand...labels for fixed-cell imaging, not for live-cell applications. Thus, these fluorophores are often bulky and...the Addgene Blog Learn About Other Protein Tags Catch Up on Your Fluorescent Protein Background Which ...
  10. Plasmids 101: The Promoter Region – Let's Go!

    Blog Post
    April 3, 2014, 8:05 p.m.
    ...resistance gene and the origin of replication are necessary to replicate plasmids and make sure the cells...length version is strong with high expression. Truncated promoters are constitutive with lower expression...metabolic operon Inducible by arabinose and repressed catabolite repression in the presence of glucose or by competitive...
  11. Analyzing CRISPR Editing Results with ICE from Synthego

    Blog Post
    May 8, 2018, 1 p.m.
    ...either one at a time or as a batch of hundreds, and indicate the guide RNA sequence you used. The ICE tool ...are no parameters that need optimizing and no complicated steps to learn. For increased flexibility and...checked circle. Typically, a yellow check mark indicates that a particular parameter was automatically team at Synthego. Her work centers around educating and supporting novice to expert-level researchers...
  12. The Challenges of Cell Culture

    Blog Post
    May 5, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Marker-independent identification of glioma-initiating cells. The International Cell Line Authentication Committee...propagation of the line, and can include assays for authentication and contamination) and cell lines can become...let alone the human cost. Here are just a few publications which have since been retracted due to cell ...
  13. Advanced Uses of Cre-lox and Flp-FRT - A Neuroscientist’s View

    Blog Post
    Oct. 19, 2017, 1:54 p.m.
    ... gives you a single level of control without modification - either Cre is there or it’s not. Cre-mediated... sites can lead to excision, inversion, and translocation of DNA in a similar fashion as between loxP ...37 °C). Smart molecular evolution led to the identification of FLPe which has a temperature optimum of ...-LDB domains of the fusions allowing Cre/FLP translocate to the nucleus where they exert their recombinase...
  14. Plasmids 101: Gateway Cloning

    Blog Post
    Jan. 12, 2017, 3:30 p.m.
    ...attP sites of the donor vector. This reaction is catalyzed by the BP Clonase enzyme mix and generates the...sites of the destination vector. This reaction is catalyzed by the LR Clonase enzyme mix. As a result, an ...carry different antibiotic resistance markers (indicated here by plasmid color), allowing you to simple -  no restriction, ligation or gel purification steps are required! Multiple fragment cloning...
  15. Mesothelioma - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Blog Post
    Dec. 13, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...cancer. These later stages of a cancer diagnosis indicate, for Stage 3, that the cancer is large in size...size and may have spread while Stage 4 indicates that the cancer has spread from where it originated to ... dire prognosis for mesothelioma patients is to catch the disease earlier. New techniques are currently... working to fight the cancer.  Beyond early modifications to standard treatments and early detection, ...
  16. How to Negotiate a Successful Lab Start Up Budget

    Blog Post
    Sept. 1, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    .... After identifying all the major equipment, categorize all of your minor tools, like pipets, or mini-centrifuges...titles in the regions where the host institute is located. For example, salaries in Kansas versus salaries... most start-up P.I.’s. It doesn’t have to be complicated, or difficult to create this list. Start BEFORE...discounts, collaborations, access to internal award applications, etc. If this is the institute that can help...
  17. Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons

    Blog Post
    April 24, 2015, 2:39 p.m.
    ...of farnesylated derivatives enables labeling of delicate axonal and dendritic processes not previously ...Between Brainbow Systems   Brainbow variants and applications beyond the mouse brain In addition to improving...temporal control without the need for germline modification, and enables Brainbow to be used in a variety...technique will provide important insights into the complicated physical organization of the brain and other ...
  18. Filming Science Videos in the Age of Social Distancing

    Blog Post
    May 20, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Creating great educational science videos is tough. Is the content accurate? Are we conveying complex... had set up involved multiple people in tight locations. Conference rooms for on-screen presenters! Labs...wasn’t going to work for the majority of our educational videos. In addition, it’s really asking a lot...receiver, to beam the camera’s image to my remote location, live. After doing a bit of looking, I found an...
  19. Transferable Skills Guide: Time Management

    Blog Post
    Dec. 5, 2017, 1:52 p.m.
    ... the planning section below, it’s important to dedicate specific amounts of time to specific tasks beforehand...instance, if I don’t have draft blog post ready for publication for tomorrow, I’d better upload that post from...handle doing a particularly annoying task and then dedicating that much time to it each day. Once you get over...Student Community Learn about Careers in Science Communication Resources at Check out Careers...
  20. Antibodies 101: Multiplex Immunofluorescence

    Blog Post
    May 23, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...protein is (localization) and how much there is (quantification). But what if you’ve got several interesting...primary antibodies that have been validated in IF applications (find IHC validated or ICC validated antibodies...informative image-based figures for scientific publications. PLOS Biology, 19(3), e3001161. https://doi....Immunocytochemistry Protocols for other antibody applications...
Showing: 481 - 500 of 794 results