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Showing: 701 - 720 of 1028 results
  1. Quick, Versatile Plant Transgenesis with GreenGate Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...interest, C-terminal tags, plant terminators and resistance cassettes for selection of transgenic plants.... available at Addgene, also gives the option to stack several expression cassettes onto a single T-DNA...that they cut at arbitrary sequences a defined distance away from the recognition site. In other words...
  2. Top 10 Open Science Developments of 2013

    Blog Post
    ... after all, with each generation of scientists standing on the shoulders of their colleagues and all those...Also in June, the G8 Science Ministers issued a statement after a meeting in London on the global science... as much about open access as it does about the state of peer review. 8)     That same issue of Science...
  3. Six Spooky Science Stories and Halloween at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...infects a snail’s eyestalks. Once ingested by the snail, the larvae reach the eyestalk and transform (Lutjanus guttatus) by a parasitic isopod (Crustacea: Isopoda)." Copeia 1983.3 (1983): 813-816. Gilbert...
  4. Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion

    Blog Post
    ... that purified GFP could be imaged in the green state after excitation at 488 nm, photoconverted with ...with 405 nm light, and then captured in the red state after excitation at 561 nm. This imaging process worked...Hazelwood KL, Davidson MW, Looger LL. A bright and photostable photoconvertible fluorescent protein. Nat Methods...
  5. Scientific Sharing in the Time of COVID-19: Databases and Resources

    Blog Post
    ...sharing as the scientific community strives to understand COVID-19. While the specific motivations vary...scientific community can make progress towards understanding this disease. Figure 1: Scientists are...investigate COVID-19, and once universities reopen and restart other research, scientific sharing will remain ...
  6. SpyLigase Irreversibly Locks Peptides Together for Efficient Cell Capture

    Blog Post
    ...circulating tumor cells, we found that the binding stability really mattered for efficient capture. We wanted...Andrews discovered the domain. It is small, highly stable and has this amazing chemistry locking the domain...(CTCs) is going to have a big impact on our understanding and treatment of cancer. It is clear that one...
  7. The Michael Davidson Collection: One-Stop Shop for Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...cell biology, Michael Davidson’s lab at Florida State University has been the go-to place. In 2012, his...every fluorescent protein under the sun, from the standard oldies but goodies (e.g., EGFP and YFP) to the...Democrat in a story about his life’s work and the stage IV lung cancer that has now prompted him to deposit...
  8. Cellosaurus: A Cell Line Information Database

    Blog Post
    ...ever been the target of an ‘-omics’ study or is resistant to specific compounds, links to publication references...down the hall who got it from some technician downstairs who got it from who knows where), now is as good...surprising, and important, findings being shared. For instance, recently Cellosaurus received a report that HT...
  9. An Addgene Summer Internship

    Blog Post
    ...program, teaching me the basics of physics and sustainable design while allowing me to do my internship ...during the first three weeks that we had made a mistake by not having the right concentration of a reagent...running on a time crunch and knew that if we were to restart the procedure we would not have enough time. During...
  10. Five Questions to Ask If You're Deciding Between a Master's or PhD Program

    Blog Post  5. Do you enjoy bench work? It’s easier to stay at the bench longer (or for your whole career) with...often technical career tracks for PhDs who want to stay at the bench. So if you enjoy wielding a pipette...hopefully the questions in this blog post can help you start to figure out if a master’s is a good fit with your...
  11. CUT&RUN: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-DNA Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...during an initial fixation step. This serves to stabilize DNA-protein interactions for subsequent sheering... of the limitations of ChIP-seq. CUT&RUN, which stands for ‘Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease...likely that this technique will quickly become a standard method alongside ChIP. Many thanks to our guest...
  12. Oh, The Places You Can Go: Careers in Science Communication - Product Development

    Blog Post
    ...slight detour, and a bit of luck. This journey started not at the end of her PhD but rather at the beginning...upon eScience by luck, by chance, by complete happenstance. It was on Indeed or one of the job search sites...Iowa really opened the door for me at eScience.” Stay tuned for part two of Caitlin’s interview where ...
  13. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Biosensors

    Blog Post
    ..., does the fluorescent tag need to be pH stable or withstand a particular solute concentration or temperature...biosensors track cellular characteristics like pH, redox state, and voltage across membranes. These sensors generally...
  14. Fluorescent Biosensors for Measuring Autophagic Flux

    Blog Post
    ...limitations because it turns a dynamic process into a static measurement and it provides limited information...mammalian dual-emission autophagy biosensor. Its resistance to lysosomal proteases is key to its acidic environments, while mRFP is relatively stable and fluorescences even at the acidic pH found in...
  15. Viral Vectors 101: Transductions

    Blog Post
    ..., most of the nucleic acid transfected will not stably integrate (unless you used a transposon system,... think. We have protocols available to get you started and information on the specific viruses available... Resources Resources on Generating Stable Cell Lines with Lentivirus Virus Handling and Storage...
  16. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - September 2021

    Blog Post
    ...biology tool. These systems allow researchers to understand bacterial gene clusters that produce useful natural...selection marker, Thy1.1, in addition to puromycin resistance.  The MYC-CRISPR library targets E-boxes genome-wide...base editors to disrupt gene function by targeting start codons, splice acceptor and donor sites, and introducing...
  17. In Vivo Biotinylation of Bacterial Fusion Proteins

    Blog Post
    ... the fusion protein includes an AviTag and a 6X HisTag for affinity purification (see plasmid map and ...dramatically increased accessibility of the AviTag and HisTag, which were “buried” in a few of our proteins that...proteins - but it would remove both the AviTag and HisTag. We were surprised that we couldn’t find an all-in-one...
Showing: 701 - 720 of 1028 results