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Showing: 601 - 620 of 945 results
  1. Another Pathway into Cells: iTOP

    Blog Post
    ... Primary cells recapitulate the natural biology of a cell type of interest better than immortalized describe this method of protein transduction. Later studies showed that iTOP functions through macropinocytosis... sorted into single wells to generate clonal populations. After iTOP treatment, both primary (hESCs) and...
  2. Viral Vectors 101: Transductions

    Blog Post
    ...cargo, they can’t reproduce more functional viruses later on. These built-in safety features provide extra...integration resulting from transduction typically plateaus within a few days to a few weeks, depending nucleus, is transcribed into RNA, and is translated into protein.   Is there an easier way? In...
  3. Identifying Sequence Elements with SnapGene's Feature Database

    Blog Post tools available to biomedical researchers manipulating DNA sequences on a daily basis, many found these...control elements Coding sequence features are relatively straightforward to define, but for control elements...fluorescent proteins, which often come in closely related versions that have different properties. To prevent...
  4. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    ... Pre-warming your antibiotic-containing plate prior to plating your transformation may allow you to see...TOPO technique specifically uses Vaccinia virus-isolated topoisomerase I as this enzyme recognizes the ...
  5. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

    Blog Post
    ...protein could cleave DNA in vitro, directed by phosphorylated DNA guides. Unfortunately, Swarts et al. to mediate homology-directed repair when a template is supplied. Find Plasmids from the NgAgo GC-rich regions. DNA guides NgAgo uses 5’ phosphorylated DNA guides (so called “gDNAs”) rather than ...
  6. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists

    Blog Post Addgene began working from home last week to flatten the curve, but working remotely can be more difficult...this period, check out these tips and resources collated by Addgenies to help you keep calm and science...local businesses (ex: purchasing a gift card to use later or ordering take-out) or volunteering to foster ...
  7. How to Lead a Great Meeting

    Blog Post
    ...communicate outcomes to the rest of their team. Here's a template for project meetings. Team Meetings: For standing...members still have their voices heard. Here's a template for team meetings. One-on-Ones: Managers should... agenda template...
  8. Creating accessible biology activities in schools with BioBits

    Blog Post
    ...expensive) the different machines are, and how many regulations are in place to keep everyone safe. None of this...fluorescent protein through transcription and translation. Unfortunately, having live cells in a classroom...hands-on educational activities using the BioBits platform, please get in touch with us! We’ll work with ...
  9. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Edit Disease Out of the Genome

    Blog Post
    ...targeting the genes responsible for both early onset and late onset AD. In this study, the group showed that CRISPR...Alzheimer’s disease, as well as those that play into late onset AD (5).     CRISPR/Cas9 corrects Alzheimer...CRISPR to disease correction in adult stem cells isolated from two patients with cystic fibrosis. They were...
  10. Resume Writing for Non-academic Science Careers

    Blog Post
    ...people choose a reversed chronological style (the latest to the earliest) or a functional one. Pick one ...when the research topic you have done is closely related to the job you are applying for, in which case Experimental Medicine. She is the Community Relations Director for Curiosity Collider (hyperlink https...
  11. Fluorescent Protein Travel Awards - FLiPs and Fluorescent Protein Biosensors

    Blog Post
    ...ways to apply fluorescent proteins everyday.  The late Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien played enormous...enzyme active site and shutting off the enzyme. Later exposure to cyan light stopped Dronpa oligomerization...Fluorescent Light-inducible Proteins, or FLiPs.  Xin later optimized these first generation FLiPs by mutating...
  12. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post covering this ever-versatile fluorophore in a later post, so stay tuned! Transient transfection and ...transfection A stable transfection is used to create a population of cells that have fully and successfully incorporated... COS-1, 293HEK Inhibits termination step of translation 2-10 ug/mL G418/Geneticin neo HeLa, NIH3T3,...
  13. Viral Vectors 101: Gamma-Retroviral Packaging Systems

    Blog Post
    ...hepatitis virus post‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes...-retroviral plasmids have similar names? The nomenclature of the plasmid backbone is meant to be descriptive...
  14. Fluorescent CRISPR Reporters: SRIRACCHA and GEmCherry2

    Blog Post
    ..., integrated reporter for assaying CRISPR/Cas-stimulated HDR activity) The Madison lab created SRIRACCHA...Joung JK (2014) CRISPR-Cas systems for editing, regulating and targeting genomes. Nature Biotechnology 32...integrated surrogate reporter for assaying CRISPR/Cas9-stimulated homology-directed repair. Journal of Biological...
  15. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    ...contained cold tolerant chaperones (the Cpn 10/60 isolated from Oleispira antarctica, and the P. haloplanktis...psychrophilic systems as well as engineering and regulating psychrophilic recombinant proteins.  To infinity...2019 All-India iGEM Meet-up, which served as a platform for all the Indian iGEM teams to interact with...
  16. 7 Tips to Secure a STEAM Internship This Summer

    Blog Post
    ...certain to choose your recommenders based on your relationships to the person as well as their current sphere...just as you would for an in-person interview. Formulate and practice a set of common questions with a ...academic resources among economically disadvantaged populations. Roo is the co-founder of STEAMid.       Rose...
  17. Protein Tagging with CRISPR/Cas9: A Conversation with Mendenhall and Myers

    Blog Post
    ...effort to track down every last one of those gene regulatory proteins and the places in the genome where they...closely together on several projects and this is one related to gene expression. One goal of the ENCODE project...resistance to neomycin so that you can select the population of cells with the tagged transcription factor...
  18. CasPEDIA: A Functional Classification of Cas Enzymes

    Blog Post
    ...sequence (NGG, etc.) as well as their orientation relative to the gRNA (5’ or 3’). In some cases, there is... used by Jinek et al. 2012, or browsing for the latest AsCas12a plasmids, Addgene and CasPEDIA have browse entries by the current phylogenetic nomenclature and discover orthologs with similar properties...
  19. A Deep Dive into BioBuilder

    Blog Post
    ...cellular extracts to perform transcription and translation in vitro, and the new BioBuilder module allows... mentors, and provides a nationally recognized platform in March to exhibit projects at any stage of completion...breakdown, production of fire-resistant housing insulation, and cleaning up salt runoff from winter icing.BioBuilderClub...
Showing: 601 - 620 of 945 results