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Showing: 1 - 20 of 24 results
  1. Photosensitizer Induced Cell Ablation with FAP-TAP MG-2I-dL5**

    Blog Post
    ...expression of the FAP. A new photosensitizer: FAP-TAP MG-2I-dL5** MG-2I-dL5** is a new FAP-TAP complex where...protein partner thus forming the full FAP-TAP complex (MG-2I-dL5**).   A FAP-TAP complex will light up if excited...composed of two parts: 1) an activatable protein (the FAP - fluorogen activating protein - dL5** in this case... where dL5** is the FAP. It’s job is to bind MG-2I, a photosensitizer fluorogenic dye.  MG-2I is the TAP...increased ROS generation when bound by the dL5** FAP.  The iodine-modifications also shift MG-2I’s excitation...Above is a brief schematic of how the MG-2I-dL5** FAP-TAP system works. Find the Plasmids from the Publication...zebrafish’s heartbeat and blood circulation of following FAP-TAP light activation. Video:
  2. Better Dyeing Through Chemistry & Small Molecule Fluorophores

    Blog Post
    ...incorporation (Figure 1d). Fluorogen activating proteins (FAPs) – These modified antibody fragments bind and enhance...strategies such as the bisarsenical dye (Figure 1a) and FAP systems (Figure 1e) are inherently fluorogenic and...
  3. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ... import sequence and COX VIII signal peptide dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 44385 pLV-mitoGFP Mitochondria...2xG4S-mCer3 Nucleus NLS (from Mak16p protein) dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 73207 pcDNA3.1-KozATG-...KozATG-dL5-2XG4S-mCer3 Cytosol, nucleoplasm None dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 36206 pmTurquoise2-NES ...-TMst Cell surface (mammalian) PDGFR-derived dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 45944 pTDpelB-C_sfYFPTwinStrep... SKL tripeptide, peroxisome transport signal dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 85065 pmScarlet-I_peroxisome_C1...-2XG4S-mCer3-KDEL Endoplasmic Reticulum KDEL dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 73209 pcDNA3.1-kappa-myc-dL5...-2XG4S-mCer3-KDEL Endoplasmic Reticulum KDEL dL5 FAP; mCerulean3 Marcel Bruchez 85068 pCytERM_mScarlet-i_N1...
  4. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

    Blog Post
    ...type. For example, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a glia-specific intermediate filament expressed...Neuroscience Antibody Collection to find a recombinant anti-GFAP [N206A/8R] antibody shared by James Trimmer’s lab...types in the nervous system!  Find recombinant anti-GFAP [N206A/8R] antibody here!   Figure 5: Free-floating...Free-floating rat brain sections stained with Anti-GFAP. The staining patterns from recombinant antibodies...
  5. Viral Vectors 101: AAV Variables That Matter

    Blog Post synapsin, glial fibrillary associated protein (GFAP), or tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH), can limit which ...Astrocyte-selective AAV gene therapy through the endogenous GFAP promoter results in robust transduction in the rat... & Brenner, M. (2004). Expression specificity of GFAP transgenes. Neurochemical Research, 29(11 SPEC. ...
  6. New Viral Vectors - Fall 2024

    Blog Post
    ...AAV1 Biosensors Yulong Li New viral prep pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE Project...New viral prep with multiple serotypes pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2(no bind)-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE...
  7. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - Spring 2019

    Blog Post
    ... [Archon1-KGC-GFP-ER2] pAAV-FLEX-tdTomato pAAV-GFAP104-mCherry pAAV-mDlx-NLS-mRuby2 CAG-NLS-GFP pAAV-hSyn-mCherry...molecular tool.   Find pAAV-FLEX-tdTomato, pAAV-GFAP104-mCherry, pAAV-mDlx-NLS-mRuby2, CAG-NLS-GFP,and ...
  8. 15 Hot Plasmids from 2017

    Blog Post
    ...microglial/macrophage (mpeg1.1), and astrocytic (gfap).This toolbox adds new neuronal tools to the expanding...
  9. Chemogenetics Plasmids

    ... Roth 50478 pAAV-GFAP-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry hM3D (Gq) GFAP mCherry No Roth 50479 pAAV-GFAP-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry...50470 pAAV-GFAP-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D (Gq) GFAP IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50471 pAAV-GFAP-HA-hM4D(Gi...hM4D (Gi) GFAP IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50472 pAAV-GFAP-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine rM3D (Gs) GFAP IRES-mCitrine...hM3D (Gq) Syn No Richie 50478 pAAV-GFAP-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry hM3D (Gq) GFAP mCherry No Roth 83896 pAAV-hDlx-...KORD PSAM-Gly Promoter Synapsin CaMKIIa CD68 Dlx GFAP Other Reporter/Fusion mCherry IRES-mCitrine tdTomato...mCherry hM4D (Gi) GFAP mCherry No Roth 75033 pAAV CD68-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry hM4D (Gi) CD68 mCherry No Roth 50454...
  10. Biosensor AAV Preps

    ...pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2-WPRE GFAP iGABASnFR2 none Constitutive 1, 5 GENIE 218873 pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2...Constitutive 1, 5, 9 Looger 98930 pENN.AAV.GFAP.iGluSnFr.WPRE.SV40 GFAP iGluSnFr none Constitutive 1, 5,...none Cre dependent 1 Looger 106192 pAAV.GFAP.SF-iGluSnFR.A184S GFAP SF-iGluSnFR.A184S none Constitutive... Sensors GRAB_5-HT Promoter CAG CaMKIIa Dlx EF1a GFAP/GfaABC1D Synapsin E2 regulatory element Activity...pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2(no bind)-WPRE GFAP iGABASnFR2 (control) none Constitutive 1, 5 GENIE 218874 pGP-AAV-syn-iGABASnFR2...
  11. Cre-lox system

    ...codon optimized Cre PGK AAV Aebischer 24704 GFAP-Cre Cre GFAP Mammalian Sofroniew 25997 LV-Cre pLKO.1 Cre...CMV Mammalian Hughes 40591 hGFAP-Cre mouse astrocyte expression of Cre hGFAP Mammalian Messing 45359 pNK-TGCK...PGK Retroviral Pandolfi 51263 hGFAP-Roxed-Cre Dre-dependent Roxed-Cre GFAP Mammalian Pelczar 51267 pCAG-Co-InCreN...EGFP-Cre fusion CMV AAV Wilson 105550 pAAV.GFAP.Cre.WPRE.hGH Cre GFAP AAV Wilson 105551 pENN.AAV.CamKII.HI.GFP-Cre.WPRE.SV40...Bacterial Dunlop 135217 pDEST mfap4:icre-p2a-tomato iCre and tdTomato mfap4 Zebrafish Tobin 135618 pAAV-...
  12. Control AAV Preps

    ...tdTomato Constitutive 5 Zeng 58909 pAAV-GFAP104-mCherry GFAP104 mCherry Constitutive 5 Boyden 59462 pAAV-CAG-tdTomato...TurboRFP Constitutive 1, 5, 8 Wilson 105549 pAAV.GFAP.eGFP.WPRE.hGH GFAP EGFP Constitutive 5 Wilson 105552 pENN.AAV.hSyn.TurboRFP.WPRE.RBG... AAV9-X1.1 Promoter CAG CaMKIIa CMV Dlx EF1a/nEF GFAP and variants Synapsin TBG Other Fluorophore/Tag ...
  13. The Pleiades Promoter Project

    ... EGFP/NLS Ple88 GFAP pEMS1375 EGFP/NLS Ple88 GFAP pEMS1559 intron-lacZ/NLS Ple89 GFAP pEMS1376 EGFP/NLS...NLS Ple90 GFAP pEMS1121 EGFP/cre/NLS Ple90 GFAP pEMS1377 EGFP/NLS Ple92 GPR88 pEMS1160 EGFP/NLS Ple93 ...
  14. Chemogenetics AAV Preps

    ...50478 pAAV-GFAP-hM3D(Gq)-mCherry hM3D(Gq) - Activation mCherry fusion none 5 Roth 50479 pAAV-GFAP-hM4D(Gi...DREADD PSAM4 GlyR Promoter Synapsin CaMKIIa CD68 Dlx GFAP nEF CAG E2 regulatory element Tag Fusion tags mCherry...Activation NLS-dTomato none 1, 9, rg* Fishell 50472 pAAV-GFAP-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine rM3D(Gs) - Activation ...
  15. Trimmer Lab NeuroMab Collection

    ...Laforin Human Mouse IgG2a 114536 Anti-GFAP R416WT [N206B/9R] GFAP R416WT Human Mouse IgG2a 114538 Anti-...] Frataxin Human Mouse IgG2a 177512 Anti-GFAP [N206A/8R] GFAP Human Mouse IgG2a 177513 Anti-LRP4 (extracellular...-2b] RGS14 Rat Mouse IgG2b 199410 Anti-GFAP [N206A/8R-2b] GFAP Human Mouse IgG2b 199412 Anti-Cav1.2 Ca2...Neurexin-1-Beta Human Mouse IgG1 206703 Anti-GFAP [N206A/8R-1] GFAP Human Mouse IgG1 206705 Anti-Cav1.2 Ca2.../Rat rat IgG2a 225421 GFAP (Homo sapiens) recombinant monoclonal antibody. GFAP Human Chimera: Mouse/Rat...Neurexin-1-Beta Human Mouse 199426 GFAP scFv [N206A/8] N206A/8 scFv GFAP Human Mouse 199428 MAP3K12 scFv ...
  16. Penn Vector Core Partnership with Addgene

    ...Douglas Kim AV-1-PV2914 98930-AAV1 pENN.AAV.GFAP.iGluSnFr.WPRE.SV40 Loren Looger AV-1-PV3080 100840-AAV1...Douglas Kim AV-5-PV2914 98930-AAV5 pENN.AAV.GFAP.iGluSnFr.WPRE.SV40 Loren Looger AV-5-PV3107 52924-AAV5...Douglas Kim AV-9-PV2914 98930-AAV9 pENN.AAV.GFAP.iGluSnFr.WPRE.SV40 Loren Looger AV-9-PV3081 100836-AAV9... Philip Haydon AV-5-PV2407 105549-AAV5 pAAV.GFAP.eGFP.WPRE.hGH James M. Wilson AV-5-PV3106 44332-AAV5 ...James M. Wilson AV-5-PV2408 105550-AAV5 pAAV.GFAP.Cre.WPRE.hGH James M. Wilson AV-6-PV1090 105537-AAV6...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 24 results