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Showing: 1 - 20 of 275 results
  1. Dos & Don'ts When Publishing a Scientific Manuscript

    Blog Post
    ...project from the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) called the Resource Identification Initiative. During...journals and their scientific communities aim to significantly improve the reproducibility and reliability ...
  2. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...GFP CMV ALS Juan Bonifacino 172202 eGFP-KIF5A-Rigor KIF5A GFP CMV ALS Juan Bonifacino 173579 Lenti-sgAtm...TARDBP mRuby CMV ALS Jennifer Lee 216226 TDP-43 mRuby K84ONBK TARDBP mRuby CMV ALS Jennifer Lee 216227 TDP-...strep KIF5A mCherry, Streptavidin CMV ALS Juan Bonifacino 120538 pSV40_HA-mPKR EIF2AK2 SV40 VWM disease...CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11 ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164204 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11...CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(D40G) ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164205 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11...CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(R235Q) ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164206 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(R346C...(R346C) ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164207 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(1-185aa...
  3. Antibody Guide

    Collection present in. However, polyclonals can vary significantly from lot to lot, as immune responses have high...purchased already conjugated, which can save significant time in the lab. However, if the antibody the lab. The complexity of this can vary significantly based on the antibody and conjugate chosen. ...will bind to a single primary antibody, which significantly increases the signaling molecule to epitope ...
  4. CRISPR Pooled gRNA Libraries

    ...Library 169942 Knockout Human Ebert 3rd 4 2,852 Bonifacino Lab Human ubiquitination-related proteins CRISPR...CRISPR KO library 174592 Knockout Human Bonifacino 3rd 6-25 11,108 Borodina Yeast Transporter Libraries...
  5. Church Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...studies to date. Neisseria meningitidis (NM): Significantly smaller than the above Cas9 protein, NM is comparably...positions adjacent to those formally required can significantly reduce activity, while particular protospacers...
  6. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...6407):1122-1126. Kai Johnsson NADPH/NADP+ or NAD+ Snifit FRET-based sensors of NADPH/NADP+ ratio or NAD+...GABA and synthetic GABA(B) receptor ligands (GABA-Snifit) A fluorescent sensor for GABA and synthetic GABA...
  7. Open Enzyme Collection

    ...BioBricks Foundation Plasmids Drew Endy Lab Plasmids Jennifer Molloy Lab Plasmids Golden Gate cloning...
  8. Lentivirus Plasmids

    ...both dividing and non-dividing cells without a significant immune response. These viruses also integrate...
  9. COVID-19 Resources

    ...Material. Rauch J, et al. bioRxiv 2020.04.20.052159 . Jennifer Doudna's lab has utilized Cas12a’s non-specific...
  10. Zhang Lab CRISPR Page

    ...dynamics of KRAS , p53 and LKB1 , the top three significantly mutated genes in lung adenocarcinoma. Delivery...
  11. Luciferase Plasmids

    ...use the red-shifted substrate Akalumine with significantly brighter signal and emission in the near-infrared...
  12. Antibody Guide

    Guide present in. However, polyclonals can vary significantly from lot to lot, as immune responses have high...purchased already conjugated, which can save significant time in the lab. However, if the antibody the lab. The complexity of this can vary significantly based on the antibody and conjugate chosen. ...will bind to a single primary antibody, which significantly increases the signaling molecule to epitope ...
  13. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...inheritance in peas. Over the next 100 years, many significant discoveries lead to the conclusions that archaea and eukaryotes, they play the most significant biological role in bacteria where they can be...
  14. Using a Light Microscope Protocol

    ...10x magnification. To determine the final magnification of your image, multiply the magnification of your...lens which magnifies the image, then the ocular lens, where the image is further magnified before it finally...for now) is the magnification power, such as 4x, 10x, or 20x. A 4x objective magnifies the image four ...10x objective magnifies it 10 times, and so on. The ocular lens also provides magnification and the power...most important properties of a microscope are magnification (the ability to make an image larger) and resolution...reaches your eyes. These lenses determine the magnification of the image and the resolution your microscope...performs essentially the same task but has different magnifying powers. When you look at the side of an objective...
  15. Deep Dive: Statistical Tests (Comparisons)

    Blog Post
    ...determines if there is statistical significance among data sets. Significance is a numerical value which quantifies... they deserve that oh-so coveted asterisk of significance? You’ve already done the heavy lifting, so don...assess if the mean of an experimental group is significantly greater or lesser than the mean of a control...variables. This test will tell you if there are significant differences between the means of your groups....on a five-sample data set yields statistical significance, you won’t know if only two of those samples...pairs within the five is different. To identify significant pairings, additional tests, referred to as post-hoc...statistical test   Post hoc tests Knowing that significance exists somewhere amongst multiple groups is ...
  16. Designing Your Chalk Talk for the Academic Job Interview

    Blog Post
    ...research vision is your approach to resolving a significant knowledge gap in your field or even creating ...field, and interesting. For example, “there is a significant need for healthy livers for transplants. Growth...knowledge gap you plan to address and why is it significant? What is the problem you will study? Why this... down your problem and then explain why it’s significant and innovative. For example, "while it is possible... to your research problem. Creating a coherent unified story and model can help make your ideas easier...University, did his postdoctoral fellowship with Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz at the National Institutes...
  17. CUT&RUN: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-DNA Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...interactions for subsequent sheering of DNA by sonification. Though it helps capture weaker or more transient...Washington. CUT&RUN doesn’t require fixation and significantly decreases background noise, reducing the read...dissections. With CUT&RUN, we have had success with significantly fewer wings, such that enough tissue for an ...improvements to the initial CUT&RUN protocol, the most significant being the usage of a strong detergent to permeabilize...extraction. They report that this change offers a significant improvement and simplification of the original...
  18. Hot Plasmids - August 2020

    Blog Post
    ...dissolved at a higher concentration, and results in uniform NB biotinylation. Once induced, the NBs could be...CRISPRa system for human pluripotent stem cells By Jennifer Tsang CRISPR gene interference (CRISPRi) and gene...dCas9 and the gRNA. This expression can vary significantly depending on transgene design and delivery. ...developed fluorescently labeled piggyBac vectors for uniform and sustained expression of single or multiplexed....1038/s41598-020-57500-1 The CRISPR corner By Jennifer Tsang Here are a few highlights from recent CRISPR...
  19. Addgene's Top Blog Posts from 2020

    Blog Post
    ... Proteins For Molecular Biology Experiments by Jennifer Tsang Chromoproteins are a subset of the fluorescent.... 7. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists by Jennifer Tsang These tips were written early on in the...Five DNA Quantification Methods to Consider by Jennifer Tsang The nanodrop vs. spec debate dominates ... Jennifer Tsang...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 275 results