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Showing: 561 - 580 of 951 results
  1. Top 10 Open Science Developments of 2013

    Blog Post
    ...million in annual R&D expenditures to support increased public access to the results of federally-funded...recommend Eric Lander's intro to biology course "The Secret of Life." 10)     And, last but not least (certainly...know your favorite ways to share science. Image credit: Judy Breck, via flickr  ...
  2. From our Table to Yours: An Inside Look at Lunch at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ... we created one long lunch table and we eat together Harry Potter-style.The shared lunches create a culture...or says something about my cooking.   This is a creative (and delicious) team building activity that is...
  3. Some Like it Hot: Thermostable GeoCas9

    Blog Post
    ...The last trick GeoCas9 has up its sleeve is its increased longevity in human serum. Harrington et al suspected...shown that a cocaine esterase engineered to have increased thermostability also had a longer lifetime in ...Harrington, Lucas, et al. "A thermostable Cas9 with increased lifetime in human plasma." bioRxiv (2017): 138867...
  4. Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion

    Blog Post
    ...characterized, it turns out this protein has a few more secrets - during a collaboration, members of Maureen Hanson...necessary to observe a signal. Red signal intensity increases with GFP concentration and saturates around 30...likely to be most useful for labs that already have created a transgenic GFP-containing organism,” says Hanson...
  5. IDP and your PI: A Roadmap for Career Planning and Personal Development

    Blog Post
    ...holds yearly planning meetings with each trainee to create a supportive, growth-oriented lab culture. The ...perfectionists,” and we don’t often give ourselves credit for what we have accomplished. Starting with a ...meetings make the lab run more smoothly. With a concrete plan in hand, trainees are motivated to complete...
  6. Easing the Protein Purification Process with pCri

    Blog Post
    ...that your protein might not fold well, you should screen a few different vectors to see which gives you ...subtilis and the yeast Pichia pastoris. The improved secretory capacities of these microbes make them useful ...peptide (SP) that routes the protein through the secretory pathway to improve folding and disulfide bond ...
  7. Inside Addgene's 10 Year Anniversary Gala

    Blog Post
    ... today. Although I wish I could take all of the credit, the success of the company is attributed to the... of an interactive game that Addgene employees created and designed for the Hall of Human Life at the ...Addgene means to them. Ken mentioned Addgene’s incredible growth and our determination to keep materials...
  8. Three Tips to Organize Your Lab Notebooks in the New Year

    Blog Post
    ...Use software such as Evernote or Google Tasks to create lists of your upcoming tasks, set deadlines, and... computer or smartphone. Evernote allows you to create notes directly from webpage clippings, photographs...attachments. Organize your notes into notebooks, create checklists that link to other notes, and use the...
  9. Supporting Rare Disease Research with BeHeard 2017

    Blog Post
    ... interacting partners and perform whole animal screens for small molecules that block the neurodegenerative...their expression in specific cells. With a more concrete understanding of the molecular biology behind ...and pathways to target in future small molecule screens. He plans to work with a partner at IRCCS Besta...
  10. Mapping the 4D nucleome with CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ...response to the cell cycle or other stimuli.   To create a colorful Cas9 toolbox, Ma et al. turned to SpCas9...was fused to a different fluorescent protein to create three colors. The specificity of these orthologs...nucleome a specific priority, as researchers work to increase our understanding of chromatin organization. This...
  11. Bricking Science: Portraying Scientific Reality Through LEGO

    Blog Post
    ... the connection between LEGOs and science more concrete to help further unlock the potential contained...process One major challenge when we started was creating a LEGO stage that resembles a real laboratory.... your experiments to think outside the box, be creative, and put your inner child to work. If you have...
  12. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools

    Blog Post
    ...plasmid analysis tool including editing, annotating, creating maps, and more. This tool is maintained by M. ...University of Utah.   Figure 1: A plasmid map created in SnapGene of Blue Flame plasmid pET21a-BirA. ...repository for Cas enzymes.  Open repository of CRISPR screens Cellosaurus: A knowledge resource for cell lines...
  13. Embracing Serendipity: A Crucial Element in the PhD Journey

    Blog Post
    ...your project's potential. Widening your search creates fertile ground for serendipitous encounters that...research and PhD studies can enrich the depth and creativity of your work, while offering mental health benefits...but also cultivate a mindset that is adaptable, creative, and poised for groundbreaking discoveries. So...
  14. Networking and Inspiring Young Scientists at Freshers Fairs

    Blog Post
    ...provide advice. The society organizes numerous recreational and educational events throughout the year, ...iGEM alumni-industry networking to promote the creation of start ups and biotech spin offs. The Synthetic...Inspiring future scientists At Addgene, we’re incredibly glad to see these biological societies engaging...
  15. Addgene @ Keystone: Thoughts on Precision Genome Engineering and Synbio

    Blog Post
    ... these meetings in relatively isolated resorts creates a sense of camaraderie with fellow attendees from...depositor, discussed some of the many challenges of creating biological circuits, and I can only say this science...opportunity to share their cutting edge science in increasingly important field.  Interested in Addgene's ...
  16. CRISPR/Cas9 FAQs Answered!

    Blog Post
    ..., how can cells with that mutation be selected/screened? A4: Before starting your experiment, consider...sequencing, for example) on each colony in order to screen for positive ones.  -- OR -- If your HR template...would like to thank Le Cong for all his hard work creating amazing resources for the scientific community...
  17. CRISPR Challenges: Standardization and Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post
    ...single-strand DNA incorporation (ssDI). "Easi-CRISPR for creating knock-in and conditional knockout mouse models...Protoc. 13(1) (2018):195-215. PubMed PMID: 29266098 Creating knock-in mouse models with CRISPR has been challenging...efficiency. Easi-CRISPR uses a long ssDNA template to increase efficiency of insertion and gene replacement. ...
  18. In Vivo Biotinylation of Bacterial Fusion Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...we found that adding a TEV linker dramatically increased accessibility of the AviTag and HisTag, which ...fusion protein in bacteria. Our initial attempt to create a plasmid based on the biotin ligase BirA backbone... inserting BirA into a pMal plasmid (NEB) thus creating the pMal-T-Avi-His/BirA plasmid now available ...
  19. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...cassette allowing a researcher to perform blue-white screening after transformation - self joining of the vector...break down the steps needed for TOPO cloning: 1. Create Your PCR Product: Design standard primers (no need...unpaired 3’ ends in your PCR product. If you need to decrease error rate, please use one of these methods to...
Showing: 561 - 580 of 951 results