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Showing: 781 - 800 of 901 results
  1. The Addgene Antibody Data Hub

    Blog Post
    ... by Addgene's curation team for accuracy and completeness. The information is then formatted and published...
  2. Keeping Up With CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post around the current limitations of the Cas9 complex," said study author F. Ann Ran, a graduate student...
  3. Addgene's Website Update

    Blog Post
    ...not logged in, the “Deposit Materials” bar will prompt you to log in or create an account.  Figure 2:...
  4. What's New in CRISPR - May 2019

    Blog Post
    ...template covalently attached to the Cas9-gRNA RNP complex via the fused HUH endonuclease PCV. This increases...
  5. Why Do I Need an MTA Anyway?

    Blog Post
    ...heart and soul of Addgene’s mission), but legal complexities can arise when scientists are sharing their ...
  6. Let There Be LITE Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...genome,” Zhang said in MIT’s press release. In an accompanying Nature News & Views Andreas Möglich and Peter...
  7. Microbes: Look, Listen, and Tell

    Blog Post
    ...Approaches to Presenting the Microbial World’ showcased complex connections and ideas in various visualized approaches...
  8. Editor's Choice, September 2016

    Blog Post
    ...interview with Michael Koeris to learn how his company uses phage to test for Listeria in food products...
Showing: 781 - 800 of 901 results