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Showing: 161 - 180 of 945 results
  1. Site Directed Mutagenesis by PCR

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    ...amplifies the entire plasmid template. The parent template is removed using a methylation-dependent endonuclease...the PCR products, the plasmid template should be isolated from a methylation competent bacterial strain ...requires a template of high homology to the endogenous target, yet to facilitate the repair, the template should...duplications (slightly larger bands sizes relative to the original template). Due to the small difference in size...introduce or remove restriction sites), in mapping of regulatory elements (to mutate promoters/enhancers in reporter...resistant to Cas9 cleavage. If a plasmid contains the template, site-directed mutagenesis can be used to mutate...nicked plasmid (the PCR product). Plasmids are isolated from the resulting colonies, and screened for ...
  2. Flow Cytometry Readouts: Yes, No, and Everything in Between

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    ... same way, the GFP- population should overlap with the negative control population (Figure 1). Based on... experiments, these populations may overlap slightly, or the distinct populations may not be as obvious...expressed regularly in cells and might be upregulated or downregulated based on your experiment. You can see... densities, so signal shifts due to upregulation or downregulation are easier to identify by comparing...signal, or upregulation, and a peak to the left indicates a lower signal, or downregulation. Figure 3 ...results for your antibody of interest: two clear populations or a huge smear across your FSH vs reporter plot...acquisition, make sure that the signal for the positive population is no higher than 105 signal intensity. Signals...
  3. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

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    ...system, which uses light to regulate transcription, also includes light-regulated histone methyltransferases... Q147L mutation improves methylation kinetics such that cytosine methylation occurs within 24 hours rather...expression that go beyond genomic sequence. Dysregulation of the epigenome (the sum of epigenetic modifications...general, epigenetic chromatin modifications are correlated with alterations in gene expression, but for this purpose. Epigenetics began as a correlative field in which covalent modifications to DNA ...demethylase catalytic domain, could mediate demethylation and induce transcription at CpG regions of various... TAL effector to LSD1 histone demethylase to demethylate enhancer regions (Mendenhall et al., 2013). By...
  4. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

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    ...cloning and the FNLCR Combinatorial Cloning Platform (CCP); the latter of which greatly enhances the utility...assembly cloning platform called GMAP (Gibson assembly-based modular assembly platform). GMAP is based ... that locus to be methylated. This powerful tool has been used to direct methylation to and lower expression...method, called STARR-seq (self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing) that tests enhancer sequences...enhancers function independently of their position relative to a transcription start site. In STARR-seq, randomly...researchers to screen the entire genome for genes that regulate a wide variety of phenotypes, including but not...the resulting lentiviral library to generate a population of HEK293FT cells expressing a single gRNA targeting...
  5. Cloning Mammalian Cells with the Agarose Method

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    ...transfection into plates containing selection agent at different densities, then dispose of the plates that do ...) to transition from a 48-well cell plate to a 96-well assay plate. We generally freeze at least 2 ampules...rapidly isolate individual cell clones with different expression characteristics from a population of transfected...became frustrated with using glass cloning rings to isolate colonies of antibiotic-resistant cells; during ...cloning rings, the remainder of the colonies on the plate dried out and died. The alternative to cloning rings... rings, dilution cloning into 96-well plates, is extremely time- and resource-consumptive, since only ...cell can give rise to single clones, and thus many plates must be examined for single clones and then handled...
  6. Antibodies 101: Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post can be used to isolate a specific subset of cells in a population in a procedure termed oscillates to generate droplets that are charged as they pass through a metal deflection plate. Each...lymphocytes and “gate” that population for further analysis. Since different populations of immune cells express...desired cell population for further analysis. In this example, the lymphocyte population is selected and...analyze a specific subset of cells in a complex population. Have you spent hours in the biosafety cabinet...cytometry allows users to analyze single cells in a population. Single cells are passed through the path of protein expression levels, assessing post-translational modifications, determining cell health, analyzing...
  7. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Gating in Flow Cytometry

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    ...and negative populations. Oftentimes, you’ll be presented with a trend of two populations with basically...within a clear negative population. When you’re interested in measuring a population based on a fluorescent...two stains in relation to each other. Using a quadrant gate, I can divide my cell population into DN, DP...experiments you’ll be working with a heterogeneous cell population, for example from a processed piece of tissue...But even if you are analyzing a homogenous cell population in culture, it is normal to observe diversity...Figure 3 you can see how I gated out my lymphocyte population from a tumor sample. Many cell types can be found... I can however clearly identify my lymphocyte population (10.7% of all recorded events) based on their...
  8. Plasmids 101: Terminators and PolyA signals

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    ...occur directly after any 3’ regulatory elements, such as the polyadenylation or poly(A) signal. While many...purpose and mechanism of polyadenylation vary across cell types, but polyadenylation generally serves to promote...which promotes both polyadenylation and termination. Out of those listed, the SV40 late polyA and rbGlob ...export and translation processes as well.   Figure 2: The conserved eukaryotic polyadenylation signal...efficiency element of the simian virus 40 late polyadenylation signal by using in vitro analyses. Molecular...working with plasmids! What are termination and polyadenylation? The role of the terminator, a sequence-based...half-life, and ultimately gene-expression. Polyadenylation is the post-transcriptional additional of multiple...
  9. Plasmids 101: The Promoter Region – Let's Go!

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    ...Tends to resist promoter down regulation due to methylation or deacetylation. Ubc General expression mRNA...controlled by still other regulatory factors: enhancers, boundary elements, insulators, and silencers; however...pET vectors. Very tightly regulated by the lac operators. Good for modulating gene expression through varied...Good for rapid regulation and low basal expression; however, not well-suited for modulating gene expression...repressor 10x, thus tightening regulation of lac promoter. Good for modulating gene expression through varied...and -10 region from lac. Very tight regulation. Good for modulating gene expression through varied inducer...cells and typically only in the same or closely related species from which they were derived. Similarly...
  10. Technique: Probe Phage Genomes for Host Binding Proteins

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    ...and plate transformants for isolated colonies (150-200 per plate) across 20 fresh selective plates. Step...gently down onto a plate of colonies. Mark the orientation of each membrane on its plate before moving on...on. Then peel each membrane off the plate (saving the plate so you can regrow the lifted colonies overnight...therapeutics, which is also gaining a lot of new traction lately (1, 2), depends on knowledge of the structure(s... a given fragment size to be selected for by manipulating the nebulization time and pressure. Nebulization...a hose to a nitrogen gas tank with a pressure regulator. Other methods for physical shearing exist as ...working with DNA that is refractory to enzymatic manipulation, amplifying phage DNA with phi29 polymerase ...
  11. Illuminating Epigenetics with A FRET Based Biosensor

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    ...disorders. A series of studies carried out on an isolated population in Sweden found that paternal their DNA methylation patterns, either large increases or decreases. Hypermethylation of CpG islands... (pcDNA3-K9 histone methylation reporter) and K27 (pcDNA3-K27 histone methylation reporter) positions recognise lysine 27 methylation. When tested in living cells where methylation of these sites was controlled...significantly different FRET levels between unmethylated and methylated states. Thus, this system is a reliable... transcription and inactivate them. Global hypomethylation, on the other hand, has also been implicated...immunoprecipitation, fluorescent in-situ hybridization, methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme digestion, DNA adenine...
  12. The Materials Science of Optogenetics Experiments

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    ...thus individual laser stimulation is essential. In terms of the laser stimulation itself, the output of...cable is threaded through—and fixed to—an optical insulator called a ferrule (below). The fiber optic cable...significant amount of equipment, most of which is relatively cheap). Several protocols have been written outlining...the dorsal/ventral location of your region of stimulation (the z-axis bregma coordinate). Because the enters tissue, placement above the site of stimulation guarantees that the majority of the opsins will...should be about 0.4-0.5mm above the site of your stimulation. The scatter effect is also an important consideration...during the entire protocol, otherwise optical stimulation will be erratic, opsin activation/inactivation...
  13. Rewiring Metabolic Circuitry with CRISPR RNA Scaffolds [Video]

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    ...transcriptional regulator to modulate expression at that locus. The use of regulators allows a greater...that can recruit various transcriptional regulators (Zalatan et al. 2015).  These scaffolds are stretches...promoter to modulate dCas9 expression, multiple scRNA transcriptional programs can be regulated with dCas9...University of Western Ontario. Adam summarizes Zalatan JG, et al.'s recent paper, "Engineering Complex...differentiation or metabolism. Our attempts to manipulate these cellular behaviors often fall short with...shifted in recent years toward tinkering with regulatory networks and multiplex gene control. However,...approaches are often met with the challenges of regulatory bottlenecks and their scope is limited by the...
  14. CRISPR 101: Homology Directed Repair

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    ...modifications exist in the template DNA. There are several unique HDR mechanisms, but all templated-repair pathways...fix a broken relationship. Pardo B, et al. Cell Mol Life Sci (2009). PubMed. Regulation of DNA double-strand...along the way. HDR uses homologous sequence as a template for repair and is thus the more accurate mechanism...process is generally error-free provided the DNA template used for repair is identical to the original strand of the homologous DNA donor and can template repair off the other strand; this results in the...mechanism that notably does not require a donor template and thus won’t be covered in detail here. Classical...pathway, the 3’ ends invade an intact homologous template to serve as a primer for DNA repair synthesis,...
  15. CRISPR Between the Genes: How to Experiment with Enhancers and Epigenomics

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    ... region that has mono-methylated and acetylated histones, but not tri-methylated histones, functions as...denote enhancers as follows: (mono_methylation + acetylation) - tri_methylation In the next section we’ll ... me3, and ac – denoting mono-methylation, tri-methylation, and aceylation, respectively (these are chemical...sequencing to measure the relative proportion of guide RNAs (gRNAs) across the population. Recall that guide ...inclusive markers of regulatory regions in the genome, including enhancers, promoters, insulators, and more. I...It Locates ChIP-seq Proteins (for our example later, histones) ChiRP-seq RNA Hi-C DNA (genome-to-genome...tried and true method of finding enhancers by isolating genomic regions that are bound to modified proteins...
  16. New Tools Enable CRISPRa for Neuroscience Applications

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    ...gene-function relationships in defined substructures of the CNS as well as individual neuronal populations.  The...some unknown regulators of neuronal differentiation were enriched in the CD8+ population, as expected....neurons, forming the neuronal circuits that will later be refined through experience. However, studying...complicated by the lack of precise genetic tools for modulating gene expression in the central nervous system...using CRISPRa to target individual genes can be relatively laborious because multiple plasmids/viruses are...generated from the same gene but with different untranslated or coding regions. Typically, each gene isoform...can be targeted anywhere in the genome, it is relatively straightforward to use CRISPRa to selectively...
  17. Important Considerations in Optogenetics Behavioral Experiments

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    ...know if you are actually stimulating or inhibiting the targeted neuronal population prior to behavioral testing...receive different types of stimulation may help to refine and optimize your stimulation parameters as well. ... and stimulate them for 30min to an hour and observe what happens. You never know how stimulation of a...personally interested in include: intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) and place preference. The lab I work in... electrode and non-specifically electrically stimulating an ill-defined region of the brain. With the ...particular hole (the active hole) induces laser stimulation of the chosen brain circuit, while a nose-poke...different patterns and the animal only receives stimulation in one of the two chambers (see image below)....
  18. An “elegans” Approach to Better CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Efficiency

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    ...the model organisms which I use to study gene regulation during developmental processes, CRISPR/Cas9 allows...but currently requires additional experimental manipulation. In some cases, injection of Cre is required...mutation must be removed, which can be done by isolating animals with particular visible phenotypes. These...following a report that one can use linear repair templates (ie. PCR-derived dsDNA) with 30-60 basepair homology...ribonucleoprotein complex with linear DNA as repair templates which reduces time to generate edits to only four...but require variable amounts of experimental manipulation and screening.  A co-selection strategy for obtained in eight days. The only animals on a plate, other than the parental animal, are rescued progeny...
  19. Multiple Plasmids at a Low Price: Kits from Addgene

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    ...developing a general translation initiation sequence known as the Species-Independent Translational Sequence (SITS... fuse custom PUF proteins to a translational repressor to down-regulate a gene of interest. You can generate...: 1147. Cooke, Amy, et al. "Targeted translational regulation using the PUF protein family scaffold....extensive sequences used for cloning into the final translated products. Negative selection markers built into...Tikhonova, Elena B., et al. "A transcription blocker isolated from a designed repeat protein combinatorial library...of which you can clone your gene of interest. Translation of the standardized leader peptide prevents secondary...encoding your gene of interest from affecting its translation initiation and instead makes initiation heavily...
  20. Plasmids 101: Screens vs. Selections

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    ...Forward and reverse screens involve manipulating or mutagenizing a population (typically cells or small organisms...screens, there is random or unknown manipulation of the population. This is contrary to reverse screens...disease as the input population. For these experiments, the goal is to identify manipulations which either that only survivable manipulations are assessed, rather than all manipulation events. To put it another...looking at cells that can survive. Instead, all manipulations are assessed, regardless of whether they enhance... is assessed. The two most common methods of manipulation are genetic knockout mutations and treatment...consider these questions to save yourself a headache later on. Enhancer and suppressor screens These types ...
Showing: 161 - 180 of 945 results