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Showing: 81 - 100 of 413 results
  1. Top Requested Lentivirus and AAV of 2016

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    ...fixed tissue. References 1. Aschauer DF, Kreuz S, Rumpel S. Analysis of transduction efficiency, tropism...PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3785459. 2. Krashes MJ, Koda S, Ye C, Rogan SC, Adams AC, Cusher DS, Maratos-Flier...21364278. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3069789. 3. Kügler S, Kilic E, Bähr M. Human synapsin 1 gene promoter confers...
  2. Reagent Repositories Are Speeding up Science During the Pandemic

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    ... Xiuyuan Ou, et al. that characterized the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2 (Ou et al., 2020). The authors...development of a new plasmid, pCMV14-3X-Flag-SARS-CoV-2 S, which is now easily available through Addgene and...References Chu H, Chan JF-W, Yuen TT-T, Shuai H, Yuan S, Wang Y, Hu B, Yip CC-Y, Tsang JO-L, Huang X, Chai...Sigmund CD, Meyerholz DK, Kirby P, Look DC, Perlman S (2006) Lethal Infection of K18-hACE2 Mice Infected...
  3. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

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    ...4.0 license.   An, M., Raguram, A., Du, S. W., Banskota, S., Davis, J. R., Newby, G. A., Chen, P. Z.... Pandey, S., Gao, X. D., Krasnow, N. A., McElroy, A., Tao, Y....Duby, J. E., Steinbeck, B. J., McCreary, J., Pierce, S. E., … & Liu, D. R. (2024). Efficient site-specific...Coffey, A., Howard, M., Kamath, N., … & Weissman, J. S. (2024). Brainwide silencing of prion protein by AAV-mediated...., Hung, K. L., Samelson, A. J., … & Weissman, J. S. (2021). Genome-wide programmable transcriptional ...
  4. PiggyBac-ing Through the Genome Editing Field

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    ...PMCID: PMC2862519. 7. A. L. Firth, T. Menon, G. S. Parker, S. J. Qualls, B. M. Lewis, E. Ke, C. T. Dargitz...Cooney, N. Malani, T. Brady, J. D. Sander, J. Staber, S. J. Wheelan, J. K. Joung, P. B. McCray, F. D. Bushman...for genome engineering.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 110, no. 25, pp. E2279–87, Jun. 2013. PubMed...conditional cell ablation.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 105, no. 38, pp. 14492–6, Sep. 2008. PubMed...PMID: 18787116. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2567143. 6. S. Radecke, F. Radecke, T. Cathomen, and K. Schwarz,...
  5. CRISPR Plasmids - C. elegans

    ...Cloning Enzyme(s) Delivery Resistance Co-expressed Cas9 Depositing lab Cas9 species = S. pyogenes (PAM...
  6. CRISPR-based Genome Editing Systems For Editing in E. coli

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    ...Dong F, Yang S, Yang J, Zhang Z, Qian Y, Chen J, Zhang J, Liu Y, Tao R, Jiang Y, Yang J, Yang S (2020) Multicopy...system consists of one plasmid that expresses the S. pyogenes Cas9, a temperature-sensitive replicon for...References: Jiang Y, Chen B, Duan C, Sun B, Yang J, Yang S (2015) Multigene Editing in the Escherichia coli Genome....04023-14 Li Q, Sun B, Chen J, Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Yang S (2021) A modified pCas/pTargetF system for CRISPR-...
  7. Plasmids 101: Broad Host Range Plasmids

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    ...leguminosarum, R. trifolii, Salmonella enteritidis, S. typhimurium, S. ordonez, Serratia marcescens, Shigella spp....  References and resources References Doran, K. S., Konieczny, I., & Helinski, D. R. (1998).  Keen, N. T., Tamaki, S., Kobayashi, D., & Trollinger, D. (1988). Improved...1119(88)90117-5  Lale, R., Brautaset, T., & Valla, S. (2011). Broad-host-range plasmid vectors for gene...
  8. Antibodies 101: Reading a Flow Plot

    Blog Post Jhunjhunwala, S., Aresta-Dasilva, S., Tang, K., Alvarez, D., Webber, M., Tang..., J., Bose, S., Vegas, A., Ma, M., Sahay, G., Chiu, A., Bader, A., Langan, E., Siebert, S., Li, J., Greiner.../10.1371/journal.pone.0180664 Boix, F., Llorente, S., Eguía, J., Gonzalez-Martinez, G., Alfaro, R., Galián...
  9. Getting the Most from Your Lentiviral Transduction

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    ...19300443. 7. Holic, N., Seye, A.K., Majdoul, S., Martin, S., Merten, O.W., Galy, A., Fenard, D. ”Influence...Central PMCID: PMC1368960. 10. Denning, W., Das, S., Guo, S., Xu, J., Kappes, J.C., Hel, Z. “Optimization... Finkelshtein, D., Werman, A., Novick, D., Barak, S., Rubinstein, M. “LDL receptor and its family members...
  10. Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning

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    ...reaction. The destination vector and entry vector(s) are placed in a single tube containing the Type IIS...silent point mutations at internal recognition site(s) thus eliminating these from your gene of interest...throughput capability. Engler C, Kandzia R, Marillonnet S. PLoS One 2008;3(11):e3647. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone...PubMed.   Golden Gate cloning. Engler C, Marillonnet S. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1116:119-31. doi: 10.1007/...
  11. Mapping the 4D nucleome with CRISPR/Cas9

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    ...Reyes-Gutierrez P, Wolfe SA, Zhang S, Pederson T. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Mar 10;112(10):3002-7. doi...FISH) or fluorescently labeled TALEs, CRISPR/Cas9’s ease of use and ability to label live cells make this...
  12. CRISPR 101: Cas9 vs. The Other Cas(s)

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    ...staggered cutter  Originally classified as Cpf1, Cas12’s primary difference from Cas9 is that it generates ...j.molcel.2019.03.014 Zetsche, Bernd, HGootenberg, S., Jonathan, Abudayyeh, O., Omar, et. al. Cpf1 is a....2015.09.038 Harrington, B., Lucas, Burstein, David, Chen, S., Janice, et. al. Programmed DNA destruction by miniature...
  13. Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) for Cell and Gene Therapy

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    ...thanks to our guest blogger, Harshana S De Silva Feelixge. Harshana S De Silva Feelixge is a researcher whose...This post was contributed by guest blogger Harshana S De Silva Feelixge. Gene therapy technologies communication.     References 1. Gaspar, H. B., S. Howe, and A. J. Thrasher. "Gene therapy progress ...
  14. AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    ... Neuronal Tracing References Wickersham IR, Finke S, Conzelmann KK, Callaway EM. 2007a. Retrograde neuronal...Wickersham IR, Lyon DC, Barnard RJ, Mori T, Finke S, Conzelmann KK, Young JA, Callaway EM. 2007b. Monosynaptic...
  15. Year of the Camelid: Antibody Style

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    ...10.3389/fimmu.2017.01589 Jin B, Odongo S, Radwanska M, Magez S (2023) Nanobodies: A Review of Generation... Xu J, Xu K, Jung S, et al (2021) Nanobodies from camelid mice and llamas...
  16. Plasmids 101: Biotinylation

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    ...180. PubMed PMID: 11815306. 4. Nicole Kresge, R. D. S. and R. L. H. “The Discovery of Avidin by Esmond E... (2004). PubMed PMID: 20353954. 5. Kay, B., Thai, S., & Volgina, V. “High-Throughput Biotinylation of ...PubMed PMID: 2388593 7. Holden, M. A., & Cremer, P. S. “Light activated patterning of dye-labeled molecules...Central PMCID: PMC4461904. 9. Huang, Q., Mao, Z., Li, S., Hu, J., & Zhu, Y. “A non-radioactive method for ...PMC4439073. 12. Ludwig, L. B., Hughes, B. J., & Schwartz, S. A. “Biotinylated probes in the electrophoretic mobility...
  17. Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons

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    ...Mahou P, Le Franc Y, Supatto W, Matho KS, Ieng S, Fouquet S, Dupin E, Benosman R, Chédotal A, Beaurepaire...technique to subdivide neural expression patterns. Hampel S, Chung P, McKellar CE, Hall D, Looger LL, Simpson ...Drosophila melanogaster. Hadjieconomou D, Rotkopf S, Alexandre C, Bell DM, Dickson BJ, Salecker I. Nature...Freundlich T, Weissman TA, Schoppik D, Wang XC, Zimmerman S, Ciruna B, Sanes JR, Luchtman JW, Schier AF. Development...
  18. Adenoviral Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Aims to Expand Genome Editing to Primary Cells

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    ...10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.02.009 Wang D, Mou H, Li S, Li Y, Hough S, Tran K, Li J, Yin H, Anderson DG, Sontheimer...the plasmids at Addgene: pAdSh.PGK.Cas9 (expresses S. pyogenes Cas9 from the PGK promoter) and U6 promoter-driven...Elsevier, pp 39–67 Ding Q, Strong A, Patel KM, Ng S-L, Gosis BS, Regan SN, Cowan CA, Rader DJ, Musunuru...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 413 results