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Showing: 661 - 680 of 749 results
  1. Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution

    ...filter or centrifugation at >500 x g for 5 minutes. Do not use the medium if the cells are overly confluent... solution into each well of a 96-well plate. By doing this, you are seeding the plate at an average density...After ~7 days, scan the plate for cell growth. If you do not observe any colonies, continue incubating the... one colony. Wells with more than a single colony do not contain a monoclonal population and should be...expansions (monoclonal, 1-5). Wild-type A549 cells do not express Cas9 and are included as a control (WT...
  2. Virus Protocol - Generating Stable Cell Lines

    ...regularly Do not over or under-grow your cells. Thaw a new vial of cells after 20-30 passages. Do not add...determine the optimal dose of selective reagent for your target cell line. To do this, treat target cells...surviving cells in the culture, so it is important to do regular media changes and maintain optimal growth...cells with a range of doses of antibiotic and determine the lowest dose that kills all of the cells. Prepare...should be changed every 2–3 days to maintain the dose of antibiotic, which may not be stable at 37 °C....
  3. Plasmids 101: Broad Host Range Plasmids

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    ...machinery such as Rep or other initiator proteins, they do not require host proteins for replication and can...spp., Rhizobium spp., Rhodopseudomonas spp., Rhodospirillum spp., Shewanella spp., Thiobacillus spp., Xanthomonas...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

    Blog Post
    ...less stable than viruses produced in cell lines that do not express these sugars. (Takeuchi et al., 1997)...
  5. CRISPR-mediated Plant Base Editors

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    ...your target base in the protospacer sequence. If you do not find a suitable ‘NGG’ PAM at your target genomic...
  6. Site Directed Mutagenesis by PCR

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    ... extension can usually ensure that the 3’-base(s) do not form secondary structures. The introduction (...
  7. CRISPR Guide

    ...Genome-Wide Screening What Are Pooled Libraries? How Do You Use a Library? Cas9 Fusion Tools Activation/ G (or T to C) change. Adenosine DNA deaminases do not exist in nature, but have been created by directed...have been developed for inhibition using dCas9. How Do You Use a CRISPR Library? CRISPR libraries from Addgene...alterations, such as small mutations or inversions, than do large deletions generated by Cas9 systems. Cas3 must..., Cogan, J. Z., Replogle, J. M., Adriaens, C., Ramadoss, G. N., Shi, Q., Hung, K. L., Samelson, A. J.,...
  8. Viral Vectors 101: Systemic Capsids

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    ...caption courtesy of Challis et al., 2022. Where do they come from? Systemic capsids are typically derived...efficacy can vary depending on species. LY6A and LY6C1 do not have known homologs in NHPs, and capsids that...mouse strains). AAV-PHP.eC, AAV9-X1.1 and AAV1-X1 do not display strain-specific tropism and can be used...2023). High viral titer High vector genome (vg) doses are recommended for all systemic capsid applications... AAV-PHP.eB is typically administered at a total dose between 1 x 1011 and 5 x 1011 vg per animal (i.e...mL titer), while AAV-PHP.S is typically used at a dose between 3 x 1011 and 1 x 1012 vg*. Most systemic...capsids are easy to produce in high titer, but higher doses (>1 x 1012 vg total in mice) may increase the chances...
  9. AAV Titration by qPCR Using SYBR Green Technology

    ...Gently mix sample (do not vortex) Incubate 30 min at 37 °C Transfer to ice ** Critical: do NOT treat your ...plates) and store at -20 °C. Once a standard is thawed do not freeze it again but store at 4 °C and use within... duplicate Load 5 μL of each sample in duplicate. Do not forget to include a no template control ( NTC...
  10. Protocol - How to Streak a Plate

    ...broad stroke. Only touch the surface of the plate, do NOT dig into the agar. Another very popular technique...bacterium. If the bacterial growth is too dense and you do not see single colonies, re-streak onto a new agar...
  11. New Optogenetic Tools for Cytoskeleton and Membrane Control

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    ...processes in different cell types. One great way to do this is to use CRY2-CIB1 clustering. Fuse either ...provided CIB constructs for targeting Golgi, ER, and endosome membranes) (Figure 4). The authors used SuperPLD...
Showing: 661 - 680 of 749 results