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Showing: 81 - 100 of 749 results
  1. Management for Scientists: Delegating is Key

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    ...overwhelmed with your to-do list and your team doesn’t seem to have enough to do…you are not delegating ...and experience? Do you think you are giving this responsibility to someone who can do the job. It is good... responsibilities. The manager is not expected to DO all the work – she is expected to make sure the work...imperative that you resist the temptation to “just do it myself” or micromanage –you don’t have time for...that there are always things that the manager must do. You can’t delegate the giving of feedback or performance... good to delegate so the person doing the task will have to learn and stretch a little, but be careful... up for failure by delegating is a bad idea. How do I make sure it goes well? As with most managerial...
  2. Sweating the Small Stuff: Details in the Lab

    Blog Post
    ...experimental steps are worth doing, and doing well, so make sure you’re taking time to do them carefully and thoroughly... significantly impacts your experiments. What do you do when you’re in the lab and you're sweating the...for doing things accurately. Thankfully, you should already have a checklist for everything you do in ...make a mistake, instead of silently vowing never to do that again (I’ve been there!), think of ways you ... can be incredibly tedious, but it also works, so do it anyway.  You may find that after running a protocol... to focus, a large set of headphones can act as a Do Not Disturb sign, even if the headphones aren’t actually...
  3. What Good Citizenship Can Do for Reproducibility in Science

    Blog Post
    ...really want to do is get the paper off their desk and move on. Nevertheless, editors can and do play this ...they are expected to do. All of that helps, but it’s only a partial solution.  How do we get where we want...stability in an incubator), but there’s a lot you can do to help other scientists both what you did and build...being a “good scientific citizen” and making sure you do what you can to help your fellow researchers fact was not, and it was just that they were doing something differently. Communication comes in many...sharing for grant renewal—but there is clearly room to do more. If we could really instill a culture of rewarding...dramatically. I’m not sure what the best approach to doing that will be, and it will need some effort and experimentation...
  4. Negotiating Work and Life: How to Find the Joy

    Blog Post
    ...responsibilities are less You can work at home sometimes, but do so carefully and with attention to those around you...home and family unless you live alone. If you try to do it all alone, it should be obvious that your career...those who may wish to tell you so – towel corners do not need to match up exactly when you fold them. ...bed to save a step! There is more than one way to do most tasks – try to resist the impulse to control...throw money at the problem If you can, pay someone to do the “jobs” that take you away from having your, cook your dinner and deliver your groceries. Do anything you can to make your life easier and to ... count on for tips and tactics that will help you do your job better. #8 Thou shalt enthusiastically foster...
  5. Is this the right place for me? 8 tactics for choosing a lab

    Blog Post How long do lab members stay around? Is it too long or do they leave prematurely? Do lab alumni stay... the lab? Do they motivate with the appropriate balance of encouragement and criticism? Do they thing to do is not go into these labs in the first place. This is another reason to do your research...learn? Do lab members work on more than one project at a time or over their stay in the lab? Do all lab...responsibility to choose a lab where you can thrive and do your best work. This post is focused on choosing ... your success. Gather data on the lab choices How do you find out what the lab is really like? Gather ... the hall or in the same department as well. What do they have to say about this lab’s reputation? If ...
  6. Kiran Musunuru on the Newest TALEN Genome-Editing System

    Blog Post
    ...cardiovascular and metabolic human diseases. They do that by studying patients to uncover new gene variants...colleagues describe a much more efficient tool for doing that disease modeling work in human pluripotent ...knock out a gene or knock in a mutation. Addgene: How do you use this kit to target a particular DNA sequence...introduced by transfection or electroporation. All you do to create a protein that binds those 15 base pairs...of the library in the appropriate combination and do a restriction enzyme digest to cut out the inserts...generating the mutant cell lines that one needs to do disease modeling in stem cells. Addgene: Tell me ...stem cells. What genome editing tools allow you to do is greatly increase the efficiency of the genome ...
  7. Oh, The Places You Can Go: Careers in Science Communication - Curriculum Development

    Blog Post
    ...asked me, 'How do you feel about dissecting a cat?' And I’m like, 'Well, I’m here so let’s do it!'" online, which is a blast. I have so much fun doing that.” Being an SME is often like being a jack-of-all-trades...Caitlin doesn’t work in isolation. “A lot of what we do is work with students who don’t have a science addition to testing those experiments. “We also do videos demonstrating an experiment or a how to pour a gel [for] electrophoresis or doing a dissection video. I did that in January. This ...example, cutting open a heart to look at the inside. We do a lot of interactives and videos, as well, to supplement...interviewed, ‘I write science. I edit science. And I do it well.’” Stay tuned for the next feature in this...
  8. "What Makes a Good Mentor?" and 6 More FAQs About Science Mentoring

    Blog Post
    ...peer” mentoring? How do I ask someone to be my Mentor? I have a Mentor – what do I do now? What are the ..."The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own...organizing mentoring programs for scientists and doing training to help mentors and mentees have fulfilling...mentoring. Here they are: What makes a good Mentor? How do I choose an Advisor/PI who will also be a good mentor...Tenure, She Wrote” is titled, “What Kind of Mentor Do I Want To Be?” In this excellent essay Acclimatrix...
  9. How to Be an Excellent Trainee

    Blog Post
    ...aside just for you – so do your best to show up as your most prepared, can-do self and make the most of... will review the preparation and planning you can do to build a bench mentor-mentee relationship and bring...least at first) than any other one. Luckily, you can do a lot to contribute to the relationship dynamic and...same is true for training in the lab! If you don’t do proper preparation and pay attention during training...understand the purpose of, or a different way of doing something then you’ve done previously) you can bring...independent performing the technique you trained to do? Walk through the protocol mentally (or physically... where the equipment, reagents, and samples are. Do: Ask your bench mentor if they have time to answer...
  10. Transferable Skills Guide: Managing a Team

    Blog Post
    ...time to do everything as I planned and I was missing deadlines - which puzzled me because I could do all know exactly what and how to do it so shouldn't it be faster to do it yourself? Training certainly ...fill this gap by both highlighting that researchers do learn MANY transferable skills while working in the...protocol;  he wanted to get going and learn through doing things. Had I realized that at the time I could ...delegate effectively  As a manager your role is not to do all the work yourself anymore. Personally I found...challenging. As PhD students and postdocs we are used to doing (almost) everything ourselves and it’s a hard habit...will have more time to focus on what you should be doing : writing a grant, thinking about the next project...
  11. Science Careers: Unruly Interests Feed Many Paths

    Blog Post
    ...outlet. I started asking people: why do you do what you do? How do you like it? how did you get there? ...Additional Resources on the Addgene Blog What Do I Do Now? Academic v. Non-Academic Career Decisions ...Science (AAAS), we have all sorts of different editors. Do you like science journalism? Take a look at our news...professional meetings, societies, networks just as do research scientists. There we meet others in the ...
  12. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists

    Blog Post
    ...networking you can do online. See if a scientist or someone you’re connected with would like to do an informational... activities that kids can do more independently. For example, they could do something like puzzling is based in the lab. If you’re unsure what to do during this period, check out these tips and huge, these are activities that you can easily do while staying away from others.  Meditate. Meditating... learn more about career paths and things you can do to prepare. Adapt to WFH while parenting Keep ...after bedtimes, or before they wake up for time to do your own thing. Build as much flexibility into your...
  13. Call for Guest Bloggers

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    ...expertise through our blog. Do you have skill in a particular technique? Do you have a set of tips you ...expedite research. We recognize, however, that we can’t do it all ourselves. Therefore, in this blog post give to every new lab mate? Do you have a trick to get the highest yield out of your minipreps? If so...about a different topic, feel free let us know. What do you get out of it? Writing Experience - Our editors...
  14. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

    Blog Post
    ... commit to doing a postdoctoral fellowship, what are you signing up for and how can you do it well? Below... teaching experience. How do you get there and more practically, when do you need to be there? A typical...using a new protocol or reagents, do you understand all of the steps? Do you know how the reagents have ...get to mechanism. Do the necessary tools exist to tackle the problem and if so, do you have ways to access... the wise:  Do NOT be the group leader candidate that people in your postdoc department do not know....... 3. Work intensely, but intelligently Before you do your first experiment in your new lab, stop and plan.... This is preferable to finding out you've been doing something all wrong or that a reagent has not been...
  15. 5 Reasons to Use Reddit for Science Communication

    Blog Post
    ... I must say that doing a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” was appealing, but also scary. I do a lot of public ...something we are, not something we do. We have to find a way to keep doing science to be happy. The happy...wanted to share some thoughts on why we decided to do an AMA in the first place and give you some reasons...two hours for answering questions. She was able to do this because we could see the questions being posted...not too worried about selling yourself and really do just want to get information about yourself and your...scientists who will find it useful, I highly recommend doing an AMA! Before I turn it over to Joanne, I thought...: AMA mechanics: Be prepared! The mechanics of doing the AMA were interesting. I started watching the...
  16. Lab Automation at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...thought it could ever do! However, there is quite a bit of upfront research you have to do to find said robot...- trays allowing us to do up to 96 transformations in one run compared to doing about 50 transformations...Updated Apr 6, 2021. If you’re doing high throughput work, it’s likely that you come into the lab wishing...on the deck of the Biomek. The FXP id also able to do high throughput DNA preps and other molecular start automating your lab? You might not be doing enough transformations, minipreps, or filling enough...processes in your own lab. Some things your lab can do to get into the robotics spirit include: Start using...These can speed up any project in which you need to do a lot of aliquoting. Simply program the pipette with...
  17. A Guide to Getting Started in Undergrad Research

    Blog Post make decisions about what we want to do in the future. How do I get started with research? I had no ...and learn about what makes them excited to do what they do. I would also highly recommend talking to other...while doing scientific research. It’s okay to change your mind about what exactly you want to do—I started...Berkeley. Most of the scientists I’ve met began doing research in their undergraduate years. We each have...tell anyone else what the “correct” motivation to do science is, but I think reflecting on why it is we... my scientific interests were or what I wanted to do with myself when I was 18. I just knew I was interested...funds dedicated for undergraduates interested in doing research and attending research conferences. The...
  18. Finding Your Science Policy Path

    Blog Post
    ...Where can you do science policy? Because the field of science policy is so diverse, you can do it in so many...more about where science policy happens.  When do you do science policy? Many science policy training programs... ideas of when and how to get involved.  Why do you do science policy? I would argue that this is the...discussion on how to to define your why. How do you do science policy? Just like there are many different...IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. Science policy is the work you do to creatively connect seemingly disparate individuals...many of my AAAS STPF cohort members came to DC to do either a sabbatical year or transition away from ... accessible to patients. And what better place to do that than at the nation’s largest integrated healthcare...
  19. Celebrating Accomplishments in the Lab

    Blog Post
    ...are reached, how do science labs celebrate accomplishments and their team's hard work? Do succesful scientists...reward their team and manage work-life balance. How do you celebrate your lab’s achievements? Tom Ellis ...with food, cake, and champagne. What does your lab do for fun as a group? The Ellis Lab self-organizes ... “We also have a lab day trip each year and as we do a lot of yeast research, a few of those have been...Hampshire in the summer for the annual lab retreat. How do you manage work-life balance? Tom Ellis reveals “...
  20. 5 Uncommon Ways to Gain Career Skills During an Uncommon Time

    Blog Post
    .... So what’s a scientist to do with no live audience in sight? You could do a talk virtually for your peer...will still find this useful. Now that we’ve been doing this for almost 6 months, you may be looking for...or opportunity to act or take charge before others do”. Candidates who have “started something” which they...perhaps you get the idea. What will you start? 4. Do informational interviews (on a schedule) I hope you...exploratory conversations. If you set yourself a goal of doing at least two informational interviews a month you...points for being able to just look at a paragraph and do a character count in your head.  Here are some sites...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 749 results