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Showing: 41 - 60 of 103 results
  1. Analyzing CRISPR Editing Results with ICE from Synthego

    Blog Post
    ...multiplex CRISPR-Cas9 double-strand DNA breaks using SpCas9. More features will be added to the ICE software...configured for Cas9 fromStreptococcus pyogenes (SpCas9). ICE Score - The editing efficiency (percentage...
  2. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

    Blog Post sequence in between two fragments of EGFP in pCAG-EGxxFP. The EGFP fragments contain 482bp of overlapping... From the lab of Yonglong Chen, pCS2-3xFLAG-NLS-SpCas9-NLS is a Cas9 expression plasmid that was used ...
  3. Editor's Choice, July 2016

    Blog Post
    ...compared to the most commonly used Cas9 variant, SpCas9. These properties, combined with other benefits...
  4. CRISPR Guide

    ...pyogenes (SP); SpCas9 3' NGG SpCas9 D1135E variant 3' NGG (reduced NAG binding) SpCas9 VRER variant 3'...NGCG SpCas9 EQR variant 3' NGAG SpCas9 VQR variant 3' NGAN or NGNG xCas9 3' NG, GAA, or GAT SpCas9-NG 3...engineered Cas9s can enhance CRISPR specificity. SpCas9 (from Streptococcus pyogenes ) is the most cuts. Cas9 nickase (Cas9n), a D10A mutant of SpCas9, has one active nuclease domain and one enzymes, and their mechanisms, include: eSpCas9(1.1) - weaken interactions between the HNH/RuvC...RuvC groove and the non-target DNA strand SpCas9-HF1 - disrupt Cas9’s interactions with DNA phosphate backbone...your desired genes for modification. Engineered SpCas9 enzymes with altered PAM specificities are available...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 103 results