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Showing: 61 - 80 of 413 results
  1. New Norepinephrine Indicators: nLightG and nLightR

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    ...Rohner, V., Kiss, C., Curreli, S., Dieter, A., Wilhelm, M., Harada, M., Duss, S. N., Dernic, J., Bhat, M. ... Z., Wu, H., Chen, W., Zhang, P., Zou, J., Hires, S. A., Zhu, J. J., Cui, G., Lin, D., Du, J., & Li, Y... Schütze, K., Moriwaki, Y., Heo, L., Ovchinnikov, S., & Steinegger, M. (2022). ColabFold: Making protein...
  2. CRISPR Plasmids - Xenopus

    ...Cloning Enzyme(s) Delivery Resistance Co-expressed Cas9 Depositing lab Cas9 species = S. pyogenes (PAM...
  3. CRISPR Plasmids - Zebrafish

    ...Cloning Enzyme(s) Delivery Resistance Co-expressed Cas9 Depositing lab Cas9 species = S. pyogenes (PAM...
  4. Antibodies 101: Multiplex Immunofluorescence

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    ...., Alicea, B., Audisio, T. L., Auer, S., Bhardwaj, V., Burgess, S. J., Ferling, I., Gazda, M. A., Hoeppner...Ilangovan, V., Lo, H., Olson, M., Mohamed, S. Y., Sarabipour, S., Varma, A., Walavalkar, K., Wissink, E....Prepare and label a sample that expresses your target(s) at a high level, either naturally or by overexpression... D., Murray, K. D., Engebrecht, J., & Trimmer, J. S. (2019). A toolbox of IgG subclass-switched recombinant...10.17504/ Im, K., Mareninov, S., Diaz, M. F. P., & Yong, W. H. (2019). An Introduction...
  5. Four Ways to Package Transgenes That Exceed the Size Limit of Adeno-associated Virus

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    ...P, Sommella A, Iodice C, Cesi G, Simone S, Marrocco E, Rossi S, Giunti M, Palfi A, Farrar GJ, Polishchuk...Toriello E, de Simone S, Colella P, Iodice C, Polishchuk EV, Sommella A, Colecchi L, Rossi S, Simonelli F, Giunti...split vector approaches developed in the early 2000’s which allow researchers to deliver oversized cargo...and hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC)s to ~40% expression in the K562 cell line (Bak et al....2009.280 Hirsch ML, Li C, Bellon I, Yin C, Chavala S, Pryadkina M, Richard I, Samulski RJ (2013) Oversized...
  6. Keeping Up With CRISPR/Cas9

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    ...Nogales presented the first detailed picture of Cas9's three-dimensional shape via x-ray crystallography,...Institute and MIT published another report showing Cas9's structural details. "Understanding this structure ...This Protein Could Change Biotech Forever."  David S. Weiss of Emory University summed it up well in that...
  7. Rewiring Metabolic Circuitry with CRISPR RNA Scaffolds [Video]

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    ...Western Ontario. Adam summarizes Zalatan JG, et al.'s recent paper, "Engineering Complex Synthetic Transcriptional... the oft published metabolic engineering realm of S. cerevisiae and E. coli. The utility of simultaneous...potential of this to control a metabolic network in S. cerevisiae by using three RNA programs to differentially...him on Twitter @AdamChinFatt     References Qi, L. S. et al. Repurposing CRISPR as an RNA-guided platform...
  8. History of CRISPR Cas - A tale of survival and evolution

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    ... to light until 2007. Initial experiments exposed S. thermophilus to predatory phages to test if the Let us know.  References Ishino Y, Hideo, S, Makino K, Mitsuko A, Nakata A. J Bacteriol. 1987 ...Barrangou R, Brouns SJJ, Charpentier E, Horvath P, Moineu S, Mojica FJM, Wolf YI, Yakunin JvdO, Koonin EV. Nature...2013 Jan; 493, 429–432. Cong L, Ran FA, Cox D, Lin S, Barretto R, Habib N, Hsu PD, Wu X, Jiang W, Marraffini...
  9. CRISPR Plasmids - gRNAs

    ...effect. Which species or variant of Cas9 ( S. pyogenes , S. aureus etc.) was this gRNA sequence designed...
  10. CRISPR Activators: A Comparison Between dCas9-VP64, SAM, SunTag, VPR, and More!

    Blog Post
    ...Chavez A, Scheiman J, Vora S, Pruitt BW, Tuttle M, P R Iyer E, Lin S, Kiani S, Guzman CD, Wiegand DJ, Ter-Ovanesyan...567 . Konermann S, Brigham MD, Trevino AE, Joung J, Abudayyeh OO, Barcena... Sajwan S, Mannervik M (2019) Gene activation by dCas9-CBP and...
  11. CRISPR 101: Anti-CRISPR Proteins Switch Off CRISPR-Cas Systems

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    ...and resources References Dong D, Guo M, Wang S, Zhu Y, Wang S, Xiong Z, Yang J, Xu Z, Huang Z (2017) Structural...Inhibit DNA binding Example:  AcrIIA4 blocks Cas9’s interaction with the PAM site (Dong et al., 2017),...deletion could replicate when challenged with the S. islandicus CRISPR-Cas system. 5. Phage therapy Li C, Psatha N, Gil S, Wang H, Papayannopoulou T, Lieber A (2018) HDAd5/...
  12. Finding nucleic acids with SHERLOCK and DETECTR

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    ...OO, Gootenberg JS, Konermann S, Joung J, Slaymaker IM, Cox DBT, Shmakov S, Makarova KS, Semenova E, Minakhin...-Gonzalez A, Zorn K, Gopez A, Hsu E, Gu W, Miller S, Pan C-Y, Guevara H, Wadford DA, Chen JS, Chiu CY ... Barnes KG, Chak B, Mondini A, Nogueira ML, Isern S, Michael SF, Lorenzana I, Yozwiak NL, MacInnis BL,... . Shmakov S, Abudayyeh OO, Makarova KS, Wolf YI, Gootenberg JS...JS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Joung J, Konermann S, Severinov K, Zhang F, Koonin EV (2015) Discovery and...
  13. Antibodies 101: Single Chain Fragment Variables (scFvs)

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    ...R, Hardman K, Jacobson J, Johnson S, Kaufman B, Lee S, Lee T, Pope S, Riordan G, Whitlow M (1988) Single-chain.../10.1126/science.3140379  Bradbury ARM, Sidhu S, Dübel S, McCafferty J (2011) Beyond natural antibodies...molecules, called Bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTE®s), bind CD3 on T cells and a tumor-specific antigen...
  14. Synthesized by Ginkgo Bioworks, Shared by Addgene: SARS-CoV-2 Plasmids for Many Expression Systems

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    ...all SARS-CoV-2 protein coding genes in E. coli and S. cerevisiae expression vectors are available at Addgene... full length and truncated versions of SARS-CoV-2 S (spike protein) cloned into a CMV driven expression...containing SARS-CoV-2 protein coding genes in E. coli and S. cerevisiae expression vectors in late March. The ...Plasmids and Resources Page! References Fukushi S, Watanabe R, Taguchi F (2008) Pseudotyped Vesicular...
  15. Predicting Adverse Reactions to Monoclonal Antibody Drugs

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    ...Terry, F. E., Roberts, B. J., Rosenberg, A. S., & De Groot, A. S. (2022). In silico Immunogenicityé, M.-S., Mounho-Zamora, B., LeSauteur, L., & Burns-Naas, ...Manufacturing to Preclinical Studies. In J. Bluemel, S. Korte, E. Schenck, & G. F. Weinbauer (Eds.), The ...
  16. Negative Can Be Positive: Open AAV Data with Addgene

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    ...Sierra-Mercado, D., Robinson, J. O., Outram, S., Koenig, B. A., Pereira, S., McGuire, A. L., & Lázaro-Muñoz, G....and resources References Dayton, R. D., Grames, M. S., & Klein, R. L. (2018). More expansive gene Rumachik, N. G., Malaker, S. A., Poweleit, N., Maynard, L. H., Adams, C. M., Leib... Leib, R. D., Cirolia, G., Thomas, D., Stamnes, S., Holt, K., Sinn, P., May, A. P., & Paulk, N. K. (2020...
  17. Multiplexed Capture of Promoter-enhancer 3D Chromatin Structures Using CRISPR

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    ...biotin acceptor site BirA, a biotin ligase a gRNA(s) targeting a single genomic location of interest  ... Number of loci targeted One Many Sample type(s) Cell lines Cell lines, primary cells Table 1: ...methods.   Applications of CAPTURE 2.0 CAPTURE 2.0’s increased rate of detecting chromatin interactions...they are a large cluster of enhancers. CAPTURE 2.0’s multiplexing and high resolution allowed the Xu Lab...Li K, Cao H, Ni M, Liu Y, Gu Z, Dickerson KE, Xie S, Hon GC, Xuan Z, Zhang MQ, Shao Z, Xu J (2017) In ...
  18. Plasmids 101: Multicistronic Vectors

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    ...sequence* T2A: (GSG) E G R G S L L T C G D V E E N P G P P2A: (GSG) A T N F S L L K Q A G D V E E N P G...Y A L L K L A G D V E S N P G P F2A: (GSG) V K Q T L N F D L L K L A G D V E S N P G P * (GSG) residues...cloning sites flanking the multicistronic element(s), or you could replace one of the reporter genes above...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 413 results