Top Requested Plasmid of 2017 - pMD2.G
Blog Post
... envelope plasmid pMD2.G from Didier Trono’s lab!
Lentivirus envelope vector pMD2.G
This plasmid has been...searchable list here).
Tips for using pMD2.G
At Addgene, we use pMD2.G for producing our ready-to-use lentivirus... gets a sense of the broad usefulness of pMD2.G and VSV-G. This plasmid has been used in studies of the...effects.
To date, nearly 900 articles cite the use of pMD2.G obtained from Addgene. Skimming the list, one gets... pmd2.g...times (over 800 orders in 2017) and expresses the VSV-G envelope protein under the control of the powerful...determine the types of cells that it can infect. The VSV-G envelope is widely used and requested because it enables...