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Showing: 461 - 480 of 756 results
  1. Antibodies 101: Fc Effector Functions

    Blog Post
    May 18, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...where the eosinophils release cytotoxins via degranulation.  Antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (... once bound to an antibody, can act as immune modulators, shaping the immune response by driving particular...Presta LG, Ravetch JV. Inhibitory Fc receptors modulate in vivo cytotoxicity against tumor targets. Nat...
  2. Hot Plasmids - October 2022

    Blog Post
    Oct. 6, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...-2P. Using a custom, high-throughput screening platform to apply saturating mutagenesis on 21 positions...'s more than 50 antibodies target neuroscience-related proteins, but we recently added several!   Evan GI, Lewis GK, Ramsay G, Bishop JM. Isolation of monoclonal antibodies specific for human c-...
  3. Bricking Science: Portraying Scientific Reality Through LEGO

    Blog Post
    Nov. 29, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ... be a bad fridge freezing your samples, or a dysregulated water bath boiling your experiments, just about...the LEGOs were mirrored by the nearly infinite regulatory capabilities of gene pathways just waiting to... husband Enzo will spend a few days editing and later looking for songs and sounds to synchronize with...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Transductions

    Blog Post
    April 30, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...cargo, they can’t reproduce more functional viruses later on. These built-in safety features provide extra...integration resulting from transduction typically plateaus within a few days to a few weeks, depending nucleus, is transcribed into RNA, and is translated into protein.   Is there an easier way? In...
  5. Celebrate Open Data Day with Addgene’s AAV Data Hub!

    Blog Post
    March 5, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...launched this pilot in 2019 as an open science platform for scientists using Addgene AAV viral preps to...all of your data prepared. All of these questions relate to factors that you should have already recorded...reproducible research. Share your data on AAV data hub! Related resources on the Addgene blog Important Considerations...
  6. Plasmids 101: A Brief History of Plasmids and an Improved eBook!

    Blog Post
    Oct. 29, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...plasmid” derived as a hybrid of "cytoplasm" and "id" (Latin for 'it'), as “a generic term for any extrachromsomal...integrated into the chromosome” was proposed a few years later by Élie Jacob and François Wollman and became the...PMCID: PMC427208. Novick, R P et al. “Uniform Nomenclature for Bacterial Plasmids: A Proposal.”Bacteriological...
  7. Even more elegant: Single injection CRISPR/Cas9 in C. elegans

    Blog Post
    July 7, 2015, 3:36 p.m. template plasmid to create fluorescent and 3xFLAG-tag fusion proteins. The repair template and Cas9...worms have laid eggs, hygromycin is added to the plates to select for candidate knock-ins. These candidate...
  8. Another Pathway into Cells: iTOP

    Blog Post
    June 23, 2015, 8:37 p.m.
    ... Primary cells recapitulate the natural biology of a cell type of interest better than immortalized describe this method of protein transduction. Later studies showed that iTOP functions through macropinocytosis... sorted into single wells to generate clonal populations. After iTOP treatment, both primary (hESCs) and...
  9. Safe Port in a Storm...How Addgene is Weathering the Pandemic

    Blog Post
    Sept. 17, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...access to coronavirus-related plasmids and to receive important coronavirus-related deposits. Our valiant...vector distribution is recovering from the pandemic-related slowdown. More scientists are sharing plasmids ...
  10. Identifying Sequence Elements with SnapGene's Feature Database

    Blog Post
    Dec. 21, 2017, 2:06 p.m. tools available to biomedical researchers manipulating DNA sequences on a daily basis, many found these...control elements Coding sequence features are relatively straightforward to define, but for control elements...fluorescent proteins, which often come in closely related versions that have different properties. To prevent...
  11. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... Pre-warming your antibiotic-containing plate prior to plating your transformation may allow you to see...TOPO technique specifically uses Vaccinia virus-isolated topoisomerase I as this enzyme recognizes the ...
  12. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

    Blog Post
    June 9, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...protein could cleave DNA in vitro, directed by phosphorylated DNA guides. Unfortunately, Swarts et al. to mediate homology-directed repair when a template is supplied. Find Plasmids from the NgAgo GC-rich regions. DNA guides NgAgo uses 5’ phosphorylated DNA guides (so called “gDNAs”) rather than ...
  13. Resume Writing for Non-academic Science Careers

    Blog Post
    Dec. 18, 2014, 4:06 p.m.
    ...people choose a reversed chronological style (the latest to the earliest) or a functional one. Pick one ...when the research topic you have done is closely related to the job you are applying for, in which case Experimental Medicine. She is the Community Relations Director for Curiosity Collider (hyperlink https...
  14. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post
    March 25, 2014, 3:15 p.m. covering this ever-versatile fluorophore in a later post, so stay tuned! Transient transfection and ...transfection A stable transfection is used to create a population of cells that have fully and successfully incorporated... COS-1, 293HEK Inhibits termination step of translation 2-10 ug/mL G418/Geneticin neo HeLa, NIH3T3,...
  15. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Edit Disease Out of the Genome

    Blog Post
    June 23, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...targeting the genes responsible for both early onset and late onset AD. In this study, the group showed that CRISPR...Alzheimer’s disease, as well as those that play into late onset AD (5).     CRISPR/Cas9 corrects Alzheimer...CRISPR to disease correction in adult stem cells isolated from two patients with cystic fibrosis. They were...
  16. Creating accessible biology activities in schools with BioBits

    Blog Post
    Aug. 2, 2018, 12:56 p.m.
    ...expensive) the different machines are, and how many regulations are in place to keep everyone safe. None of this...fluorescent protein through transcription and translation. Unfortunately, having live cells in a classroom...hands-on educational activities using the BioBits platform, please get in touch with us! We’ll work with ...
  17. How to Lead a Great Meeting

    Blog Post
    Feb. 9, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...communicate outcomes to the rest of their team. Here's a template for project meetings. Team Meetings: For standing...members still have their voices heard. Here's a template for team meetings. One-on-Ones: Managers should... agenda template...
  18. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists

    Blog Post
    March 19, 2020, 1:15 p.m. Addgene began working from home last week to flatten the curve, but working remotely can be more difficult...this period, check out these tips and resources collated by Addgenies to help you keep calm and science...local businesses (ex: purchasing a gift card to use later or ordering take-out) or volunteering to foster ...
  19. Fluorescent Protein Travel Awards - FLiPs and Fluorescent Protein Biosensors

    Blog Post
    July 27, 2017, 1:11 p.m.
    ...ways to apply fluorescent proteins everyday.  The late Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien played enormous...enzyme active site and shutting off the enzyme. Later exposure to cyan light stopped Dronpa oligomerization...Fluorescent Light-inducible Proteins, or FLiPs.  Xin later optimized these first generation FLiPs by mutating...
  20. Advice for Starting a Biotech Company from a Grad Student turned Entrepreneur

    Blog Post
    July 10, 2014, 7:17 p.m. As a result, I have occasionally pondered translating my research into a startup company. However, ...effort in preparation and practice is directly related to success presenting." A journey from graduate...LabSpaces Blog Find a Buisness Plan Competition Good Relations - PR for the Biotech Business - Posted on
Showing: 461 - 480 of 756 results