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Showing: 301 - 320 of 757 results
  1. Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic in vivo

    Blog Post
    July 28, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...programs. The software has two components - a database of pre-compiled register designs and a search function...sites, promoters, genes, terminators, etc) are composed. Fear not – the state machine design space is ...circuits in general would benefit from a more comprehensive characterization of the recombinases at our ...the Lu Lab at MIT. He is broadly interested in biocomputing and biological circuits.     References 1. N...
  2. Performing In Vivo CRISPR Screens Using the FITS Approach

    Blog Post
    May 2, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ..., in vitro screens cannot faithfully model the complex spatial, cellular, metabolic, and cytokine microenvironment... cells, an important immune cell type, in more complex and physiological microenvironments. These screens...immunogenic, a necessity for in vivo studies; (3) is compatible with single gene KO and pooled screening approaches...facilitate the isolation of modified cells; and (5) is compatible with the introduction of unique molecular identifiers...
  3. Interview with Bart Newland, Addgene’s Newest Board Member

    Blog Post
    Aug. 3, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...General Counsel at Atalanta, an early-stage biotech company that is developing RNAi therapeutics to treat He said, “you know, the patent lawyer at my company seems to really like what she does.” I thought ...patent counsel and ran a group at two fairly large companies, Genzyme and Biogen. They’re very different jobs...corporate work, and negotiating contracts with other companies. It's one of those "every day is something different...
  4. Addgene's Top Blog Posts from 2020

    Blog Post
    Dec. 29, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Beth Kenkel To complement our RNA Extraction Without A Kit blog post, we've compiled five methods for...methods to do this. 5. Plasmids 101: Plasmid Incompatibility by Leah Schiesow If you're thinking about ...features two mechanisms that cause plasmids to be incompatible. 4. RNA Extraction Without A Kit by Leah Schiesow...
  5. Stepping into a Virtual Internship: My Experience at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Aug. 13, 2020, 1:21 p.m.
    ...interviewed fellow Addgenies about their role in the company. One of the things I wanted to do was create content...were a part of the different departments of the company. I asked questions relating to their roles at Addgene...month, I can say with certainty that Addgene is a company that cares - not only in terms of its employees... Addgenies. I could take an active role in the company and not just feel like an additional person each...
  6. Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion

    Blog Post
    Aug. 4, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...add another layer of complexity to imaging, as they allow one to monitor compartment/protein dynamics or... may not be appropriate for high-pH cellular compartments. Sattarzadeh et al. have shown that GFP can ...Drosophila, and mammalian cells. Photoconverted GFP is compatible with other FPs since its emission wavelength ...
  7. Cre-ating New Methods for Site-specific Recombination in Drosophila

    Blog Post
    May 12, 2015, 1:32 p.m.
    ...recombination by KD, B2 and B3 resulted in complete or near-complete excision of the stop sequence. In contrast...toxicity, but with the caveat of partial rather than complete recombination. If you’re looking to use site-specific...this system. Gerald Rubin’s lab sought to make complex genome modifications in Drosophila using multiple...
  8. Celebrating Outstanding CRISPR/Cas9 Achievements at the Dr. Paul Janssen Award Dinner

    Blog Post
    Sept. 15, 2014, 6:05 p.m.
    ... the clinic and cures. There is no doubt that companies are swarming to see what can be done with this...the insulin signaling cascades in only 4 months compared to a year or greater with older technologies. ... in the room. He offered the great analogy of comparing the CRISPR/Cas9 system to Norton Antivirus. Antivirus...the code of viruses to give information to the computer to fight the known viruses. Bacteria have figured...
  9. Genetically-encoded Sparse Cell Labeling - A SPARC of Innovation

    Blog Post
    May 21, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Until recently, there were no completely genetic tools that would allow researchers to label just a fraction...Sparse Predictive Activity through Recombinase Competition (SPARC), a genetic tool that allows for the labeling...PhiC31 irreversibly recombines one of the two competing attP sites to drive expression of either a placed downstream of the rest of the SPARC components and expression is controlled by the upstream ...
  10. Plasmids 101: What is a plasmid?

    Blog Post
    April 2, 2020, 6:17 p.m.
    ...some extra guidance to understand the specific components that make up a plasmid and why each is important...Drives transcription of the target gene. Vital component for expression vectors: determines which cell ...clone into. Regardless, once the cloning steps are complete, the vector containing the newly inserted gene...used in research or for therapeutics Addgene has compiled various educational resources to facilitate plasmid...
  11. The Open Repository of CRISPR Screens: CRISPR Screen Data in One Place

    Blog Post
    Jan. 21, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...CRISPR screen data are also available via comprehensive pre-compiled downloads and via a full-featured REST... to stably archived large-scale datasets by computational biologists. Figure 1: The BioGRID Open... from humans and other species. By accurately compiling genome-wide datasets, which are often obscured...
  12. Behind-the-scenes of the Isolation of the Thermostable IgnaviCas9 From a Yellowstone Hot Spring

    Blog Post
    Nov. 12, 2019, 2 p.m.
    ...volunteered to do the sampling and I happily agreed to accompany him to YNP the following year. Geoff Schiebinger...microfluidic parallelization to sequence this highly complex hot spring sample. The sample was separated into...cells each for sequencing, allowing for lower complexity with higher throughput and rigorous assembly....ThermoCas9 from the van der Oost lab. Phylogenetic comparison indicates that like GeoCas9 and ThermoCas9, IgnaviCas9...
  13. Plasmids 101: Positive and Negative Selection for Plasmid Cloning

    Blog Post
    Aug. 22, 2019, 12:43 p.m.
    ...synthetize all compounds needed for growth, or auxotrophy, the inability to synthesize a compound needed essential amino acid), and a plasmid that complements the auxotrophy (i.e., synthesizes the critical...yeast prototrophy kit containing 23 plasmids to complement auxotrophy. Negative selection: Cells that have...
  14. An Addgene Summer Internship

    Blog Post
    Aug. 8, 2024, 7:22 p.m.
    ... had to get used to the workspaces, as well as complete the lab safety and cybersecurity training before...project is a major project given to each intern to complete and present on.    Figure 1: Addgene's...size should be a max of 500 bp (preferably). I compiled a list of three options from the Addgene catalog...Toj-Villagran is a rising senior in high school who just completed their summer internship at Addgene. They plan ...
  15. An Addgene Co-op: The Intersection of Fun, Friendship, and Work

    Blog Post
    June 29, 2023, 7 p.m.
    ... to complete a six month work experience called a co-op to receive a degree. Northeastern compiles a list...Thankfully, my managers set aside time for me to complete an online social media certification on social...petting dogs, and winning the office Just Dance competition.    Special thanks to my manager, Sr. Marketing...
  16. Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant: Accelerating Science Globally - 5 Scientists, 4 Countries & 3 Continents!

    Blog Post
    July 18, 2017, 12:41 p.m.
    ...projects spanning from the identification of plant compounds and insecticidal proteins to the development of... reside within living plants and that produce compounds with various antimicrobial activities (1). She... newly identified proteins and enzymes. These compounds will later get tested for their potential agricultural...alternative source of essential omega-3 fatty acids complementing vegetable oil, a somewhat poor natural source...
  17. CRISPR 101: Cas9 Nickase Design and Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post
    March 15, 2018, 12:59 p.m.
    ...question is: how should the gRNAs be oriented in comparison to each other? The gRNAs must target different...different strands to create a DSB, but this can be accomplished with either a PAM-in or PAM-out orientation....preferences using HEK293 cells. They started by comparing D10A and H840A total editing efficiency in PAM-in...donor with 40 bp homology arms. The HDR efficiency compared favorably to using WT Cas9 with the left gRNA ...
  18. Optimizing Donor DNA for Enhanced CRISPR Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    March 24, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...strand in Figure 1 below) was free to anneal to complementary ssDNA molecules in vitro. We next wondered if...discovered that single stranded donor DNA: Complementary to the released strand, 127bp in length, DNA that was accessible to anneal with complementary single stranded DNA. We thus wondered if such... any of the error-prone repair that normally accompanies Cas9 cutting. We still don’t know the mechanism...
  19. Viral Genome Sequencing - A One Stop Shop for AAV Identity and Serotype Confirmation

    Blog Post
    April 23, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...platform that allows us to provide scientists with complete plasmid sequences. After launching our viral service...present SMRT sequencing only works for self-complementary AAVs and the TA-based ligation and tagmentation...molecules in the DNA extract associate with complementary strands, enough double-stranded species exist...adeno-associated virus particles containing complementary polynucleotide chains. J Virol 9(2): 394-396...
  20. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...The technique relies on the basic ability of complementary basepairs adenine (A) and thymine (T) to hybridize...deoxyadenosine (A) at the 3' ends of PCR products. The complimentary “T” in the pair comes from a topoisomerase I-linearized...overnight. 4. Transform TOPO Cloning Reaction into Competent Cells: You can use your standard lab protocol ...transforming your reaction into chemically or electro-competent E. coli - excess salt causes arcing during electroporation...
Showing: 301 - 320 of 757 results