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  1. A New Generation of Adenine Base Editors Improves Editing in Primary Human Cells

    Blog Post
    May 7, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...smaller version, ABE8.x-m, showed comparable editing behavior to ABE8.x-d. Overall, ABE8s showed a median...created ABE8 constructs using a catalytically “dead” S. pyogenes Cas9 (dC9-ABE8.x-m/d). The dC9-ABE8.x-m/...adenine base editors, called ABE8 (Gaudelli et al., 2020). The generated ABE8s needed to produce 3 concurrent... and TadA7.10, they designed one set of ABE8’s similarly (ABE8.x-d). In order to assess the effect of ... The ABE8.x-d version carries a fusion of wild-type TadA and the evolved TadA region. The ABE8.x-m version...500 base-pair smaller than ABE8.x-d.  This resulted altogether in 40 new ABE8 variants. When comparing ...: NG) to create NG-ABE8.xm/d and the S. aureus Cas9 (PAM: NNGRRT) to create Sa-ABE8.x-m/d. With these ...
  2. Expanding the Targeting Scope and Editing Efficiency of Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    March 17, 2020, 1:32 p.m.
    ...-SpCas9. The resulting base editor was named ABE8e. ABE8e is not only fast, it can also be multiplexed...editing speed and targeting scope of ABE8e comes with a price: ABE8e showed increased off-target DNA and... the resulting ABE8e(TadA-8e V106W) was as efficient in on-target DNA editing as ABE8e while maintaining...speed. Created with Introducing ABE8e - a fast and flexible adenine base editor Lower-...hamper the expression of the fetal hemoglobin gene, ABE8e made both changes simultaneously with 54% RNA editing rate of ABE7.10. Find the ABE8e plasmids at Addgene! Why engineer and optimize base... to the wild-type version. With the addition of ABE8e to the base editing toolbox, scientists can now ...
  3. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    Aug. 6, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...editor into 40 new ABE8 variants (Gaudelli et al., 2020). Compared to ABE7.10, ABE8s resulted in 1.5-fold... al., 2020 ABE8 590x faster adenine base editing than ABE7.10 Gaudelli et al., 2020 ABE8e Efficient ...phage-assisted evolution selection systems to generate ABE8e(TadA-8e V106W), which edits ~590-fold faster than...efficiency at non-NGG PAM variants compared to ABE7.10. ABE8s have an improved base editing capacity, even at sites previously difficult to target. ABE8s can achieve 98-99% target modification in primary T cells...
Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results