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Showing: 141 - 160 of 749 results
  1. Tips for Getting a Faculty Position

    Blog Post
    ...have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] need a Nature/Cell/Science paper. You do need multiple first/corresponding author publications...exciting idea in a swamp of unnecessary details. You DO NOT need to present a detailed review of your field...field or the finer points of your techniques. You DO need to be prepared to know the literature of your...proteins is essential for human health. Failure to do so is implicated in several human diseases. Proper...bring in grants. What kind of colleague will you be? Do you understand what it takes to be successful in ...a Department's/Institution's success is the task. Do your homework. Learn what your future potential colleagues...
  2. How Addgene Creates Content

    Blog Post
    ...content, website, Data Hub, and everything else we do! The goal of Addgene’s educational content Addgene...their favorite science topics. What better space to do that than in the Addgene blog?  Fig. 1: One...editing process and final check before publication.   Do research! Nearly everything we write entails a primary...papers or image sharing repositories. Then we format, do a final review to catch those pesky typos, and hit...advance the scientific community, and we can only do that with your help.     Additional Resources on...
  3. The Many Reasons for Irreproducible Research- and a Vaccine to Eradicate It

    Blog Post
    ...replicating previous research findings so difficult to do?  There are four reasons that research can be difficult..., QRPs, and small samples, then when replications do not come out the same as an original research finding...difference for the robustness of the findings.   How do we make research more reproducible? Combat unclear...of other researchers (or your own from years ago!) do you really appreciate how few details are provided...while the research is ongoing, but all registries do require that research plans become public eventually...
  4. Addgene Depositors Get More Citations

    Blog Post
    ... is done within publication years. What do we find once we do this adjustment? That papers with plasmids...story had us wondering: is there a larger trend here? Do papers associated with Addgene deposits accumulate... with Addgene plasmids get more citations So what do we find? Lots more citations for the papers with ...analysis cannot rule out all other explanations, we do think that it lends weight to the argument that Addgene...
  5. The Importance of High Titer for AAV Transductions

    Blog Post
    ...the Addgene Blog AAV Titers: Where do they come from and what do they mean? AAV Vector Quality Control...AAV Protocol (Step 10) for instructions on how to do this. Concentrating your virus will allow you to ...titer when looking for effective gene expression. How do you achieve high titers in the first place? Some ...surrounding solution to ensure excess viral particles do not remain adhered to the membrane. Be careful when...
  6. Scientists Map the SARS-CoV-2-Human Interaction Network

    Blog Post the science community, we’ve been motivated to do anything and everything we can to help find a approaching it from a new direction, we hope to do it much faster. Years of science, done in weeks ...form the QBI Coronavirus Research Group (QCRG) to do just this.  In under a month’s time, we’ve published...are starting these experiments, there's so much to do that we can use the whole science community's help...  And, if you’d like to keep up with what we are doing at QBI or the QCRG to continue our work toward a...
  7. How to Lead a Great Meeting

    Blog Post
    ...scope can lead to long meetings spent on details that do not yet need to be decided. Figure out what you need...level of meeting you need. Project Meetings: You do not have to include every person who could potentially...notes on the agenda points. At Addgene, we like to do this live on the screen using a Google Doc. Action...instead of reading the whole thing together. How long do you actually need? Just like liquids, meetings tend...with just one or two relevant people. How often do you need to meet? Use trial and error to determine...
  8. From our Table to Yours: An Inside Look at Lunch at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ... and has a To-Do list long enough that there is no hope of accomplishing it all. How do we encourage people...Days, teams at Addgene will forgo their regular To-Do lists (other than emergency items) and focus on a...large table to eat with my Addgene family every day. Do you have any traditions that you share with your ...
  9. PhD Applications After COVID

    Blog Post
    ...becomes much more complex. “How do I reach out to potential mentors?” “Where do I start with picking universities...applying to a school that requires its students to do rotations in different labs before selecting an the right fit. Reaching out to PIs also means doing plenty of mini-interviews; these professors will...universities offer free practice sessions for students doing virtual interviews, so check if yours does and then...things like sickness or scheduling issues can and do interfere with those in-person plans. Virtual options...
  10. Summer SciComm Series: Modes of Communication

    Blog Post
    ...blogging, videos, lectures, exhibits, social media… how do you choose? Which way is the right way?  First of...solid understanding of their audience demographics. Do your research so you can go to where your audience...2005, but XKCD is pretty successful!  What resources do you have?  No matter the project, I can guarantee... multiple points. Before you embark on a project, do your best to understand what kind of resources - ...information to tell a compelling story in an image or do you need a full exhibit? In a five minute activity...already actively interested in scicomm. Difficult to do in-depth storytelling. Requires regular content production...
  11. Quick Guide to Working with Drosophila Part 1: Getting Started with Flies

    Blog Post
    ... an immunology PhD student at Harvard University. Do you have a gene of interest but have run into a wall...seeing a phenotype since additional genes that can do the same function are less likely to exist). If there...abdomens, males have black coloration whereas females do not. Also, males have sex combs on their forelegs...forelegs which are black, bristly hairs. Females do not have sex combs. To make genetic crosses properly, it...chromosomes are miniscule, so researchers generally do not manipulate them. Essentially, the X, second, One interesting thing to know is that males do not recombine chromosomes during meiosis. This can...
  12. Activate Addgene's "Find Plasmids" Badge on Pubmed Abstracts

    Blog Post
    ... Is there an easy way to find published plasmids? Do you spend a lot of time in PubMed searching for research...research articles? Well then, my scientist friend, do I have a handy tool for you.   With a few quick ...!). Making the find plasmids badge appear So how do you make this magical Addgene badge appear? First...
  13. Gendered Innovations: Why Does Sex of the Cell Matter?

    Blog Post
    ...research. Why are sex and gender analysis important? Doing research wrong costs lives and money. According ...drugs fail, they cause human suffering and death. Doing research right has the potential to save lives and...researchers consider the sex of their cells when doing experiments—which can lead to failed research. For...resource for research design is Kalpit Shah et al., “Do you know the sex of your cell?” I can’t tell you ...drug development – costs far greater than those of doing the research correctly from the get go. The future...
  14. How to Keep a Lab Notebook for Bioinformatic Analyses

    Blog Post
    ...analyses is to keep track of why you are doing what you are doing. Another common challenge is to keep track... a few years ago when my advisor and I decided to do a massive RNA-seq analysis. I had never interacted...time you use them, leave them in their own folder. Doing so will ensure that you are in fact using the same...did something or what the result was, so try not to do this. These are the simple rules that I try to follow...
  15. Quick Guide to Working with Drosophila Part 3: Genome Engineering in Flies

    Blog Post
    ...use the Gal4/UAS system, but the available reagents do not match your needs. If YFG is thrillingly new, ...germline. To begin this process, you will first need to do some molecular cloning. Depending on whether you ...transformed bacteria, but you might be wondering, “How do I know which of my flies have the desired integration...Outsourcing the plasmid injections is much easier than doing it yourself. Depending on your strategy and the ...important for adaptive immune responses, which flies do not have!) (4). The power of Drosophila as a model...
  16. Antibiotic Resistance: An Old Solution but a New Problem

    Blog Post
    ...wall of bacterial cells; however, Mycoplasma species do not possess cell walls. As a result, Mycoplasma are...treatment aren’t followed closely, you could be doing more harm than good, even with the best of intentions...take-home? Always take your medication as prescribed. How do we know which bacteria are resistant to antibiotics...frequently used in the clinical laboratory. What can we do to stop the emergence of antibiotic resistance?  ... to evolve and survive for millennia. What we can do, however, is fight smarter, not harder. We can utilize...resistance can be scary to think about, but we can all do our part to learn all we can, and minimize both our...
  17. March for Science

    Blog Post
    ...presented in this article are those of the author do not represent a formal stance taken by Addgene or... them. Scientific realities limit what policy can do and, in this way, science has always been related... hypotheses mount yet policies and public opinion do not seem to take note. For example, 91% of active...’ ability to uphold their side of the bargain and do the research required to inform the public (8–13) while alienating the other While scientists do identify as Democrats more often than information for your senators all you need to do is select your state. State Legislatures: To find...
  18. Transferable Skills Guide: Public Speaking

    Blog Post
    ...And do remember to breathe!)   Public speaking as a transferable skill The worst thing about doing public...before it, I don’t think I would have had the nerve to do what I did. Until that panicked, split-second decision...people won't notice, or won't remember and those who do are very likely to be sympathetic because public ... notes instead of written speeches. When you’re doing all that, even if it’s exceptionally difficult for...
  19. A New Optogenetic Tool Based on AraC Controls Gene Expression with Blue Light

    Blog Post
    ...causing conformation changes in the AraC dimer. In doing so, the dimer shifts from one that represses transcription...expressing your gene of interest, all you have to do is co-transform pBLADEONLY. That way, a previously... less heterogeneity in the population and you can do all of these more spatially confined experiments ... as those requiring reversibility that you cannot do with AraC,” says Di Ventura. BLADE activates transcription...
Showing: 141 - 160 of 749 results