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Showing: 441 - 460 of 794 results
  1. Hot Plasmids - January 2023

    Blog Post
    Jan. 31, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...antibodies may just not perform as well in one application as another, so it is always best to have options...for mEGFP-HRas (from Plasmid 18662). See the Applications section on the Anti-GFP [N86/8R] page for more...fluorescent proteins (FPs) necessary for many of these applications have lagged. Fixation, chemical staining, and...well-suited for the demands of advanced microscopy applications such as super resolution, electron, and expansion...
  2. DAP arrays for multiplex gene editing

    Blog Post
    July 7, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...packaged into viral vectors for potential in vivo applications or multiplex CRISPR screening.   Using tRNAs...multiplex genome engineering of crops or allow for sophisticated CRISPR screenings that would perturb the unprecedented...and efficient in plasmid and viral vectors. In applications when repetitive tRNA sequences must be avoided...construct DAP array for multiplex gene editing applications, we provide detailed manual and online design...
  3. Visualizing Genomic Loci with CRISPR-Sirius

    Blog Post
    April 18, 2019, 12:53 p.m.
    ...The catalytically dead Cas9 protein (dCas9) is well known for its ability to bind DNA targets without...has been widely adapted for a wide variety of applications: base editing, CRISPR activation and inhibition... (B) CRISPR-Sirius used to visualize relative locations of the subtelomeric region of the “CRISPR-Sirius: RNA scaffolds for signal amplification in genome imaging.” Nature Methods 15 (2018)...
  4. R Bodies: Membrane-Rupturing Microscopic Tools

    Blog Post
    April 14, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ... modified to extend at different pH levels. Domesticating R bodies We have shown that all three of these...actuators that could be used in a variety of applications. For example, you could use them to lyse cells...matrices) in response to pH changes. Beyond these applications, purified R bodies could also perform as actuators...PubMed PMID: 26814170. Find Plasmids from This Publication at Addgene 4. Petroni, G., Spring, S., Schleifer...
  5. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists

    Blog Post
    March 19, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...for all ages. Organize your data and prepare publications or your dissertation Organize data that you...these drafts and for a few model organisms, Micropublication will accept negative data or publish brief...brief, novel findings. Most Micropublications contain one figure. If you aren’t there yet, write introductions...introductions to potential publications or prepare a review article. These are both options that can be done...
  6. Visualizing Translation at the Single Molecule Level

    Blog Post
    Aug. 1, 2017, 1:15 p.m.
    ... While ribosome profiling co-opts the physical location of the ribosome, TRICK (Translating RNA Imaging...development, the osk-TRICK reporter was double labeled, indicating translational repression. During later stages...ribosomes after initiation, to calculate a ribosome translocation rate of ~3.5 codons/second. They also explored...Resources the Addgene Blog Learn More about SunTag Catch up on Your GFP Background Choose the Brightest Fluorescent...
  7. Addgene Depositors Get More Citations

    Blog Post
    April 20, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...databases available, Web of Science. For each publication, Web of Science provides basic bibliographic ...Science, PLOS One, and PNAS. We then broke the publications from these journals into two groups: those containing...differences in citations due to the journal of publication. Table 1 provides an example calculation of the...Addgene in them. The adjustment is done within publication years. What do we find once we do this adjustment...
  8. Clear and Accessible Writing

    Blog Post
    Feb. 15, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
    ...principles we developed to use in our website and educational content conflicted with plain language guidelines...Stupid, overwhelmed, discouraged, tired…words that indicated there were many barriers between our audience ...readers.    Figure 1: An image from AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation ...Figure 1 appears on our protocol page for AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation. The...
  9. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    Jan. 28, 2020, 2:35 p.m.
    ...psychrophilic enzymes for milk processing, fruit juice clarification, meat tendering, and oligosaccharide synthesis...cultivating a nuanced understanding of the societal ramifications of laboratory science, and how it may best be...which received the Silver Medal in the Undergrad category at the iGEM Competition 2019. He has an active... interest in scientific writing and science communication, and is a fledgling (though infrequent) blogger...
  10. Choosing a CRISPR Nuclease: Site Accessibility, Specificity, and Sensitivity

    Blog Post
    Nov. 5, 2019, 1:28 p.m. generate a genomic alteration at a specific location, it must be accessible by Cas9. Our previous activity, which may be undesirable in many applications. At the time of our first blog post on choosing...CRISPR-Cas9 to increase its specificity." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 3048. PubMed PMID: 30082838. PubMed...CRISPR-Cas12b for human genome editing." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 212. PubMed PMID: 30670702. PubMed...
  11. Viral Vectors 101: The AAV Retrograde Serotype

    Blog Post
    April 27, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Tracers are typically delivered to a particular location and they either trace downstream from the soma...Others have noted a lack of transduction in catecholamine pathways from the spinal cord (Wang, 2018, Metcalfe...not yet understood, one thing is clear: this application opens a lot of doors in neuroscience. The retrograde...retrograde serotype also has promising therapeutic applications; it can enhance therapeutic delivery across ...
  12. 15 Years of Addgene: The Top 15 Plasmids

    Blog Post
    Jan. 8, 2019, 1:54 p.m.
    ...taken us on many adventures...From moving office locations three times, to opening our UK office in 2014,...cell types so it is useful in a wide range of applications. This plasmid was the top requested plasmid ...notice the “V2.0” at the end of this plasmid which indicates that there was a prior version of this plasmid...plasmid was called pLKO-Tet-On in the original publication but its name was subsequently changed to clarify...
  13. REPLACR Mutagenesis: Replacing In Vitro Recombination Methods

    Blog Post
    Feb. 10, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ... the steps of gel purification and in vitro recombination. Across all modifications described in Trehan...mutations, large deletions/insertions require complicated, often costly in vitro assembly methods. A new...recombination machinery, which facilitates easy genetic modification by homologous recombination. In most recombineering...
  14. Synthesized by Ginkgo Bioworks, Shared by Addgene: SARS-CoV-2 Plasmids for Many Expression Systems

    Blog Post
    May 19, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...other proteins that require post-translational modification may not be easily expressed in non-mammalian...constructs contain protein coding genes, tags, truncations, and codon optimizations similar to those found...are intended for the high level expression and purification of SARS-CoV-2 proteins for downstream experiments...wild type and codon optimized, full length and truncated versions of SARS-CoV-2 S (spike protein) cloned...
  15. Hot Plasmids - May 2022

    Blog Post
    May 26, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...of interest and, for in vivo work, generate a dedicated transgenic line. Using zebrafish as a model mutations. These plasmids contain catalytically inactive dCas9 and microbial SSAPs (dCas9-SSAP...clonal multiplexing of cells in live imaging application. Each visual barcode consists of a fluorescent...transcription response element (TRE) or kinase translocation reporters (KTRs). Find visual barcode plasmids...
  16. GPCRs: How Do They Work and How Do We Study Them?

    Blog Post
    Feb. 11, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...constructed plasmids that can be used in peroxidase-catalyzed proximity labeling to quantifiably measure GPCR...In this technique, the receptor fused to APEX2 catalyzes the biotinylation of proteins near the GPCR. These...Multidimensional Tracking of GPCR Signaling via Peroxidase-Catalyzed Proximity Labeling. Cell 169:338-349.e11 . https...Kadowaki S, Haga T, Takaesu H, Mitaku S (2002) Identification of G protein-coupled receptor genes from the...
  17. How to Keep a Lab Notebook for Bioinformatic Analyses

    Blog Post
    June 2, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ..., specific goal for each analysis will help you locate relevant information in the future. Approach:...folders and files that you see on your desktop. The location of your master directory or folder for all of ...simple .txt document. Record the name, date, and location of all analyses (see above). Give every experiment.... She is particularly interested in science communication and epigenetics. Follow her on twitter @kc_palozola...
  18. Plasmid Tools for Microbiome Studies

    Blog Post
    June 27, 2019, 12:25 p.m.
    ...modular suite of plasmids (pGT) with various replicative origins that can be used for broad or narrow ...Central PMCID: PMC5963681.  Meyer, Richard. "Replication and conjugative mobilization of broad host-range...growth dynamics in the gut microbiota." Nature communications 6 (2015): 10039. PubMed PMID: 26615910. PubMed...gut microbiota and host biomarkers." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 3347. PubMed PMID: 30131493. PubMed...
  19. The Future of Research Symposium Boston 2015

    Blog Post
    Oct. 20, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...University of Massachusetts Medical School. Graduate education programs are also beginning to address these issues...The panel discussion on Friday morning will be dedicated to Academic data and the Labor Market. On this...Sinche is a STEM career counselor, Director of Education for the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine...disease.  Outside the lab, he is interested in communicating science and in the intersection between science...
Showing: 441 - 460 of 794 results