Plasmids 101: Cre-lox
Blog Post
Jan. 13, 2015, 3:47 p.m.
...the core sequence gives the loxP site directionality, and the canonical loxP sequence is ATAACTTCGTATA-... a single loxP site are recognized and bound by a Cre protein, forming a dimer. The two loxP sites then... location and orientation of the loxP sites:
Inversion: If the loxP sites are on the same DNA strand ... putting the loxP sites on either side of a gene (called “floxing”, for “flanked by loxP”), will permit...potential limitation of using loxP sites is the inability to tightly control which loxP sites recombine if more... the P1 bacteriophage: the Cre recombinase and a loxP recognition site. The P1 bacteriophage uses these... intra- and inter-molecular recombination at the loxP recognition sites. A key advantage of the system...