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Showing: 901 - 920 of 945 results
  1. Plasmid Cloning by PCR (with Protocols)

    ...+ insert plate should have significantly more colonies than the recipient plasmid alone plate. The recipient...function in the same buffer, as this will save time later. In our example, we will use EcoRI and NotI to ligate...TGGCATATCTCGAAGTACTGAGCGGCCGCTAAGCA-3’) into this calculator we get a final Reverse Primer sequence of 5’-...If you are amplifying from a plasmid or simple template, there is very little chance for mis-priming, ...from genomic DNA, a cDNA library, or by RT-PCR. Isolate your PCR product from the rest of the PCR reaction... used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Isolate Your Insert and Vector by Gel Purification Run ... agarose gel and conduct a gel purification to isolate the DNA. When running a gel for purification purposes...
  2. Plasmid Cloning by Restriction Enzyme Digest (with Protocols)

    ...+ insert plate should have significantly more colonies than the recipient plasmid alone plate. The recipient... as well as a specifically designed test digest later to verify that the insert was cloned in the correct... used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Isolate your insert and vector by gel purification Run ... agarose gel and conduct a gel purification to isolate the DNA. When running a gel for purification purposes...base pairs for each varies, it is difficult to calculate this based on DNA concentration alone. One can expect on your recipient plasmid + insert plate that are not correct. If you have a high number ...number of colonies on your recipient plasmid alone plate, you can try ligating the recipient plasmid alone ...
  3. CRISPR Guide

    ...efficiency of Cas9 cleavage is relatively high and the efficiency of HDR is relatively low, a large portion of...modifying the methylation state of cytosines in a gene’s promoter or by inducing histone acetylation or demethylation... Select Your Desired Genetic Manipulation Different genetic manipulations require different CRISPR components...Select gene and genetic element to be manipulated In order to manipulate a given gene using CRISPR, you will...Plan Your Experiment Overview Select Genetic Manipulation Select Expression System Design gRNA Know your...has important practical implications, because a population of cells expressing Cas9 and a gRNA will result... to utilize HDR for gene editing, a DNA repair template containing the desired sequence must be delivered...
  4. Western Blot

    ...microtiter plate. Incubate for 30 min at 37 °C . Determine the absorbance at 590 nm . Calculate the average... a shaking platform. Wash the membrane 3x for 5 min in 1X TBST at RT on a shaking platform. Section 6:... a shaking platform. Wash the membrane 3x for 5 min in 1X TBST at RT on a shaking platform. Prepare iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device Roller Spatula Platform shaker Cold room Gel imager -80 °C freezer Reagents... Tween-20 Nonfat milk powder 96-well microtiter plate Chemiluminescence substrate Plastic wrap Primary...average absorbance of the duplicate samples on the plate. Subtract the average absorbance of the blank from...BSA standard concentration versus absorbance. Extrapolate the total protein concentration of the sample...
  5. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...enable isolation and purification of cellular components, such as DNA, but practically this isolation is only feasible for relatively short DNA molecules. In order to isolate a particular gene from human chromosomal... and manipulating genes. For instance, most plasmids are replicated in E. coli and are relatively small...20,000 basepairs) for physical isolation (purification) and manipulation. With current cloning technology...most commonly used is the Illumina NGS platform. This is the platform used by Addgene’s sequencing partner...of DNA, or templates, are spatially separated from each other. These attached DNA templates are then amplified... again producing ~1,000 copies of each template. Each template is then replicated using the modified bases...
  6. Protocols for Molecular Biology, Plasmid Cloning, and Viral Preps

    ...Streaking Bacteria Isolate single bacterial colonies on an agar plate Watch the Video! Inoculating a Liquid window) Link to Video Making LB Agar Plates Create plates to culture bacteria in the lab Watch the...Video! Over-Agar Antibiotic Plating Quickly add antibiotic to a pre-poured plate Watch the Video! Streaking...your DNA sequence into a cell line Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution Generate monoclonal...Watch the Video! Purifying DNA from an Agarose gel Isolate specific DNA bands cut from a gel Watch the Video...
  7. Antibody Guide

    ...produces a colored product that accumulates over time which is relative to the amount of enzyme present...quantify relative amounts of protein. Includes: Western blot ELISA Capture - used to isolate specific ... one type of antibody. Monocultures of B cells isolated from animals immunized as described above are ... regions of the antibody to be independently manipulated. Antibodies produced this way are called recombinant... used while suspended in the original media or isolated and placed in a buffer. Antibody Structure Figure...antibody fragments (shown in Figure 2) to completely unrelated molecules. Examples include: scFv - Single-chain...instead of modified antibodies and are not closely related to antibodies. Monobodies - Monobodies are synthetic...
  8. Coomassie Purity Stain of Recombinant Antibodies

    ...Timeline Day 1: Run SDS-PAGE and stain gel Day 1 or later: Image analysis Video Watch this instructional video...Microcentrifuge Electrophoresis chamber Power supply Rocking platform Fume hood Metal spatula Razor blade Plastic tray... in-house standard Before Starting Warm the hot plate to 100 °C. Thaw IgG standard and prestained protein...water for 5 min with gentle agitation on a rocking platform. Pour off the water in the sink. Add 20 mL of ...incubate for 1 h with gentle agitation on a rocking platform. Pour off the SimplyBlue SafeStain in the sink...incubate for 1 h with gentle agitation on a rocking platform. Pour off the water in the sink. Add 100 mL of...incubate for 1 h with gentle agitation on a rocking platform. Pour off the water in the sink. Take a brightfield...
  9. Promoters

    Guide various DNA regulatory sequences including enhancers, boundary elements, insulators, and silencers....RNA responsible for providing a stable template for the translation of a protein. RNA polymerase III transcribes...polymerase transcribes DNA to mRNA which is ultimately translated into a functional protein. Thus the promoter ...produced. The antisense strand is referred to as the template strand or non-coding strand as this is the strand...proteins which recruit RNA polymerase and control and regulate the transcription of DNA into mRNA. Promoter binding...promoter region stably and transcription of the template strand can initiate. The TATA box is a DNA sequence...proximal promoter which contains many primary regulatory elements. The proximal promoter is found approximately...
  10. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...previously used in human populations in Japan, making it an attractive option for translational studies, however... cellular pathways targeted to specific cell populations (most often neurons) that can be turned on or...therefore allowing precise control over the cell population they are targeted to. Early Chemogenetic Receptors...ligand. Ligand binding then activates G-proteins to modulate downstream signalling. GPCRs have been shown to...G-protein and activate neuronal firing through stimulating phospholipase C, which releases intracellular...and inhibit neuronal signalling by inhibiting adenylate cyclase and downstream cAMP production. There ...hM4Di, and is especially attractive for use in translational studies because it is FDA and EMA approved. ...
  11. Optogenetics Guide

    ...silence the same neuronal population, or activate different neural populations at distinct times. Temporal... Two factors determine which neuronal population is manipulated in a given experiment: the expression ...optics and genetic engineering to measure and manipulate cells (frequently neurons) and their governing...neurons upon exposure to light through direct stimulation of ion channels. Naturally occurring channelrhodopsins... nonspecific cation influx into the cell when stimulated. Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), the first widely ...Halorhodopsins are light-gated inward chloride pumps isolated from halobacteria. Wild-type halorhodopsin, known...High-efficiency blue-shifted channelrhodopsin from Platymonas subcordiformis 445 CoChR Channelrhodopsin from...
  12. Lentivirus Production

    ...week: Monday: Plate 1×10 6 cells in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete. Wednesday: Plate 1×10 6 cells ...cells at 3.8×10 6 cells per plate in DMEM Complete in 10 cm tissue culture plates. Incubate the cells at 37...previously seeded 10 cm plate. Slowly pipette the transfection mix onto the 10 cm plate, being careful not ...controller Hazardous waste container pH meter Stir plate Magnetic Stir Bar Reagents DMEM high glucose, Corning... in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete. Friday: Plate 8×10 5 cells in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete...
  13. General Transfection

    ...week: Monday: Plate 1x10 6 cells in a 75 cm 2 flask in a volume of 15 mL. Wednesday: Plate 1x10 6 cells...cells at 3.8x10 6 cells per plate in DMEM complete in 10 cm tissue culture plates. Incubate the cells at 37... 10 cm plate). 56.7 µL of 1 mg/mL PEI, MW 25,000 Da in 443.3 µL of OptiPro SFM per 10 cm plate Pro-Tip...cells in a T75 flask in a volume of 15 mL. Friday: Plate 8x10 5 cells in a T75 flask in a volume of 15 mL...
  14. Protocol - How to Design Primers

    ...correspond to sequences on the template molecule (must be complementary to template strand). However, design primers that are complementary to the template region of DNA. They are synthesized chemically...primers do not need to correspond to the template strand completely; it is essential, however, that the 3’...end of the primer corresponds completely to the template DNA strand so elongation can proceed. Usually size. The structure of the primer should be relatively simple and contain no internal secondary structure...
  15. Protocol - How to Purify DNA from an Agarose Gel

    ...buffer to add during the DNA isolation step. Finally, you will want to isolate the DNA from the gel. This...Background Information Gel purification allows you to isolate and purify DNA fragments based on size. The procedure..., it is a good idea to place the gel on a glass plate if available. Unlike the plastic tray, this will...determine the concentration of the DNA that you isolated before proceeding to your next intended step with...
  16. Fluorescence Titering Assay

    ... of PBS. Calculate the fraction of fluorescent-positive cells in each well. When calculating titer, only...compliance with your institution’s biosafety regulations. Workflow Timeline Day 0: Seed 293T cells Day...remaining well, a cell count is required for calculating the titer. Incubate for 48–72 h. Gently aspirate...leading to underestimation of the true titer. Calculate the transduction units per mL (TU/mL) using either...
  17. Transfection for Recombinant Antibodies

    ...with shaking platform set to 120 rpm 37 °C bead bath Vortex Stir bar Magnetic stir plate pH meter Reagents...compliance with your institution’s biosafety regulations. Last Update: February 18, 2022 Workflow Timeline...water in a 1 L bottle and stir on a magnetic stir plate. Stir until all particles have dissolved. Note: ...flask.Incubate in a 37 °C, 5% CO 2 incubator on a shaking platform set to 120 rpm. Pro-Tip Do not use cells that ...
  18. Lentiviral Guide

    ...hepatitis virus post‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes... transfer plasmids include: Tet- or Cre-based regulation and fluorescent fusions or reporters. Browse ...researcher can use FACS to sort cells expressing GFP and later expand these cells into a cell line. Where does ...second vector in such as way that the insert may later be digested from this new vector and cloned into...Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element Enhances Expression of Transgenes Delivered... to Top Glossary Plasmid Type Element Delivery relative to transgene Purpose Envelope VSVG in trans Vesicular...
  19. AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation

    ...gradient medium suitable for virus purification and isolation of cells, organelles, lipoproteins, and macromolecules....001% Pluronic-F68 in PBS + 200 mM NaCl (C) (formulation buffer) Add 5 mL of Buffer B and 2 mL of 5 M ...supernatant on top of the gradient. Use 1X PBS (or formulation buffer) to top off the tube. Seal the QuickSeal...not easily removed. After each spin, add more formulation buffer and sample and make sure to pipet less than 500 µL, bring up the volume with formulation buffer. Use a P1000 to the bottom of the filter...
  20. Plasmid Modification by Annealed Oligo Cloning (with Protocols)

    ... Let's assume that your favorite vector has a relatively limited MCS (BamHI - EcoRI - SalI) and you want...treat your cut vector it is necessary to use 5'-phosphorylated oligos. This is an option that can be added...ordering them or can be performed enzymatically later. Experimental Procedure Digest and purify vector...2-3μL into your favorite competent bacteria and plate. Be sure to pick multiple colonies for mini-prepping...
Showing: 901 - 920 of 945 results