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Showing: 41 - 60 of 322 results
  1. Interview: Nicola Patron on Plant Synthetic Biology, MoClo, and More

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    ...Addgene: Tell me about the Golden Gate Modular Cloning (MoClo) Kit. What does it include? Patron: Sainsbury...them. The MoClo Plant Kit makes it really easy to clone genes for expression in plant cells. Sylvester and...already use. It makes the switch to Golden Gate Cloning easier because individual labs will not need to...make it easier for people to use the Golden Gate cloning system especially with plants in mind. When it’...There is no PCR, no gel purification; the whole cloning process is so simplistic once you have your parts... 30 constructs. They’ve never done any kind of cloning and they don’t have any prejudice about it. They... biology.  References: A Golden Gate Modular Cloning Toolbox for Plants. Carola Engler, Mark Youles,...
  2. REPLACR Mutagenesis: Replacing In Vitro Recombination Methods

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    ...Read about Other Plasmid Cloning Techniques like SLIC and Golden Gate Cloning Learn How to Verify Your...same efficiency as Gibson Assembly and GeneArt cloning - but at a much lower cost. Read on to find appropriate vector. Gibson Assembly, GeneArt Cloning, and SLIC can all be used to assemble multiple ... head-to-head with Gibson assembly and GeneArt cloning, the results are favorable. With 17-bp homology...REPLACR-Mutagenesis Megaprimer PCR Gibson Assembly GeneArt Cloning Types of Mutations Insertions, deletions, point...are recommended for plasmids up to 25 kb, most cloners should be fine, especially using plasmids in the...
  3. 3 Tips to Improve HDR Efficiency for CRISPR Editing in Human Cells

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    ...iPSC clone picking, a 100-fold decrease is the difference between picking 100 versus 10,000 clones! We ...thousands of clones to find a positive one. So if you have better things to do than clone picking, choose...when screening reasonable amounts of single cell clones. Furthermore, CRISPR/Cas9 editing is often bi-allelic...intended sequence change and screen a few hundred clones to find the right one Step 2 – Edit the cells a... blocking mutation and again identify the right clone from a few hundred. From these two steps, you’ll...ll be screening a total of a few hundred clones - Still better than 10.000, right? (Kwart, Paquet, et ...
  4. Site Directed Mutagenesis by PCR

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    ...manner. The approach can be used in conventional cloning (to introduce or remove restriction sites), in ...the desired modification. Finally, the positive clones are sequenced to confirm the desired modification...subsequent process of screening for succesfully mutated clones. Forward and reverse primers are designed to be...Taq generate A-overhangs (a feature used in TA-cloning). Such non-complementary bases at the 3’-end interfere... to sequence), it may be easier to subsequently clone a smaller region (containing the specific modification...linear product. The mutated product can then be cloned back into the original plasmid using the unique...Resources on the Addgene Blog Brush up on Your Cloning Techniques Learn More about Plasmids in Our Plasmids...
  5. Choosing Your Perfect Empty Backbone

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    ... multiple cloning site to insert YGOI, a bacterial selection cassette for growth and cloning in bacteria...expression vectors are inducible (e.g. pBAD LIC cloning vector (8A)) and have an epitope tag (6xHis or ...pBV-Luc) and gene silencing (e.g. pLKO.1 - TRC cloning vector). Check out our complete guide to empty ... Plasmids 101 blog series Addgene's Molecular Cloning Guide & Other Plasmid Protocols List of common ...
  6. Technique: Probe Phage Genomes for Host Binding Proteins

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    ... the multiple cloning site of the vector. In order to reduce the chances of some clones being outcompeted...Visit Our Microbiology Pages Use the FX Cloning Sytem to Clone Your Gene of Interest Into a Variety of...binding proteins are hard to find Sequencing and cloning phage DNA can be difficult, in part because phages...gene-sized) fragments so that these fragments can be cloned into E. coli and subsequent proteins screened for...RBP gene without causing issues associated with cloning large fragments. After fragmentation, repair sheared...E. coli Now that random DNA fragments have been cloned into E. coli cells, isolated colonies will be lifted...experiment. Find Bacterial Expression Vectors in the FX Cloning System Kit  Step 3: Probe random phage DNA fragments...
  7. What's New in CRISPR - Spring 2019

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    ...plasmids String assembly gRNA cloning (STAgR) String assembly gRNA cloning (STAgR), developed by Stefan... Read the paper in PLoS One Find the STAgR cloning plasmids Mobile-CRISPRi allows CRISPRi experiments...marker excision method for marking distinct cell clones developed by the Michalis Averof lab. It’s an alternative...
  8. Plasmids 101: Multicistronic Vectors

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    ...multicistronic element and reporter cloned in. In these plasmids you would simply clone your gene of interest into...the experimental cell type and the specific genes cloned into the vector.3  2A Peptides To overcome some...into the multiple cloning site up or down stream of the IRES or 2A element (depending on the placement can start with a plasmid that has multiple cloning sites flanking the multicistronic element(s), or...replaced.  Additionally, 2A peptides could be PCR-cloned between your genes of interest and you can then...Addgene's Plasmid Guide for more molecular biology and cloning information. ...
  9. Modulate the Activity of 17 Signaling Pathways with One Kit!

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    ...colleagues at Duke University, in collaboration with “cloning guru” Kathleen Ottina and David Sabatini at the...the appropriate cDNAs from other researchers, and cloned them into lentiviral vectors to generate a kit ...which is now available at Addgene. “We called it cloning by mail,” Wood says, and it took them about six...six months from start to finish. They cloned all the cDNAs into a single consensus lentiviral expression...
  10. Addgene's Top Blog Posts from 2020

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    ...providing cloning grade DNA to you, we'd save you days of time so that you can begin your cloning experiment...this year were influenced by COVID-19 and our new cloning grade DNA service. We've had 11 blog posts on COVID... and industry. This year, we also launched the cloning grade DNA service. This service features 210 plasmids...
  11. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Luciferase

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    ...Shortly after the initial article describing the cloning of firefly luciferase was published in 1985, several...Other organisms from which luciferases have been cloned from include click beetles (Pyrophorus plagiophthalmus...The regulatory element (wild-type or mutant) is cloned upstream of the luciferase gene in the plasmid,...efficiency on a target sequence. The gene of interest is cloned into a plasmid downstream of luciferase containing...signaling activity. Multiple response elements are cloned into a plasmid upstream of a minimal promoter linked...
  12. Quickest Way to Deposit Plasmids: The Deposit Spreadsheet

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    ...vector”. Cloning Method Choose from: Gateway cloning, gene synthesis, Gibson cloning, ligation-independent...ligation-independent cloning, restriction enzyme, TOPO cloning, unknown, or other. Bacterial Resistance Enter...possible, we propagate plasmids in the standard cloning strain DH5α. For plasmids with highly repetitive...
  13. Educational Planarian Tools for Teaching Developmental Biology Techniques

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    ...their own molecular cloning and investigating genes not in this collection, they may clone DNA sequences for...Phagocata gracillis. There are 11 different genes cloned into plasmids to investigate for each of these ...experiments. Notably, this plasmid harbors a multi-cloning site flanked by T7 promoters to allow for bidirectional...complementary DNA (cDNA), and then use PCR and molecular cloning to insert the cDNA into the desired plasmid backbone...the bravest and more curious” students on how to clone a gene of interest into the empty PR-T4P vector ...
  14. Our Most Popular Blog Posts from 2019

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    ... for Plasmid Cloning by Jennifer Tsang There are many strategies for finding your clones in an experiment... Hot Plasmids - March 2019 - Anti-CRISPR, 2in1 Cloning, Fluorescent Voltage Indicators, and and sacB counter-selection) tools used in cloning. 8. Bright Monomeric Fluorescent Proteins: mNeonGreen...
  15. Plasmids 101: Methylation and Restriction Enzymes

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    ...naturally occur in bacteria for purposes other than cloning or confirming plasmids. It turns out that restriction...adenine in AACNNNNNNGTGC or GCACNNNNNNGTT Impact on cloning and digests Although not all prokaryotic DNA is...enzyme will cut? Whether performing a digest for cloning purposes or for diagnostics, we suggest double ...can ensure this site remains unblocked by first cloning your DNA into a dam–/dcm– strain of E. coli such...Resources on the Addgene Blog Keep up with the Latest Cloning Techniques Learn to Troubleshoot Your Sequencing...
  16. Polymerase Chain Reaction Overview and Applications

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    ...multitude of scientific techniques such as molecular cloning or molecular diagnostics.       Steps of PCR...End point PCR is most commonly used in molecular cloning, sequencing, and genotyping. It’s extremely useful...of DNA. This amplicon can be used in molecular cloning to create a plasmid of interest, for detecting ...PCR Amplify a region of interest  Molecular Cloning Site-directed mutagenesis Molecular Diagnostics...Droplet Digital PCR for AAV Quantification Plasmid cloning by PCR  Plasmids 101: Colony PCR Site Directed ... primer  Molecular Biology Reference Molecular Cloning Techniques ...
  17. CRISPR Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines [Video]

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    ...targeted deletions is to produce monoallelic deletion clones. Cells with just a single intact copy at a given...cells can be easily identified. Even in the case of clones with monoallelic deletion, the nondeleted allele...validation, and screening by PCR for biallelic deletion clones:    Like the video? The Orkin and Bauer lab's...paper describes their methods for CRISPR design, cloning, and delivery, as well as their techniques for ...
  18. Addgene's Tips for Plasmid Quality Control

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    ...antibiotic resistance, restriction sites used during cloning, and most importantly, the predicted full plasmid...quality, as it will catch any errors made during the cloning, sample handling, or sequence assembly steps. the “insert,” (the gene or genetic element cloned into the plasmid) and any other important features...its predecessor. Important features may include cloning junctions (where most sequence assembly errors ...mutations, in-frame protein fusions, and multiple cloning sites. In the simplest case we have a standard ...plasmid sequences (examples include Benchling, Serial Cloner, and Snapgene), and save these to a shared computer...
  19. Enabling Precision Functional Genomics with the Target Accelerator Plasmid Collection

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    ...scale, broadly available collection of mutant cDNA clones corresponding to cancer variants found in genome...genome sequencing studies (as well as reference cDNA clones mapping to well-annotated cellular pathways). It...These include 634 sequence confirmed mutant cDNA clones corresponding to cancer variants derived from analysis...collaborators to aggregate a sequence-confirmed series of clones corresponding to known cellular signaling pathways...Pathway Reference Set. These Gateway-compatible entry clones are the product of many years of work and we’re...
  20. 15 Years of Addgene: The Top 15 Plasmids

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    ... pyogenes with an invariant sgRNA scaffold and cloning sites for inserting the guide sequence (pSpCas9...restriction site, a pair of annealed oligos can be cloned to create a chimeric guide RNA. Find pX330-U6-Chimeric_BB-CBh-hSpCas9...  Find the scrambled shRNA vector. pLKO.1 - TRC cloning vector - This vector from the David Root lab is...3rd generation lentiviral transfer plasmid for cloning and expressing new shRNA sequences. For more information...slowly than standard plasmids. Find pLKO.1 - TRC cloning vector. Tet-pLKO-puro - Tet-pLKO-puro contains ...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 322 results