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Showing: 641 - 660 of 945 results
  1. Tips for Titering Your Lentiviral Preps

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    ...measurement. Like a p24 ELISA, this method is relatively quick, providing results in less than a day, ...amplification of the original plasmid which can over-inflate results. A packing vector deficient in reverse ... serial dilutions of a viral prep, genomic DNA isolated, and primers targetting viral components or the...
  2. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

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    ...cassette exchange. By utilizing recombinases to manipulate genomes, scientists can control expression of...and Tagging with Light (SPOTlight) as a way to isolate individual cells with unique spatiotemporal phenotypes...AAV-deliverable ABE.  Find the plasmid here Jesse Zalatan’s lab deposited plasmids for a chemically inducible...
  3. Interview: Nicola Patron on Plant Synthetic Biology, MoClo, and More

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    ...system. The paper also gives quantitative data for regulatory elements, which has not been available for plants...Nicotiana benthamiana. N. benthamiana is a tobacco relative and a good model for plant disease because it ...Patron: Remember plants. Every time you look at your plate, think about how much that’s on it are plants, and...
  4. Transferable Skills Guide: Managing a Team

    Blog Post
    ...managing a team. You’ve just been promoted, congratulations! You’re now a manager with your own team! But... other student stayed until he graduated. Years later I attended a formal training for new managers motivated and help you grow in your role. The latter will make you feel discouraged and not valued which...
  5. Negotiating Work and Life: How to Find the Joy

    Blog Post
    ... If you are miserable at home or work, your relationships will suffer in both the short run and the long... learn to work within these bounds You can work later (in the evening, or in a few years) when life responsibilities...agree on before you get enmeshed in a serious relationship. #5 Thou shalt not sweat the small stuff The...
  6. Getting to Know Expansion Microscopy

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    ...they want to understand the ultrastructural relationships that influence everything from cell division...physically separates molecules while maintaining their relative positions, allowing you to resolve individual ...accessible imaging equipment, ExM protocols utilize relatively inexpensive reagents and are readily adoptable...
  7. Antibodies 101: Producing Recombinant Antibodies

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    ...mammalian cells can perform human-like post-translational modifications that bacterial and most yeast ...also need to know the extinction coefficient to calculate the concentration. At 280 nm, the extinction coefficient...protein standard and the concentration may be calculated using imaging software. Any bands on the gel ...
  8. The Effect of COVID-19 on Liu Lab Plasmid Requests From Addgene Data

    Blog Post
    ...particular scientific subfields.  Plasmid requests correlate with paper publication The dataset includes 11,426...and uncertainty in estimating parameters from relatively sparse data from China. An important additional...therapeutics. Prime editing, base editing, PACE, and DNA-templated synthesis are four examples of technologies pioneered...
  9. Tips for CRISPR Gene Editing in Mice

    Blog Post
    ...path, you’ve probably got a gene you’d like to manipulate in mind. Now it’s time to consider where you ...mice once they have been generated (more on that later). Find Validated gRNAs to Target Mouse Genes To ...biology and genetics. She loves to communicate the latest and greatest in scientific content.      References...
  10. Data Freedom: The Expansion of Data Sharing in Research Publications

    Blog Post
    ...publications. The policy was not an overnight revelation, rather it was the result of consultations between...representative or the statistical variation is calculated and placed in the legend. Widely reported difficulties...interfaces where the viewer is more likely to want to manipulate how they view the information. We are used to...
  11. Plasmids 101: Broad Host Range Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...different bacterial hosts (Doran et al. 1998). Regulatory elements within the ori also control copy number...which is the most commonly used bacteria in lab manipulations. Table 1 has a detailed list of the bacterial...leguminosarum, R. meliloti, Rhodobacter sphaeroides, R. capsulatus, Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, Salmonella spp....
  12. Binning Singletons: Tackling Conference Networking When You Don’t Know Anyone

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    ...singletons). I felt like anyone at a meeting who felt isolated at a conference for any reason was a Singleton...phenomenon in bacteria that occurs when bacterial cells regulate gene expression in response to changes in cell...structure with regard to the Mentor-Singleton relationship. Some of the variability was organic, as some...
  13. CRISPR 101: Which Cas9 Do I Choose for My CRISPR Experiment?

    Blog Post
    ...modifiers available. This system utilizes an RNA template containing the desired edit adjoined to the sgRNA...affect gene expression? dCas9 can be used as a platform to deliver various cargo to a specific DNA locus...single transcriptional activation domain - VP64.  Later generations of activators include the SunTag system...
  14. Controlling for Off-target Effects with a New Genome-wide CRISPR Screen Design

    Blog Post
    ...several genes previously not associated with ricin regulation, including almost all genes involved in the production... screen did fail to identify some known ricin-regulators, but most of these genes are also essential for...increased and decreased p-values of known ricin regulation genes compared to results generated using non-targeting...
  15. Getting the Most from Your Lentiviral Transduction

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    ...enough to promote cell growth. Overgrown cultures stimulate quiescence, the resting phase of the cell cycle...that the results obtained in these lines can be translated to other lines. Differences in the physiology...therefore titers obtained in one cell type may not translate well to other cell types. To overcome this issue...
  16. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

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    ...cells with VSV-G pseudotyped virus requires the upregulation of LDLR expression using other methods.  In ...Gutierrez-Guerrero, et al, 2020). Because retrovirus is closely related to lentivirus, many retroviral envelope proteins...spumaviruses to human serum by galactosyl(alpha1-3)galactosylation. Journal of virology 71:6174–6178 . https:/...
  17. CRISPR-based Genome Editing Systems For Editing in E. coli

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    ...targeting the genomic site of interest. The donor template is supplied separately. To use this system, you... 37 °C.     The new pEcCas/pEcgRNA system We speculated that the gRNA on pCas that is specific to the... in the lack of recovered transformants. Our speculation motivated us to update the pCas/pTargetF system...
  18. 5 Reasons to Use Reddit for Science Communication

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    ...ummmm, what is it? Reddit is a volunteer-organized platform where users can participate in forum see the questions first makes Reddit a great platform for those who aren’t so great at coming up with...whole point is to meet actual people to build relationships. I also like Twitter because I can get a little...
  19. Thoughts on the Future of Research 2015 Boston Symposium

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    ...speaker Paula Stephan did a fantastic job of articulating many of these problems and some solutions. The...provided as an explanation for why they are paid relatively low wages (Stephan estimates that postdocs are...that PIs no longer save grant money by paying relatively low postdoc salaries as opposed to Staff Scientists...
Showing: 641 - 660 of 945 results