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Showing: 141 - 160 of 901 results
  1. AAV ddPCR Titration

    ...layout is complete, select 'Run' to begin the droplet reading. When the droplet reading is complete, export... on the insert. Please ensure that you are in compliance with your institution’s biosafety regulations...Stabilization 98 10 2 1 Hold 4 ∞ 2 1 After PCR is complete, transfer the plate to the Droplet Reader. Open...
  2. Ligation Independent Cloning

    ...restriction digest protocol ). After the digest is complete, you will need to separate the linearized vector... A typical T4 Pol reaction is shown. Mix the components (add the T4 last) and incubate at room temperature...of T4 Pol in the following step. This may be accomplished by gel purification . Step 5: Create Insert ...
  3. Centrifugation

    ... and using a centrifuge to separate different components in a liquid sample....laboratory equipment used to separate different components in a liquid sample. It achieves this by using... you use, most will have essentially the same components. The photo to the left shows a front view of ...
  4. Gibson Assembly Protocol

    ...2009). Regardless of fragment length or end compatibility, multiple overlapping DNA fragments can be joined...overhangs by chewing back from the DNA 5’ end. Complementary DNA fragments can subsequently anneal to each... DNA Ligase - covalently joins the annealed complementary DNA fragments, removing any nicks and creating...
  5. Protocol - How to Create a Bacterial Glycerol Stock

    ...bacterial strain and you will not need to obtain more competent cells and retransform. Bacteria on an LB agar ...streaking onto LB agar will prevent it from thawing completely and will improve the shelf life. It is very important...
  6. Transfection for Recombinant Antibodies

    ...biosafety level 2. Please ensure that you are in compliance with your institution’s biosafety Pipettor and pipettes Benchtop centrifuge compatible with 50 mL conical tubes Automated cell counter...
  7. AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation

    Protocol . The iodixanol gradient in this protocol is composed of steps that separate out contaminants from and concentration Note: Both steps could be completed in one (long) day. Equipment Ultracentrifuge T70i...
  8. Protocol - How to Run an Agarose Gel

    ...). Microwave for 1-3 min until the agarose is completely dissolved (but do not overboil the solution, temperature for 20-30 mins, until it has completely solidified. Pro-Tip If you are in a hurry, the...
  9. Handling Plasmids from Addgene - Purifying Plasmid DNA

    ...bacterial cultures , please see those pages. Several companies, such as (Link opens in a new window) Qiagen ,...but within a smaller volume of buffer that is compatible with the next solution. Add a denaturing solution...
  10. Kit Free RNA Extraction

    Protocol allow for dissociation of the nucleoprotein complexes. The effectiveness of your RNA isolation will ...
  11. Making CRISPR Plasmids Using Fragmid

    Blog Post
    ...plasmid. It shows you each component, with the ID of the component plasmid, component name, size, and any comments...module, are the components. Using the handy website, users can simply select the components they want to select components that work with your design. Note that you can browse all components by clicking...Fragmid doesn’t have the components I want? You can make your own Fragmid components! Ensure your backbone... Each module of Fragmid represents a class of components, such as your CRISPR enzyme or Pol 2 promoter...’ terminus, and selection markers. Need fewer components? A spacer can be inserted instead, allowing everything...everything to stay in the correct order. Most Fragmid components are available for request on the Addgene website...
  12. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    ...easily design, generate, and test constructs composed of complex genetic elements. To demonstrate the usefulness...several GMAP-compatible vectors for a wide variety of biological applications. First, GMAP-compatible backbones...mammalian systems. The DULIP system is comprised of Gateway-compatible plasmids in which “bait” proteins are...plasmids designed to complement unused auxotrophies in Saccharomyces strains by compensating for histidine (... do so have been hindered by a lack of tools, compounds, and assays to monitor activation of these receptors...including a stop codon) formats. The collection is compatible with both standard Gateway cloning and the FNLCR...assembly platform for generating both simple and complex DNA constructs Have you ever wished you could ...
  13. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Vector Elements

    Blog Post
    ...replication components are called helper plasmids. Below, we’ll breakdown the vector components first by ...nucleocapsid viral components needed for viral packaging, assembly, and display. Pol, the last component, contains...there are bonus components to these vectors that aren’t reflected in the common components outlined above...lentiviral guide outlines these components.     Fig. 1 - Viral vector components of retrovirus  Adeno-associated...production reasons, multiple plasmids with many components are used to package lab grown viruses. It can... protocols! In reality, there are many shared components across viruses (AAV, lentivirus, etc.) and their... what gag and pol stand for, we demystify all components of viral vectors here! Need Virus? Check out...
  14. Finding Your Perfect Job After University

    Blog Post
    ...role at a commercial virology testing company. This particular company carries out clinical trials of drugs...treatments for external companies. It was really exciting to work in a larger commercial company; the pay was good...the company and that my ideas and changes were welcomed, which is a benefit over larger companies which...obtaining work in scientific research would be very competitive, and so I applied for a summer role as a Research...This was particularly interesting as I had just completed my thesis on the study of e2Fb, which is a tumour...without issues. Because the primary purpose of the company was to fulfill contracts, my work sometimes felt...strong point. Working in industry: virology On completing my MSc, I again had to look at what type of work...
  15. Viral Vectors 101: Voltage Indicators

    Blog Post
    ...different components, but all contain a FRET pair, a genetic component, and a small molecule component. Early...developed voltage sensor with a genetic component. The VSD components have historically come from a variety...have been engineered to have kinetics comparable to its one component counterpart and is significantly brighter...cellular localization component is typically handled by either the fluorescent component (i.e., when the have two main elements: a voltage-sensing component and a fluorescent output. The GEVI family of gadgets... a hybrid approach and utilize both a genetic component as well as a small molecule which we will describe...reporter and the mechanism of their voltage sensing component, which separates them into two distinct categories...
  16. CRISPR 101: Mammalian Expression Systems and Delivery Methods

    Blog Post
    ...are compatible with all your components. Next, consider the best form for those CRISPR components based...introducing those CRISPR components into your target cells. Delivery of these components into mammalian cell...most effectively achieved with different CRISPR components. Select the appropriate CRISPR tools for your...will you be editing? Do you want to deliver the components as DNA, or would mRNA or protein delivery be ...of the first steps is to identify what CRISPR components you will need to deliver. Minimally, one or more... the best method for introducing those CRISPR components into your target cells.  Mammalian CRISPR practices for efficient delivery of CRISPR components. If you are new to CRISPR or your model system...
  17. Working with Nuclear Receptors

    Blog Post partners. The coregulator ‘core’ complex is composed of a tightly-bound invariant group of proteins...coregulators exist as multiprotein complexes, a member of a single coactivator complex can serve as a rate-limiting...seeking to compliment these consortium-generated datasets with a systematic effort to compile NR- and coregulator-related...physiological processes are controlled by deliberate and compulsory actions instigated by the central nervous system...factors found in metazoans. The superfamily is comprised of 48 human and 49 murine members. NRs permit ...metabolic, and immune response programs. NRs also encompass one of the most successful targets for drugs currently...interact directly with NRs) exist in steady-state complexes with secondary coregulator (or co-coregulator)...
  18. Antibodies 101: Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post
    ...information about the cell’s complexity. A cell with a high degree of internal complexity such as extensive membranes... prepare sets of controls to aid with compensation. Compensation is the process of correcting spectral...need to analyze a specific subset of cells in a complex population. Have you spent hours in the biosafety...cell’s size, granularity, and target protein composition. It is used for a variety of applications such...and detecting specific populations of cells in a complex tissue or sample (1). When combined with cell sorters...instrument collects information about the cell’s size, complexity and fluorescence intensity.   What flow cytometers... cytometers detect Cell size and complexity, measured using visible light scatter The optical system has...
  19. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

    Blog Post
    ...iPSC cell lines, which can complicate comparisons made between lines. Incomplete silencing of transgenes ...are prone to incomplete silencing of reprogramming transgenes, which leads to incomplete reprogramming... heterogeneity between clones. This can complicate comparisons made between samples, i.e. transgene expression...efficiency of reprogramming when compared to other methods, even when compared to integrating viral approaches...less time to complete. Morphology is a simple and fast to evaluate. iPSCs should form compact colonies that...and have a higher efficiency of generating iPSCs compared to other delivery methods. Retrovirus has a cloning...lentivirus has similar rates of reprogramming when compared to MMLV-derived retroviruses, it is not as well...
Showing: 141 - 160 of 901 results