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Showing: 541 - 560 of 989 results
  1. Nanoblades: Tiny CRISPR Ninjas for Genome Editing Difficult Cells

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    ...including RNPs for indel formation via NHEJ, precise modification with Homology Directed Repair (HDR), CRISPR ...potential to be used for other types of CRISPR applications. Let’s take a look at the key components of ... which means they are non-infectious and non-replicative. Nanoblades are produced by transfecting the ...incubating Nanoblade particles with polybrene, a cationic polymer. Polybrene has long been used to increase...with Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoproteins." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 45. PubMed PMID: 30604748. PubMed...
  2. Mouse Modeling, Part 2: Breeding and Crossing Mice

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    ...techniques that can be used to introduce genetic modifications into mouse embryos. But once you generate a ...techniques are each useful for introducing one modification into the mouse genome, they are not commonly...parental mice In order to ensure that your genetic modification will be passed along to all of the offspring...environment and will harbor similar epigenetic modifications. Special breeding cases Whether your mouse colony...the mutations that you are trying to cross are located on homologous chromosomes in the parental generation...
  3. Mouse Modeling, Part 1: Genetically Engineered Mice

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    ...stimuli. Cre recombinase catalyzes the recombination of DNA sequences located between two loxP sites. research can fall under one of two broad classifications: inbred or outbred. Inbred strains share a ...Knockout mice Knockout mice have undergone genetic modification that alters or eliminates the expression of ...can be used to invert a segment of DNA or to translocate a piece of DNA from one region of the genome ...
  4. Split-BioID: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

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    ...methods for identifying PPIs, such as affinity purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS), lack the ability ...the validation of a binary PPI as well as the identification of additional interacting factors. Problems...detect weak and/or transient PPIs. Many PPI identification techniques rely on protein interactors to stay... AP-MS. This requirement often prevents the identification of weak and/or transient interacting proteins...spatiotemporally defined protein complexes. Nature communications. PubMed PMID: 28585547. PubMed Central PMCID...
  5. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - March 2021

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    ...2021.   The potential tools fall into two categories: probes and editors. A probe array may consist...and should be varied as it can have important implications for the fusion protein effectivity), and a visualize DNA, an editor targets DNA (via catalytically inactive dCas9) to modify chromatin. A fluorescent...both spatiotemporal protein degradation and quantification of this depletion using imaging-based measurements...BioTag, which can be used in protein affinity purification studies.    Duong et al., Genetics 2021. https...
  6. 5 Tips for Troubleshooting Viral Transductions

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    ...experiment and they don't do anything. Viruses are complicated and they perform complex biological tasks, both...vector may undergo genomic rearrangements during replication. To avoid genomic rearrangements, try amplifying...membranes (Davis et al., 2002). Polybrene is one such cationic reagent that is commonly used and has been shown... during transfection, and does not necessarily indicate the production of virus. Alternatively, if the...hepatitis B virus DNA and hepatitis C virus RNA quantification as measured with branched-DNA technology." ...
  7. Interview: Nicola Patron on Plant Synthetic Biology, MoClo, and More

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    ...? Patron: Sainsbury has a mandate to share and educate and enable plant science in general. We are funded...easier because individual labs will not need to ‘domesticate’ all the basic and necessary elements in order... you are in the lab. There is no PCR, no gel purification; the whole cloning process is so simplistic ...tweet about plant synthetic biology, science communication, women in science, and many other topics. What...well-rounded human beings. It’s also a great communication tool for work. Most Sainsbury scientists are...
  8. Drew Endy Introduces the Biobrick Public Agreement Plasmid Collection

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    ...Initiative. Endy's team made news in March with a publication in Science describing the development of “, and it begins with the central dogma - replication of DNA, transcription of DNA to make RNA, translation..., humans have two types of languages: one to communicate amongst each other, like this conversation we... in English, and then there are languages to communicate with other things. These are programming languages...successful in the long term, if it's going to communicate between humans (i.e., our dreams and intentions...
  9. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Visualizing Subcellular Structures & Organelles

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    ...functionality can be gained by understanding the location and transport of the protein within a living observe membrane trafficking events in vivo. Locate your protein and see who it is hanging out with...potential overlap, it is possible to determine the location of proteins within complex structures. In order...way it is important to choose the appropriate quantification methods and tools. It is usually not enough...intracellular pathogens In addition to tracking the location of proteins it is also possible to follow the ...
  10. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Protein Timers

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    ... (green or blue) within a population of timer indicates the age of the pool: the higher the ratio, the...-FT-N1 pTRE-Slow-FT pBAD/HisB-Slow-FT -  Applications of fluorescent protein timers FP timers have...biological event (trafficking to a subcellular location, start of gene expression, development of a cell... insulin-secreting beta-like cells." Nature communications 7 (2016). PubMed PMID: 27063289. PubMed Central...Learn More About Fluorescent Protein Aggregation Catch Up On Your GFP Basics Get Advice on Choosing Your...
  11. Google Forums Round Up: First Impressions of NgAgo

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    ...been excitedly testing NgAgo's genome editing applications. So, how does NgAgo stack up thus far? A few...survey. When asked if they could detect indels (an indication of gene disruption ability) with NgAgo, one respondent...could not achieve indels with the NgAgo system indicates that it is very tricky to use and fussy to optimize... S. Lander, and Feng Zhang. "Development and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for genome engineering." Request NgAgo Find CRISPR Resources Catch Up on Your CRISPR Background ...
  12. Transferable Skills Guide: Identifying Your Transferable Skills

    Blog Post job. The same can be said about teamwork, communication, writing, management, and creativity; I have...have the desired degree, you have mastered the applications they use, you’ve gained experience working solve a problem. When they ask about your communication style, your potential teammates want to be had to flex your conflict management and communication skills quite a bit. Grab a piece of paper and...Negotiation Career Planning Resources Cross team communication  External collaborators For further advice ...
  13. MXS Chaining

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    ...develop diverse fluorescent reporters is a useful application of high-throughput cloning. MXS Chaining is one...plasmids for fluorescence imaging or flow cytometry applications in mammalian cells. The modules used in this...transgene expression, or a variety of other clever applications. In one example, modular constructs generated...methods are suited for particular downstream applications. The tradeoffs between various cloning methods...technique to engineer various constructs with applications in flow cytometry approaches in mammalian cell...
  14. What's Your Organism? Expanding Genomic Tools via the NSF EDGE Program

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    ... their organismal systems for scientists and educational programs for K-12 students. You can see why I...parenting strategies and make important ecological indicators since species live in water and on land. Current...which have been used to treat heart disease. Caterpillars that eat milkweed generate cardenolides that... poisonous) for bird predators - birds eat a caterpillar once, vomit, and never do it again. Cichlids ... expensive. They are using a cool fluorescent indicator system to rapidly identify recombinants. Arthropods...
  15. Sonic Hedgehog? Sleeping Beauty? Learn About the Genes Behind Addgene’s Conference Room Names

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    ...Addgene recently moved to our brand new location, with more space to grow and help scientists share resources... resources in new ways. Along with a new location comes the need for new conference room names. The Addgenie...transposon system including those from the original publication, Ivics et al 1997. Spaghetti Squash, a regulator...bunch of cookie monster eyes.”  Check out the publication to see for yourself. We have one plasmid in our...Bodmer, Rolf. "The gene tinman is required for specification of the heart and visceral muscles in Drosophila...
  16. Plasmids 101: Common Lab E. coli Strains

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    ...that carried out the labor-intensive process of replicating your new plasmid: the Escherichia coli bacteria...conjugation. Genes listed on F´ are wild-type unless indicated otherwise fhuA (formerly tonA) ferric hydroxamate...vectors. Used by Addgene for pooled library amplification. F' mcrA Δ(mcrBC-hsdRMS-mrr) recA1 endA1 gyrA96...typically standard; just having the gene listed indicates it is non-functional. If a gene is deleted, it... Most Popular Plasmids 101 Posts: Origin of Replication The Promoter Region – Let's Go! Mammalian Vectors...
  17. CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit

    Blog Post many copies you are looking for. Secondly, categorize your edit – is it any frameshift mutation? A ...enzyme screening for resistivity to digestion, indicating targeted edits.   Interested in this method...a manageable number of the higher probability locations. If you’re worried about off-target effects, you...Tao Chen, Jos Jonkers, Bas van Steensel. Easy quantification of template-directed CRISPR-Cas9 editing. (...and variant-aware in silico off-target site identification for CRISPR genome editing. (2019) Bioinformatics...
  18. Fluorescent Proteins 101: When GFP lets you down

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    ... proteins.Therefore, GFP is not suitable for applications that require anaerobic conditions. In additional protein module that can report on location. This approach enables the study of proteins in...fusion with GFP allows for detection of genomic locations (Chen et al., 2013). GFP fluorescence when proteins undergo post-translational modification with fatty acyl chains. For instance, myristoylation...C-terminal consensus sequence (-CaaX). Both modifications are disrupted when GFP is fused to these sequences...
  19. Building Global Connections with the International Mentorship Program USA-EUROPE

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    ...Universities from five different geographical locations in Spain were enrolled: the University of Valencia...2014/2015, took place on July 27th, 2015 at a dedicated international mentoring conference held at the... own part, mentors receive immense personal gratification as they witness their student’s progress IMP build bridges and global networks. They catalyze the development of knowledge, experience, resources...Mentoring Foundation for the Advancemnet of Higher Education website Resources at Addgene Read Other Career...
  20. The Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank: Over 25 Years of Antibody Sharing

    Blog Post proteins of interest for labeling, quantification, purification, chromatin immunoprecipitation and more...created the Monoclonal Antibody Research Institute dedicated to: 1) developing new ways of generating antibodies...Freedom: The Expansion of Data Sharing in Research Publications ...
Showing: 541 - 560 of 989 results