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Showing: 661 - 680 of 989 results
  1. Lentiviral CRISPR Libraries Enable Genome-Scale, Knockout Screening

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    ...  “This enables you to do customized genetic modification on a scale that was really not possible before...genome engineering with CRISPRs was limited to modification of a few loci at a time,” Wang said. “It was... lentiviral libraries and their demonstrated application offer proof-of-principle that CRISPR-Cas9 can...
  2. Five Questions to Ask If You're Deciding Between a Master's or PhD Program

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    ...technical know-how, and helped develop my science communication skills. Ultimately, my degree prepared me to...technical or product support specialist,” “field application scientist,” or “scientific or technical writer...for PhD applicants since many will also accept applications from master’s candidates with experience.  Use...
  3. SunTag and Fluorescent Imaging

    Blog Post
    ...aggregation, it’s recommended for most imaging applications. What can you do with SunTag? Tanenbaum et al...activation of target genes, but we’ll save that application for another day! References 1. Tanenbaum, al. “A protein-tagging system for signal amplification in gene expression and fluorescence imaging....
  4. Multifunctional Neural Fibers: Modulation from Gut to Brain

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    ...channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2), a blue light sensitive cation channel, fused to mCherry to the brain tissue. ... several months after implantation of fibers, indicating the system was indeed stable for continuous monitoring...interfaces with the entire body, so the obvious next applications are to expand the tool to different brain-organ...
  5. The Strength of Story Telling

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    ...Storytelling is a crucial part of interpersonal communication, which makes honing your ability to tell stories...Addgene Blog Check out our blog posts on science communication Find interviews scientists in SciComm careers... science communication...
  6. Antibodies 101: Epitope Availability

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    ...Conformation changes usually fall into one of two categories: ones induced by the researcher and ones that...naturally, by binding to other proteins, changing locations, or even just as part of performing a a transmembrane protein, or is it know to translocate or fold in certain conditions? It can help to...
  7. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

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    ...insert comes from using Taq polymerase for the amplification step since Taq polymerase leaves a single deoxyadenosine...rejoining supercoiled DNA ends to facilitate replication. The TOPO technique specifically uses Find More Plasmid Cloning Protocols Catch Up On Your Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Watch...
  8. Predicting Adverse Reactions to Monoclonal Antibody Drugs

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    ...silico approach The in silico approach cannot replicate the complexity of antigen processing events that...This system would somewhat act like a 2-step verification. All approaches have their own limitations. ... together can inform decisions about in vivo application and clinical testing. This would pave the way...
  9. FPbase: A new community-editable fluorescent protein database

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    ...non-trivial, however, as FPs are tremendously complicated entities with a large range of characteristics...decision remains spread across literature in publications that introduce these tools. Years ago, Kurt...incorporate FPbase data in their own projects and applications, a REST API allows programmatic retrieval of...
  10. New Neuroscience Tool: The iGluSnFR3 Glutamate Sensor

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    ...Glutamate plays a variety of roles in synaptic communication and can trigger other forms of neuronal signaling...SF-Venus-iGluSnFR). iGluSnFR3: Improved Glutamate Indicators for Synaptic Imaging However, the first two generations... 30377363 Aggarwal, Abhi, et al. . “Glutamate indicators with improved activation kinetics and localiation...
  11. K. phaffii: Rising to the Occasion

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    ...2017). Beyond human relevance, yeast have many applications in food science and biotech due to its fermentation... ancient yeast strains and metazoan cells.   Applications for K. phaffii There’s a number of exceptionally good for post-translational modification of recombinant protein products, specifically...
  12. Expanding the Targeting Scope and Editing Efficiency of Adenine Base Editors

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    ... specific DNA base changes and consist of a catalytically impaired Cas protein (dCas or Cas nickase) fused... SpCas9. In order to expand the gene-editing applications and targeting scope of ABEs David Liu’s lab ...through many rounds of mutations, selection, and replications per day.  The PACE and PANCE systems use M13...
  13. Plasmids 101: Transformation, Transduction, Bacterial Conjugation, and Transfection

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    ...Scientists can also use electroporation, the application of an electrical charge to cells, to increase... properties. The phagemids are packaged into replication-incompetent phage particles with assistance from... found on an episome, a piece of DNA that can replicate on its own or be integrated within a bacterial...
  14. Antibodies 101: Monoclonal Antibodies

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    ...cells and antibody-producing B cells that cannot replicate, meaning that only hybridomas will survive this... Antibodies: Distinguishing Characteristics, Applications, and Information Resources. ILAR Journal 46:... the Addgene blog Learn more about research applications for antibodies in Intro to Antibodies Read about...
  15. A Novice's Perspective on Neuroscience - SfN2017

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    ...the things that popped out to me as a novice and indicate why other neuroscience newbies might want to get... reinforce our goals of making more AAVs and educational content to help researchers use these great tools...start making the AAV, or help us produce new educational content on the blog. Overall, there are many ...
  16. Building and Validating Recombinant Antibodies: A Case Study

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    ...cDNA, which  was used as a template for PCR amplification with a degenerate primer set to amplify IgG ...  While screening by IF-ICC worked well for identification of the correct clones, it was determined that...through functional assays. Following functional verification, the R-mAb expression plasmids were DNA sequenced...
  17. Sharing is Caring: But How to Distribute Open Hardware?

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    ...convinced that most microscopy techniques can be replicated with commercially available consumer-grade components... tools has allowed the community to regularly replicate designs worldwide. Distributing hardware via globally...Hohlbein, et. al., 2022). A more open way of communicating in science brings stronger networking across...
Showing: 661 - 680 of 989 results