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Showing: 1 - 20 of 24 results
  1. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...Younis, et al. Mol Cell Biol. 2010 Apr;30(7):1718-28. New and improved light-switchable bacterial TCSs...Unnatural amino acid incorporation in mammalian cells Peter Schultz and colleagues at the Scripps Research Institute...Giannaks et al 2003, Bert et al 2000). In 2000, Peter Cockerill and his lab developed an improved luciferase...available, as well as 5S RNA F30-2xdBroccoli fusion and pET28c-F30-Broccoli controls. Don’t just eat more broccoli...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...8NmCitrine - Zebrafish/Xenopus/C.elegans/Sea urchin pET mCitrine LIC cloning vector (u-mCitrine) - Bacterial...Expression mOrange 548 562 49 6.5 2.5 hr Monomer pET mOrange LIC cloning vector (u-mOrange) - Bacterial...8NmCherry - Zebrafish/Xenopus/C.elegans/Sea urchin pET mCherry LIC cloning vector (u-mCherry) - Bacterial...Includes tagging with mCherry, mOrange, mCerulean pET GFP - C-terminal GFP for bacterial expression Davidson...pSCFP3A-C1 - Mammalian Expression mTurquoise2 434 474 28 3.1 Monomer (A206K) pmTurquoise2-C1 - Mammalian Expression...Expression iLOV-C1 - Mammalian Expression AcGFP1 475 505 28 Prone to dimerization AcGFP1-N1 - Mammalian Expression... 465(blue), 604(red) 11.7(blue), 4.2(red) 2.6/4.6 28 hr (red) Monomer pSlow-FT-N1 - Mammalian Expression...
  3. Bacterial Expression Systems

    ...terminal, TEV cleavable 6x-His tag Ophear Gileadi pET-28-a based expression vector containing N-terminal...efficient enough that selection is not required. pET-HIS-Sangamo 40786 TALEN Gang Bao Gateway cloning .... coli codon optimized FokI endonuclease domain. pET-Sangamo-His 40787 TALEN Gang Bao Gateway cloning ...various epitope tags useful for protein purification. pET LIC Series Various Plasmids T7-lacO (lactose/IPTG...variant (CyPet) optimized for FRET measurements with a yellow fluorescent protein variant (YPet) found ...found in pYPet-His . pYPet-His 14031 FRET Patrick Daugherty FRET: Vector for arabinose inducible expression...variant (YPet) optimized for FRET measurements with a cyan fluorescent protein variant (CyPet) found in...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

    Blog Post
    ...One Vector, Many Guises. Human Gene Therapy Methods 28:291–301 . Li...pseudoviruses for enveloped viruses. Rev Med Virol 28:e1963 . Mazarakis... CR, Chu HY, Tortorici MA, Veesler D, Murphy M, Pettie D, King NP, Balazs AB, Bloom JD (2020) Protocol...
  5. Let There Be LITE Plasmids

    Blog Post, the researchers applied the LITE system to 28 different genes to establish it as “a novel mode ...accompanying Nature News & Views Andreas Möglich and Peter Hegemann described several advantages of the new...
  6. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    ...Norway rat, from an obnoxious pest to a laboratory pet. ELife, 9. Vieira...10.1038/s41467-018-04899-x Yokoyama, Maho. (2020, May 28). E. coli as a Model Organism. News-Medical. Retrieved...
  7. Single-cell tracking of lineage and identity with CellTag

    Blog Post
    ...CellTag libraries at three time points during the 28 day study: prior to reprogramming (CellTagMEF), at...CellTags for tagging two cell populations in a competitive transplant assay in the mouse intestine, demonstrating...
  8. Deep Dive: qPCR

    Blog Post
    ...Detection and Quantification. Volume 14. 2017, Pages 19-28, ISSN 2214-7535, detection, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, Issue 19, 1 October 2000, Pages 3752–3761, https... into your data. Try different types of pipettes and pipetting methods to find what’s most consistent ...plate in a way that will tell you if you have pipetting errors on the edges of the plate. Compare the ...multiple configurations can help you identify pipetting or evaporation errors. And if time allows, you...BioRender.   Passive Reference Dyes Whatever your pipetting method, some variation will occur. A passive reference...
  9. All in a Twist: dsRNA

    Blog Post
    ... that interact with RNA/DNA hybrids. Genome Res., 28(9): 1405-1414 (2018). 10.1101/gr.237362.118 Chen,...particularly enriched in highly transcribed regions and repetitive regions, such as telomeres and centromeres. These...presumably due to their abundance of R-loops and repetitive sequence. All of the R-loops described above...
  10. Cre-lox system

    ...CMV Mammalian Sato 123128 pET-His-Cre 6xHis-Cre T7 Bacterial Liu 123131 pET-His-VCre 6xHis-VCre T7 Bacterial...Targeting vector Mouse Nxph4 Mammalian Zeng 62372 pET-(-30)GFP-9xGGS-Cre-6xHis Cre fused to supernegatively...62730 CRE recombinase Cre T7 Bacterial Geijsen 62938 pET-(pos36)GFP-9xGGS-Cre-6xHis Cre fused to highly cationic...cationic GFP variant T7 Bacterial Liu 62939 pET-Cre-6xHis Cre-6xHis T7 Bacterial Liu 63704 pRetroX GFP...Interference from Transgenes. Proc Natl Acad Sci. Jul 13;101(28):10380-5. doi:10.1073/pnas.0403954101. Epub 2004 ...
  11. Cpf1 Update: Comparison to Cas9 and NgAgo

    Blog Post
    ...CRISPR-Cas systems. 5. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2015 Sep 28. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro3569. PubMed PMID: 26411297 ... Up On Your Cpf1 Background Read About CRISPR Competitor NgAgo Learn How You Can Use piggyBac Vectors ...
  12. Tips for a 1st time AAV user (by a Rookie AAV user)

    Blog Post
    ...repeat sequences. Human gene therapy methods, 23 1, 18-28. PubMed PMID: 22428977. 2. Choi, V.W., Asokan, A....bacterial strains, like NEB Stable. NEB Stable competent cells lack RecA, a protein that aids in the homologous...
  13. Antibodies 101: Immunoprecipitation

    Blog Post
    ...immunosorbent for isolation of immunoglobulins. FEBS Letters 28:73–76 Additional resources on the Addgene blog: ...serum immunoglobulins indiscriminately, causing competition for binding sites. In cases like these, antibodies...
  14. Mammalian RNAi Tools

    ...Parijs L, Jaenisch R, Jacks T. PNAS. 2004. Jul 13; 101(28):10380-5. PubMed . A lentivirus-based system to functionally...diabetes. Kissler S, Stern P, Takahashi K, Hunter K, Peterson LB, Wicker LS. Nat. Genet. 2006. Apr;38(4):479...
  15. Affinity Purification of Recombinant Antibodies with Protein A or Protein G

    ...GraviTrap columns, Cytiva 28-9852-55 or rProtein A GraviTrap columns, Cytiva 28-9852-54 LabMate PD10 pipette Reagents Aspirating pipette, VWR 414004-265 5 mL pipette, VWR 89130-896 10 mL pipette, VWR...single channel pipette 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 20–200 µL single channel pipette 2–20 µL single...VWR 89130-898 25 mL pipette, VWR 89130-900 50 mL pipette, VWR 89130-902 50 mL conical tubes, VWR 89039-...A2 Biological Safety Cabinet 4 °C Refrigerator Pipette controller Benchtop centrifuge compatible with ...tubes, VWR 76289-498 Before Starting Wipe down all pipettes and equipment with 10% bleach prior to use. Warm...the remaining space in the column with PBS and pipette several times to mix. Centrifuge at 3100 x g for...
  16. March for Science

    Blog Post
    ...Broader Impacts” requirements for certain grants) (28). As one young scientist, Matthew Niederhuber, said...References March for Science Website Locke, John, and Peter Laslett. Locke: Two treatises of government student... 15-008: Perspectives on Broader Impacts. The Pipettepen: The March for Science Raises Concerns Over Politicization...
  17. Protocol - How to Streak a Plate

    ...streaking it onto an LB agar plate. Last Update: Feb. 28, 2017 Protocol Video Watch the protocol video below...stab or glycerol stock . Using a sterile loop, pipette tip or toothpick, touch the bacteria growing within...plate, to create streak #2. Using a third sterile pipette tip, toothpick, or sterilized loop, drag through...
  18. Immunology Research Plasmids and Resources

    ...pseudogene (provisional) IGHV3H IGHV4-28 immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-28 IGHV428, VH IGHV4-30-1 immunoglobulin...variable 2-24 A23, IGKV224 IGKV2-28 immunoglobulin kappa variable 2-28 A19, IGKV228 IGKV2-30 immunoglobulin...non-functional) A7, IGKV2D24 IGKV2D-28 immunoglobulin kappa variable 2D-28 A3, IGKV2D28 IGKV2D-29 immunoglobulin... PESKY, SCYA27 CCL28 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 28 CCK1, MEC, MGC71902, SCYA28 CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif...lambda 3) IFNL3, IL-28B, IL28C IL28RA interleukin 28 receptor, alpha (interferon, lambda receptor) CRF2...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 24 results