Cre-lox system
...recombinase recognizes 34 bp loxP sites, and the orientation and location of the loxP sites determines how the... putting the loxP sites on either side of a gene (called “floxing”, for “flanked by loxP”), will permit...IRES-EGFP Mammalian Costantini 32702 pMSCV-loxp-dsRed-loxp-eGFP-Puro-WPRE Cre activates your gene fused...more colors. Mammalian Zeng 24334 hsp70l-loxP-mCherry-STOP-loxP-H2B-GFP_cryaa-cerulean Heat-inducible reporter... reporter Lentiviral Geijsen 65726 pLV-CMV-LoxP-DsRed-LoxP-eGFP Switches from DsRed to eGFP expression...expression Mammalian Green 32145 pJFRC172-10XUAS-loxP>-dSTOP-loxP>-myr::GFP Cre dependent myr-GFP expression...recombinases that recognize specific mutant loxP sites, VloxP and SloxP sites respectively. Split Cre: Cre recombinase...