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Showing: 621 - 640 of 945 results
  1. Viral Vectors 101: Gamma-Retroviral Packaging Systems

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    ...hepatitis virus post‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes...-retroviral plasmids have similar names? The nomenclature of the plasmid backbone is meant to be descriptive...
  2. Fluorescent CRISPR Reporters: SRIRACCHA and GEmCherry2

    Blog Post
    ..., integrated reporter for assaying CRISPR/Cas-stimulated HDR activity) The Madison lab created SRIRACCHA...Joung JK (2014) CRISPR-Cas systems for editing, regulating and targeting genomes. Nature Biotechnology 32...integrated surrogate reporter for assaying CRISPR/Cas9-stimulated homology-directed repair. Journal of Biological...
  3. Building and Validating Recombinant Antibodies: A Case Study

    Blog Post
    ...plasmids for expression of mAbs, the Trimmer lab isolated RNA from cryopreserved hybridomas, immortalized...then used to generate cDNA, which  was used as a template for PCR amplification with a degenerate primer...grown in tissue culture, they were also able to isolate RNA from non-recoverable hybridoma stocks, without...
  4. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    ...miniature CRISPR-Cas system for mammalian genome regulation and editing Anti-FLAG Frankenbodies for modular... genes, researchers at the Genetic Pertubation Platform at the Broad Institute have expanded the genetic...miniature CRISPR-Cas system for mammalian genome regulation and editing by: Rachel Leeson The large size ...
  5. 7 Tips to Secure a STEAM Internship This Summer

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    ...certain to choose your recommenders based on your relationships to the person as well as their current sphere...just as you would for an in-person interview. Formulate and practice a set of common questions with a ...academic resources among economically disadvantaged populations. Roo is the co-founder of STEAMid.       Rose...
  6. A Deep Dive into BioBuilder

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    ...cellular extracts to perform transcription and translation in vitro, and the new BioBuilder module allows... mentors, and provides a nationally recognized platform in March to exhibit projects at any stage of completion...breakdown, production of fire-resistant housing insulation, and cleaning up salt runoff from winter icing.BioBuilderClub...
  7. Career Coaching for Scientists: Why and Where Do I Find One?

    Blog Post
    ...scientists are aware of the benefits of coaching relationships and do not know where to look for a coach. Many...thinking about what your goals are for the coaching relationship. Do you want to change jobs? Grow your professional...the coach to define how you will know that the relationship has been successful – what are the desired outcomes...
  8. Transferable Skills Guide: Public Speaking

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    ...string together all the words that I could remember related to this paper and/or biology in general until I... turn your slide deck into a chalk talk. Your translator doesn’t know the term “diving board” so you end...or talk extremely quickly. You realize, much too late, that you labeled your gene of interest incorrectly...
  9. CRISPR 101: Cas9 vs. The Other Cas(s)

    Blog Post
    ...’t just for DNA anymore! Cas enzymes have been isolated which target and cleave RNA through the same mechanism...and 2). cell toxicity. Cas7-11 does not display collateral RNA cleavage and is significantly less toxic ...mammalian cells than Cas13 (likely due to the lack of collateral cleavage). You can read about Cas7-11 in our ...
  10. Antibodies 101: Selecting the Right Antibody

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    ...pathway is regulated. You’ve read all the background papers you could get your hands on, formulated a hypothesis...immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry strategies that isolate an antibody’s immune complexes and confirm interacting...
  11. What's New in CRISPR - November 2021

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    ...available at Addgene. If you want to read more content related to CRISPR technology, subscribe to our CRISPR blog... plasmids Enhanced prime editing systems by manipulating MMR machinery In their Cell paper, the Liu Lab...other prime editing tools, the desired edits are templated by the 3′ extension of the pegRNAs. PEDAR is capable...
  12. Channelrhodopsins with improved light sensitivity for minimally-invasive optogenetics

    Blog Post
    ...amplitude, wavelength sensitivity, and off-kinetics correlated with the model’s predictions.  Three top performers...reach the VTA. Mice were then allowed to “self-stimulate” their VTA dopaminergic neurons by triggering ...H134R) expressing mice did not have this self-stimulation response. This result showed that ChRger2 stronger...
  13. CRISPRainbow and Genome Visualization

    Blog Post
    ...distances of 2 and 75 Mbp, with the calculated fluorescent distances correlating with the previously established...simultaneously, they could also monitor the spatial relationship of the two genes over time, at a range of distances...
  14. Gendered Innovations: Why Does Sex of the Cell Matter?

    Blog Post
    ...“Fix the Knowledge” or “gendered innovations” stimulates excellence in science and technology by integrating...interventions you develop represent the whole human population. To learn a little more about where differences...clinical trials. And, as Janine Clayton points out, late-stage clinical studies that draw from a body of ...
  15. Story of a SynBio Startup: RevBio's Epiphany (or Lack Thereof)

    Blog Post
    ...protecting intellectual property, it worked away in isolation. It published a paper a year (or less) and limited...popped into our heads. Anything was fair game for speculation - in fact, our color changing flower project ... accomplish the color change until a few months later. RevBio accelerates with help from SynBio Axlr8r...
  16. Hot Plasmids February 2024

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    ...maturation is even faster. Published just a few days later, Mohan Balasubramanian and colleagues showed the... then, when AAV-PHP.eB was injected three weeks later, that LY6A transgene rescued the enhanced brain ...Functional gene delivery to and across brain vasculature of systemic AAVs with endothelial-specific tropism...
  17. A Guide to Designing a Scientific Poster: Content, Layout, and More

    Blog Post
    ...The UCLA Library offers some Powerpoint based templates with different column numbers for a good starting...starting point. Adobe also offers free poster templates, although most are vertical.  Large central relevant to the work you are presenting. The latter is catchy, but beware. A distracting background...
  18. Mouse Modeling, Part 2: Breeding and Crossing Mice

    Blog Post
    ...F1 Once you’ve performed your first cross, congratulations! You’ve generated F1 mice and they are the ... strains throughout this process. In the F1 and later generations, mice that are homozygous wild type ...crossing over occurs between the two loci, F2 and later generations of mice can only be heterozygous for...
  19. CRISPR 101: Anti-CRISPR Proteins Switch Off CRISPR-Cas Systems

    Blog Post
    ...found in type I CRISPR-Cas systems.   Four years later, the Sontheimer and Davidson labs discovered three... species of bacteria.  A note on anti-CRISPR nomenclature Acr family proteins are named for the type of...spatial, or conditional control of CRISPR activity Regulating Acr proteins by inducible promoters, light, or...
Showing: 621 - 640 of 945 results