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Showing: 161 - 180 of 791 results
  1. 5 Uncommon Ways to Gain Career Skills During an Uncommon Time

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    ...find events stressful. Video chatting makes it pretty easy to make 30 minute appointments with people all...almost 6 months, you may be looking for more ways to make sure you are moving forward. Here are a few out-...hand at a video presentation? Most video platforms make it easy to record yourself. You can watch yourself...informational interviews, for more details on how to make the most of these exploratory conversations. If ...least two informational interviews a month you will make good progress on both building relationships and...
  2. The Strength of Story Telling

    Blog Post
    ...arsenal to make sure people pay attention. Highlight your lowest points and highest points and make clear ...crucial part of interpersonal communication, which makes honing your ability to tell stories a similarly .... Whatever you’re working on, start wherever it makes sense to start and try to be as chronological as...protagonist In most cases, the protagonist will be you. Make sure to highlight what lessons you’ve learned and...failures. Foster conversation A story is not a lecture. Make yourself open to conversation — put your work on...
  3. Interview: Ed Boyden on Optogenetics, Neuroscience, and the Future of Neuroengineering

    Blog Post
    ... are sensitive to blue light. Many have tried to make green molecules, but then alongside blue they actually.... So we developed a red molecule. We also had to make the blue light molecule much, much, much more light-sensitive... optogenetic tools in a deep part of the brain, making it sensitive to light. When they illuminated this... emotions, to see how a monkey changes decision making, to cure a human patient. We can't do it all by... I would say we still would like to find ways to make these tools more selective for different ions. Right...interesting. It would also be great if you could make neural silencers that require less power. Those ...
  4. Trading Spaces - Visiting Scientist Edition

    Blog Post
    ...techniques. Show up on time (don’t make your bench mentor wait on you!), make sure you are prepared (read any...success prior to your departure for the new placement. Make sure you read any relevant literature for the have one) to communicate your plan as well. Making logistical and funding arrangements Visiting scientist... a structured visiting program, you will have to make arrangements on your own. This will include, but...a guest and likely a trainee in your new lab, so make a good impression! Remember that your host is going...
  5. Virtual Science Conference Coming Up? Three Addgenies Share Their Experience

    Blog Post
    ...can revisit the Q&A in the chat box. Presenting? Make it interactive! As a presenter, it can be a research talk, there are still other ways to make your session more engaging, for example, by keep your video on and look into the camera to make it seem more like you’re connecting with the people...over. Depending on the conference, organizers may make the poster available after the conference is over...getting to know the app or virtual platform and making sure you stay connected. If possible, test out ...experience as an on-site conference, you really have to make space for it,” says Bachle. “On the flip side, you...
  6. Creating accessible biology activities in schools with BioBits

    Blog Post
    ...components. Making proteins outside of a cell - cell free extracts Typically, if you want to make a protein...more and more molecular biology-based activities making their way into high school classrooms, like gel...cost-effective, as each one is as cheap as 10 cents, making activities designed with FD-CF reactions affordable...they can touch. With BioBits, we want students to make the connection between the facts they’ve learned...experiences and knowledge with each other to help make learning biology more fun – bit by bit. Ally Huang...
  7. What Good Citizenship Can Do for Reproducibility in Science

    Blog Post
    ...important part of being a “good scientific citizen” and making sure you do what you can to help your fellow researchers...consistent way so other researchers can use them, to making sure that methods and protocols are available and... this communication and sharing fits together to make for a transparent and collaborative research environment...for being transparent in their communication or making their data and reagents readily available. What...confident that everyone’s enthusiasm for actually making it happen would increase dramatically. I’m not ...resources on the Addgene blog Find more ways to make your research more reproducible Read all of our ...
  8. The Importance of High Titer for AAV Transductions

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    ...over-diluting, and make sure to remeasure your titer after diluting to confirm. Luke Makana Hanley is a Research...Check out this post for a refresher on AAV titers Making contact with a cell Although an individual AAV ...see the dwindling proportion of AAV particles that make it through each part of the cell on their way to...additional best practices. Keep your cells happy - Make sure your cells are as healthy as can be to prepare...filter - When using a concentration filter column, make sure to rinse off the surface of the filter membrane...
  9. With Our New Viral Service, We're Taking CRISPR Further!

    Blog Post
    ... ability to make discoveries." If you ever run out of ready-to-use virus and want to make new lentiviral...genome editing tool is its developers’ willingness to make their CRISPR technologies available to the academic... reduced titer associated with large inserts can make lentivirus production frustrating - a researcher...protocol only to find that the low titer of her prep makes it unuseable. With the large size of the SpCas9 ...biology you're interested in studying. You need to make sure your assay is scalable and robust. What you...
  10. Viral Vectors 101: Viruses as Biological Tools

    Blog Post
    ...cargo is designed to make you sick…well, you feel it. But the same features that make these familiar viruses... and deposit a DNA/RNA cargo into their targets makes them attractive and tractable tools for genome engineering...essentially DNA (or RNA) delivery vectors, so what makes them better than the alternatives? Well, for one...Secondly, some viruses have a low immunogenicity which makes them ideal for applications with whole organisms... when introduced into an organism. This feature makes them an attractive tool for human subject delivery...
  11. Sharing is Caring: But How to Distribute Open Hardware?

    Blog Post
    ... aided design) drawings of their devices, which makes it very difficult to adapt the device to one's own...2020) or openUC2 (Diederich et. al., 2020) aim to make microscopy as a tool accessible to practically everyone...growing number of "community-driven" software that make everyday microscopy much easier. On platforms such...sources such as Amazon, Ebay, or Aliexpress, which makes it difficult to develop accessible open-source hardware...Distributing hardware via globally established makerspace networks and training users via workshops, seminars...newly developed techniques are the key enablers for making assemblies open-source. The sharing of digital ...
  12. 15 Years of Addgene: The Top 15 Plasmids

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    ... 2015. What makes lentiCRISPR v2 great? It produces a ~10 fold higher titer virus, making it ideal for...a point mutation in the puromycin cassette that makes it less efficient in some cell lines. pSpCas9(BB...V2.0 was made available through Addgene in 2015, making this the most recently available plasmid in the...a point mutation in the puromycin cassette that makes it less efficient in some cell lines so it may be... thank all of our depositors and requestors for making their reagents available and for supporting scientific...
  13. How Addgene Creates Content

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    ...we choose topics for the Addgene blog? Or why we make certain videos? In this post, we invite you behind...experiences from thousands of laboratories that makes up our Help Center, blog, website, social media,...process led to quick dives back into the literature to make sure absolutely everything was correct. Final touches...between our content team and our graphic designer to make sure things are clear, accurate, and in line with...shown.   However, for our blog posts, we usually make figures in BioRender or use appropriately to catch those pesky typos, and hit publish. Making content is an iterative process. We are constantly...
  14. The Many Reasons for Irreproducible Research- and a Vaccine to Eradicate It

    Blog Post
    ...variable actually makes a big difference for the robustness of the findings.   How do we make research more... noise in the process of sampling and inference-making. Even perfect transparent and rigorous studies ...with a specific statistical test.  Preregistration makes clear the distinction between hypothesis testing...With Registered Reports, the authors are able to make that clear distinction between hypothesis testing...Furthermore, the journal and reviewers are incentivized to make sure that any possible null is really a true null...
  15. Cas13d: Small RNA-targeting CRISPR enzymes for transcriptome engineering

    Blog Post
    ...similar to previously discovered Cas13 enzymes - what makes these orthologs so special? The first property is...Cas13d enzymes have a median length of ~930aa - making them 17-26% smaller than other Cas13s and a whopping...whopping 33% smaller than Cas9! Their small size makes then easy to package in low-capacity vectors like...broader regulators of Cas13d activity. This property makes WYL proteins an intriguing counterpart to anti-CRISPR... yielded >80% knockdown. It seems that CasRx may make it possible to target essentially any RNA in a cell...and we at Addgene appreciate our depositors for making their tools available to the broader community....
  16. Technical Design of a Western Blot

    Blog Post
    ...running one, you’ll know there’s a lot of choices to make when designing the experiment. What detection method...    Figure 1: The technical decisions to make when designing a western blot.  Psst! Looking...antibodies are relatively cheap and easy to source, making it easy to switch from one readout method to another...blocking buffer and a recommended concentration. That makes the choice easy! Protein-based blockers include ...Chemiluminescence kits When activating your enzyme, make sure to choose a chemilumescence kit appropriately...greater dynamic range than chemiluminescence enzymes, making it easier to accurately visualize proteins of wildly...proteins diffuse semiradially during the transfer, making membranes inherently “fuzzier” than gels. Quantification...
  17. Channelrhodopsins with improved light sensitivity for minimally-invasive optogenetics

    Blog Post
    ...light-gated ion channels such as channelrhodopsins (ChRs) makes them light-responsive. When light shines on excitatory...causes it to fire. Created with To make channelrhodopsin-based optogenetics minimally-invasive...channelrhodopsins. Their new channelrhodopsins, called ChRgers, make the brain a little easier to access with optogenetics...injection. This lower multiplicity of infection (MOI) makes it challenging for ChR2(H134R) to function because...showed that ChRger2 stronger photocurrent properties make it better suited for systemic delivery with PHP....TL;DR The new channelrhodopsins, called ChRgers, make it easier and less invasive to use optogenetics ...
  18. CRISPR 101: Cas9 vs. The Other Cas(s)

    Blog Post
    ... unique cutting features and evolved PAM sites, making Cas9 an adaptable choice for many genome engineering... into crRNA). The size and simplicity of Cas12a makes it easier to package for therapeutic delivery by... to give it a go? The high specificity of Cas14 makes it a promising detection tool for rare, often hard...unlike Cas9, it targets RNA instead of DNA. This makes it particularly useful in generating transient sequence. The RNA-targeting ability of Cas13 makes it perfect for targeting mRNA and useful as a mechanism...targeting abilities of the other Cas family members make for useful implements in the scientist toolbox. ...
  19. Lab Automation at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...your way. Label your tubes with a label maker. Label makers generate far more legible labels than your...into the lab wishing there was a machine that could make your life a hundred times easier. We’ve certainly...Addgene recently started automating a few protocols to make standard lab processes easier and more efficient...really liked that Beckman was flexible and willing to make removable parts to fit on the deck of the Biomek...pick up 8 tips and position the tips indepently making it easy to spread out your samples. This can be...
  20. Degrading DNA with Cascade-Cas3

    Blog Post
    ...mechanical work for editing. Class 1 CRISPR systems make up the majority of CRISPR-based immune systems in...broken down into different types, with Cas3 systems making up type I, the most abundant type in the Class ...away at both the non-target and target strands by making cuts every so often. Cutting both strands ensures... for Cas3’s biggest trick. Cas3 likes to bluff, making you into think it’s more powerful than it is. The...issues with expressing all Cascade components can make Cas9 easier to work with than Cas3. Future targets...1477. Makarova, K. S., Wolf, Y. I., Alkhnbashi, O. S., Costa,...
Showing: 161 - 180 of 791 results