Lentivirus ddPCR Titration
... forget to factor this into your calculations later (see calculation example below). Seed 300,000 cells...well plate sealer by gently touching the screen. Preparation of the Master Mix Place a ddPCR plate onto... Foil Heat Seal on the PCR plate with the red line facing up. If the plate sealer is not at temperature...place the PCR plate with the foil onto the metal support block. Place the block in the plate sealer and ...transfer the plate to the Droplet Reader. Open the QuantaSoft software to set up a new plate layout. Designate... a CSV file which will be used to calculate the titer. Calculations In the experimental setup above, the...dilution into 6-well plate 2.5 25 5 50 10 100 20 200 40 400 80 800 160 1600 To calculate the titers, first...