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Showing: 101 - 120 of 349 results
  1. Plasmids 101: NGS Quality Control for Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    ...can be counteracted by growing the cells on solid plates, where each transformant forms its own colony, ...less of a concern, but Addgene still recommends plating the transformation mixture on solid media. The ...The colonies are then scraped off the plates and pelleted for DNA extraction. Prepare library product for...
  2. How to Lead a Great Meeting

    Blog Post
    ...communicate outcomes to the rest of their team. Here's a template for project meetings. Team Meetings: For standing...members still have their voices heard. Here's a template for team meetings. One-on-Ones: Managers should... agenda template...
  3. Cancer, Inflammation and Immunity - Harnessing the Body’s Defenses to Fight Cancer

    Blog Post
    ...concluded “Aspirin promotes autophagy, inhibits platelet aggregation, and potentiates the effect of PD-... UCSF Immunoprofiler - a human biopsy analysis platform focused on analysing immune measures and correlating...with tumor mutations and clinical responses. This platform has the potential to become an open-source pipeline...
  4. Plasmids 101: Methylation and Restriction Enzymes

    Blog Post
    ...results? Or considered why DpnI will degrade your template DNA from a PCR reaction but not the newly methyltransferases in the PCR reaction). The template plasmid, on the other hand, should be derived ...with DpnI, only the non-mutated and methylated template is destroyed leaving behind a pool of mutated ...
  5. Kiran Musunuru on the Newest TALEN Genome-Editing System

    Blog Post
    ... the cell with a mutant template and fooling the cell into using that template for repair. By using these...the two ends back together or using a homologous template provided by the sister chromosome. As cells take...
  6. Pairing CombiGEM and CRISPR for Combinatorial Genetic Screening

    Blog Post
    .... CombiGEM-CRISPR: The marriage of two simple platforms CRISPR has revolutionized how we decode the genome...regulation in biological systems. The CombiGEM platform provides a means to create barcoded gRNA libraries...Wong et al., 2016). With CombiGEM and CRISPR platforms now being integrated, we look forward to the realization...
  7. Nanoblades: Tiny CRISPR Ninjas for Genome Editing Difficult Cells

    Blog Post
    ... a fluorophore or tag. To utilize HDR, a donor template containing the desired sequence flank by homology...Nanoblades which carries a gRNA, Cas9, and a HDR donor template DNA can be generated by incubating Nanoblade particles...facilitated HDR with either a ssDNA or dsDNA donor template. In vivo editing of mouse zygotes and mice with...
  8. Adapting Toehold Switches to Detect Zika Virus

    Blog Post
    ... 2014). The second was an in vitro paper-based platform that allowed gene circuits to be deployed out ... had been working on advancing the paper-based platform toward a more field-ready format when the Zika...we say the timeline to develop our paper-based platform into clinically relevant diagnostics for the Zika...
  9. Pooled Library Amplifications

    Blog Post
    ...liquid media or solid media (on plates). In general, amplification on plates can help to ensure that diversity...library varies significantly in plasmid size). On plates, each transformed bacteria will be its own colony...
  10. Mobile-CRISPRi: Bringing CRISPRi to Diverse Bacteria

    Blog Post
    ...that grew on a selective plate versus the number that grew on a non-selective plate. Most bacteria tested...glmS gene in the recipient's genome. Antibiotic plates lacking DAP select against donor bacteria and for...
  11. PITChing MMEJ as an Alternative Route for Gene Editing

    Blog Post
    ...double-stranded break. HDR copies the sequence from a repair template with flanking sequence homology for, and NHEJ will be favored even if a repair template is present. HDR also presents a cloning dilemma...’s become clear that the power of this editing platform lies in the diversity of nucleases and their applications...
  12. Uncovering Ancestral Bias in CRISPR Research

    Blog Post
    ... to guides in the Broad’s Genomic Perturbation Platform Avana library (used by the Cancer Dependency Map...and Adam Brown from Broad's Genetic Perturbation Platform to design a new library that is agnostic to ancestry... are working with Broad's Genetic Perturbation Platform to modify the CRISpick algorithm to prevent guides...
  13. Hot Plasmids - November 2023

    Blog Post
    ...PE6b was very efficient for short, unstructured templates and significantly reduced undesired edits (indels...complex edits, such as long or highly structured templates. Cas9 variants PE6e–g often had even higher editing...potential to reduce negative side effects. This platform offers a promising approach for experimental therapies...
  14. New Acoustic Reporter Genes: Ultrasound Imaging of Gene Expression

    Blog Post
    .../L yeast extract, and 5 g/L NaCl) or on LB-agar plates containing glucose and L-arabinose at 37oC for ... arabinose and colonies on arabinose-containing plates will be visibly white, and gas vesicles in cells...from left to right: colony whiteness on inducer plates, white inclusions in cells with GVs via phase contrast...
  15. Bioinformatics at Addgene

    Blog Post us work in large formats, such as 96-well microplates, and thanks to our dedicated product and development...pipeline. After reviewing and testing several platforms for engineering pipelines, we selected Nextflow...workflow would handle plasmid sequences on a 96-well plate basis, but for rapid testing and refinements, we...
  16. Transferable Skills Guide: External Collaborations

    Blog Post
    ... connect the imaging community and to create a platform for discussions and potential collaborations. ...loads of opportunities to create communities, platforms, and to be a part of projects that connect people...realize. Being at a university provides the perfect platform for practicing initiative and for training in ...
  17. Plasmids 101: Control Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...general, technical replicates can be thought of as "plate controls". They are NOT independent and are typically...transfection of multiple separate wells (within the same plate) with purified plasmid from the same aliquot/preparation... the same source and were incubated on the same plate at the same time. Although the replicate control...
  18. Antibodies 101: Single Chain Fragment Variables (scFvs)

    Blog Post
    ...phenotype. Incubating the phage display library with plate-bound antigen helps select for high affinity scFvs...bacteriophages. This library is incubating with plate-bound antigen to select for scFvs with high affinity...antibodies  Read about another reagent sharing platform for antibodies, the Developmental Studies Hybridoma...
  19. How to Design Your gRNA for CRISPR Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    ... into DNA. This also requires an exogenous DNA template. HDR, however, is a very low-efficiency process... is >30nt from the proximal ends of the repair template (Yang et al., 2013). This means that, for gene...the Director of R&D in the Genetic Perturbation Platform at the Broad Institute and has worked with many...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 349 results