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Showing: 501 - 520 of 989 results
  1. In Living Color: The Skinny on In Vivo Imaging Tools

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    ...of hues. While those tools are great for many applications, Verkhusha and his lab at Albert Einstein College...light. As the researchers described in Nature Communications last year, “The capability to control spectral...Verkhusha’s team reported another advance in the application of near-infrared fluorescent proteins, iRFP670...fluorescence is because the light becomes very scattered,” Verkhusha explained. Ultrasound wavelengths,...hand, are larger than the size of a cell, so they scatter much less. As a result, ultrasound enables higher...
  2. Working 9-5: an Addgene Co-op

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    ...working in your chosen field. This cooperative education experience (co-op) is what has brought me, a second... QC/QA team as a DNA Sequencing Intern. The application process When I first saw the comprehensive job...for the intended position. After submitting my application, I was contacted to participate in a brief fifteen...the depositing labs intended. With the use of applications like SnapGene and Geneious, I was able to determine...currently working on projects for the Science Communication function at Addgene. Working a 9-5 As it turned...
  3. Who Gives a Tweet? 9 Facts About Scientists on Twitter

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    ...mostly because of this article: “A systematic identification and analysis of scientists on Twitter.” This...from the United States Standard Occupational Classification System  and Wikipedia. 2. Social and computer...: Portion of Tweets with Scientific Domains, Categorized by Discipline. Biologists, neuroscientists, and... Y., & Sugimoto, C. R. (2017). A systematic identification and analysis of scientists on Twitter. Plos...Scientists 5 Reasons to Use Reddit for Science Communication 10 Ways to Share Your Science Why Scientists...
  4. Mycoplasma Contamination: Where Does It Come From and How to Prevent It

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    ... difficult to eradicate. You can suppress the growth of mycoplasma but cannot eradicate it completely....Contamination! Tissue culture media often have indicators included in the media that turns yellow from ...important to prevent contamination rather than eradicating it later. Don’t be scared when mycoplasma infects...the first person to face this kind of problem. Educate others when you can and help them understand the...Cc, Drexler Hg (2002) Comparative Antibiotic Eradication of Mycoplasma Infections from Continuous Cell...
  5. Transferable Skills Guide: Teamwork

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    ...transfer expert who understands the somewhat complicated Material Transfer Agreement process that kits...most scientific collaborations fall within this category. Unlike a process team, you don’t necessarily ...functioning (or malfunctioning). Clear lines of communication Few people actually like meetings, but run well...are helpful, they are certainly not the only communication options. Addgene, along with an increasing number...desks away or on the other side of the world, communication platforms like Slack make teamwork easier. Trust...excellent leader, and perfectly clear lines of communication, but if teammates don’t trust each other, none...
  6. Sequencing Options for CRISPR Genotyping

    Blog Post sites across the genome and pinpoint the location of mismatches based on the sequences of the genome...those relating to DNA structure (e.g. epigenetic modification, bulges) that may also impact off-target edits...cell-based methods are genome-wide, unbiased identification of double-strand breaks (DSBs) evaluated by...Genotyping Options Technique Detection Limit Application Advantages Disadvantages GUIDE-Seq 0.1% Cell-based... HTGTS Not reported Cell-based Identifies translocations Limited by chromatin configuration, produces...detection of KRAS mutations: diagnostic and clinical implications." The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 12.4 ...
  7. Choosing Your Perfect Empty Backbone

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    ... (e.g. 6xHis containing pDEST-HisMBP). After purification the protein can be released from the resin and...types of yeast expression vectors. Consider your applications and experimental design. You can create a new...more traditional approach of an autonomously replicating vector that carries either a wild-type version...a variety of other types of vectors for most applications used to study gene function. From making transgenic...transgenic animals, gene targeting and genome modifications to reporter vectors (e.g. pBV-Luc) and gene ...
  8. History of CRISPR Cas - A tale of survival and evolution

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    ...distinct types and subtypes using polythetic classification based on evolutionary similarity (5). Type ...2013 (7, 8). Nine months later, more than 1500 publications describe work to improve the tool’s specificity...various species and describe an assortment of applications. Despite the ubiquity of CRISPR/Cas toolkit,... multiple plasmids used for various platform applications. For more information on CRISPR/Cas, check out...for your research. Do you have a cool idea or application that involves CRISPR/Cas technology? Let us know...
  9. Year of the Camelid: Antibody Style

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    ...composed of camels, llamas, and alpacas (and their undomesticated counterparts) - not exactly species that sdAbs becoming valuable tools for diverse applications. For example, RANbodies can be used as an alternative... excitement around using sdAbs in diagnostic applications. For example, fluorescently and radioactively...heavy-chain only antibodies. (A) Overview of genetic modifications made to generate the nanomouse. (VHH = variable...inspired this versatile family of tools, the applications they have already enabled, and the discoveries...
  10. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Free Online Molecular Biology Tools

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    ...tackling these particular tasks, but they tend to be scattered about the internet. To help you keep your virtual...: Find sequences for plasmids assembled from publications and commercially available sources, as well ... as expression patterns, post-translational modifications and polymorphisms Codon optimization tool: To...making it ready to copy and paste into other applications Primer design tools Many of the above-listed... well as primer design for different cloning applications. Primer3 and Primer3Plus: For general primer...
  11. Cellosaurus: A Cell Line Information Database

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    ...compounds, links to publication references, and cross-references with cell line catalogs and collections....surveying of cell line collections websites and catalogues Literature searches utilizing Google Scholar ...include accession number, species, and assigned category (cancerous, hybridoma, etc.), as well as sex and...manually going through the pdfs of the 26,000 publications cited. If the information seems incomplete or...
  12. Sleeping Beauty Awakens for Genome Engineering

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    ... Specifically, viruses are able to infect and replicate in host cells, but they are susceptible to cells... though not all, of these defenses. For some applications of genome engineering - such as certain integrate. Additionally, the TA sequence is duplicated near the gene of interest insertion site.   The...1) an SB transposase, the enzyme required for catalysis of transposition; and 2) a transposon containing...containing the gene-expression cassette that can translocate within the genome. The Sleeping Beauty transposase...
  13. New CRISPR Web Resources and #12DaysofCRISPR Recap

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    ...job - we strive to also give you high-quality educational resources to help you do better research., sorting the plasmids we have available by category. Each plasmid page now has a helpful graphic to... newest page in the Transcriptional Regulation category already has five blue flame plasmids covering ...providing an avenue for temporary/reversible CRISPR modification. In addition to these subpages, our updated ... HypaCas9 Day 10: Transcriptional regulation: Truncated gRNAs for Regulating Gene Expression and CRISPR...
  14. Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant: Accelerating Science Globally - 5 Scientists, 4 Countries & 3 Continents!

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    ...scientists work on projects spanning from the identification of plant compounds and insecticidal proteins...bacteria. Learn more about the different CRISPR applications in plants.     Transgenic yeast as source of... yeast capable of desaturating fatty acids. Identification of Insecticidal Proteins Linh Bao Ton (M. Sc...Arturo Rivera Solís, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico Dr. Rodrigo Arturo Rivera Solís, Associate...wide range of research fields and geographical locations. We are excited to see how all of the Addgene-...
  15. Tips for Improving Your Next Manuscript

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    ...of any scientist’s career. We use writing to communicate our findings and share them with the world. If...simply writing down your data doesn’t guarantee a publication. There is an art to composing manuscripts and...field of microbiology with multiple high-profile publications. My classmates consisted of graduate students...well as being critiqued added an extra level of application not present in the online class.   Four ways ...paper will be generated. After you complete a publication quality figure, produce the figure, its legend...
  16. Hot Plasmids: FRET-Based Biosensors

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    ...Neurobiology has been working on genetically encoded indicators of calcium and other small molecules since the...lymphocytes, too, making them a versatile tool for application in both neuroscience and immunology. Don’t be...imaging for beginners Griesbeck says his calcium indicators can be used in mouse, Drosophila, C. elegans,...give it a shot. “Beginners sometimes think it’s complicated, but actually it is very good,” he said. “It ...his team is now applying it to improve upon an indicator they developed and published in 2010 for visualizing...
  17. Natural or synthetic? How Addgene’s dataset reveals trends in biological innovation

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    ...published their results in a paper in Nature Communications announcing a new bioinformatics tool that its sequence. MIT collaboration for gene classification This inquiry started when Neil Thompson, a ...have generated robust tools that have practical applications in monitoring the accidental or intentional ...from farther away in the tree of life." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 4425. PubMed PMID: 30356044. PubMed...the lab-of-origin of engineered DNA." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 3135. PubMed PMID: 30087331. PubMed...
  18. Hot Plasmids September 2018 - Optogenetics, RNA Localization, Fluorescent Protein, and Base-editing Tools

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    ...cells, and has potential use for a wide range of applications in cellular biology. Van Haren J et al. Nature...versatile in vivo fluorescent reporter for rapid quantification of base-editing and Cas9 cleavage activity ...plasmid that allows for rapid fluorescence-based quantification of base editors that utilize dCas9 fused to... The reporter constitutively expresses eGFP to indicate reporter abundance, and mCherry fluorescence is...frame-shift mutation within the mCherry reporter. Quantification of editing efficiencies simply involves tracking...
  19. Three Tips for Preventing Viral Plasmid Recombination in Your Samples

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    ... (AmpR) and origins of replication (ori and f1 ori) which allow it to replicate.   How can I prevent...the bacterial selection marker and origin of replication. During bacterial culture, only the plasmid with...the antibiotic resistance gene and origin will replicate, and the transgene will be lost. Over time, bacteria...the recombined plasmid is still visible. This indicates that the DNA prep contains a mixture of the full...
  20. Identifying Sequence Elements with SnapGene's Feature Database

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    ...features such as antibiotic resistance markers and replication origins, but there is extensive heterogeneity...microbial strains. It proved to be impractical to catalog every variant of a feature. Instead, we identified...occasional mismatches or indels. Empirical tests indicated that a reasonable rule is to require at least ...that have different properties. To prevent misidentification, we augment the database with new fluorescent...protein variants. The future of DNA feature identification What’s next for common features? We plan to...
Showing: 501 - 520 of 989 results