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Showing: 461 - 480 of 901 results
  1. Summer SciComm Series: Master of SciComm

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    ...and not solely to ensure a profit. Often, these companies believe they possess something that will truly...the public’s perception of head injury risk. In completing a master’s thesis in science communication, I... I had the chance to carry out a comprehensive review of the literature informing the notion of “heading... Department of Science Communication where he completed a master's degree in 2020, his research explores...
  2. Optimizing Donor DNA for Enhanced CRISPR Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    ...strand in Figure 1 below) was free to anneal to complementary ssDNA molecules in vitro. We next wondered if...discovered that single stranded donor DNA: Complementary to the released strand, 127bp in length, DNA that was accessible to anneal with complementary single stranded DNA. We thus wondered if such... any of the error-prone repair that normally accompanies Cas9 cutting. We still don’t know the mechanism...
  3. Viral Genome Sequencing - A One Stop Shop for AAV Identity and Serotype Confirmation

    Blog Post
    ...platform that allows us to provide scientists with complete plasmid sequences. After launching our viral service...present SMRT sequencing only works for self-complementary AAVs and the TA-based ligation and tagmentation...molecules in the DNA extract associate with complementary strands, enough double-stranded species exist...adeno-associated virus particles containing complementary polynucleotide chains. J Virol 9(2): 394-396...
  4. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...The technique relies on the basic ability of complementary basepairs adenine (A) and thymine (T) to hybridize...deoxyadenosine (A) at the 3' ends of PCR products. The complimentary “T” in the pair comes from a topoisomerase I-linearized...overnight. 4. Transform TOPO Cloning Reaction into Competent Cells: You can use your standard lab protocol ...transforming your reaction into chemically or electro-competent E. coli - excess salt causes arcing during electroporation...
  5. Antibody Validation for Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post
    ...intracellular labeling because the intracellular compartment may contain cross-reacting antigens not present...difference in the efficacy of your antibody. When compared, 4% PFA and 0.1% saponin; 4% PFA and 0.1% Triton...intensity in the KO population (pink histogram) compared to the WT cells (green histogram). The unfilled..., like RNAseq or proteomics, it is possible to compare antibody labeling of different cell types within...expression of the target. In this case, you could compare the antibody’s labeling of the cell lines to the...
  6. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Luciferase

    Blog Post
    ...because of the nature of the chemical reaction compared to using a high-intensity laser to rapidly excite...not required to initiate the reaction. Table 1 compares some general advantages and disadvantages of luminescence... Depending on the specific luciferase used, a compatible substrate must be provided for the enzyme to ... will result in luciferase expression and more complex cell treatments can be designed to further explore...
  7. Finding and Joining Your Dream Lab

    Blog Post for the quest of a perfect "fit". How competitive is the lab? Some labs have only one author plus...labs around the world. You may prefer a more competitive style to spur you to succeed or you might enjoy...enjoy working closely with others to accomplish your goals. You must understand your own style before making...Finding your dream lab While none of us will feel completely happy at work all of the time, the goal is to...
  8. Hot Plasmids - December 2019 - CRISPR pooled library, LipoGlo, CRISPRa, and Voltage Imaging Tools

    Blog Post
    ... the vascular wall. ApoB, the main structural component of atherogenic lipoproteins, shuttles lipoproteins...Thus, the bEFPs bind the UAS via the dCas9-gRNA complex which allows transcription from the promoter.  ...should serve as both a powerful tool for generating complex regulatory systems and further the study of natural...hypothesizes that this may be due to different lipid compositions of C. elegans membranes, which might beneficially...
  9. Plasmids 101: Gram Negative and Positive Bacteria

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    ... bacteria is due to differences in cell wall composition. Cell wall structure Gram positive bacteria, added, it interacts with the CV+, creating a complex within the peptidoglycan layer, staining the cell...the peptidoglycan layer, trapping the large dye complex created by the interaction of CV+ and I- in the...type of bacteria it is being used in, and how components of the plasmid should change based on bacteria...
  10. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Edit Disease Out of the Genome

    Blog Post
    ... bulk of which you can find below. CRISPR for complex genetic diseases As CRISPR technology becomes increasingly...using it to investigate potential therapeutics for complex genetic diseases. So we’re revisiting this post...look at CRISPR’s potential for use in treating a complex genetic diseases, Alzhiemer’s disease (AD).  Troy...fibrosis (8).   The difference with CRISPR/Cas9 in comparison to other genome editing techniques is its ease...
  11. Addgene Welcomes John Doench to the Advisory Board

    Blog Post
    ...Sharp. After a few rotations, Doench decided to complete his PhD work in Sharp’s lab.  Doench says, “what...what I loved about [RNAi], ... it was just this complete black box. The RNAi process had just been discovered...evolved into the Genetic Perturbation Platform and encompasses a variety of technologies to functionally investigate...he says, “In the case of CRISPR, the hype was completely justified… it has been just an incredibly useful...
  12. Targeted Mutagenesis with EvolvR

    Blog Post
    ...library used. EvolvR: key components The EvolvR system has two key components: the error prone PolI3M that...variants in bacteria. Read on to learn about the key components of EvolvR and its potential applications. Challenges...interest. A gRNA is used to direct the PolI3M-nCas9 complex to a DNA site of interest, which nCas9 nicks and...
  13. Creating accessible biology activities in schools with BioBits

    Blog Post
    ...cellular level. The reason for this is cost and complexity – anyone who works in the lab knows how expensive...expensive tiny amounts of reagents are, how complicated (and again, expensive) the different machines are...kits based on freeze-dried, cell-free (FD-CF) components. Making proteins outside of a cell - cell free..., feel free to check out one of our kits and accompanying curriculum to see if any of the activities fit...
  14. Crowdfight, a Platform to Boost Scientific Collaboration During COVID-19 and Beyond

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    ... of the world was locked down, a South African company wanted to test if a type of antibodies from an ... power of collaboration, which despite the competitiveness of cutting-edge research, is still one of done better with others than by oneself that prompted us to create Crowdfight.   Figure 1: Crowdfight...need help with your scientific research. It’s completely free, of course. You can find more information...
  15. Visualizing Translation at the Single Molecule Level

    Blog Post
    ...time. Both are helping researchers explore the complexity of translational control in cellular physiology... processing to avoid disrupting ribosome-mRNA complexes. Recent work has adapted this technique to monitor...color switching, TRICK requires the following components: a GFP protein that binds to the coding region... with mRNAs usually translated in a specific compartment. Despite these limitations, these techniques ...
  16. How Dry Ice Affects Viral Vector Sample pH & How to Avoid It

    Blog Post
    ...liquid solution and pH paper to measure the pH. We compared the dry ice-stored samples to controls that for 72 hours and then vented the tubes by completely removing the caps, incubating the tubes in an...and then recapping the tubes prior to thaw. We compared vented and non-vented tubes to controls that were...various recovery periods between 0 and 96 hours. We compared these samples to controls that were only stored...
  17. Opto-Nanobodies: Using Light to Manipulate Cell Signaling and Protein Purification

    Blog Post
    ...controlling cell signaling. Key components of OptoNBs OptoNBs have two key components: an AsLOV2 domain and a ...activity in cells.  Let’s shed some light on the key components of OptoNBs, how they are generated, and their...variable heavy chain antibody domain.  How do these components interact? When fused together to form an OptoNB...
  18. Hot Plasmids December 2018 - C. elegans RNAi, TurboID, Detecting Viral Outbreaks, and Protein Binding Specificity Tools

    Blog Post physically set up in the lab, RNAi is often completely ineffective or results in low penetrant phenotypes...membranes, organelles, and other subcellular compartments is via proteomics--the study of the distribution...low-cost, cell-free detection assay that can be completed without special equipment. What’s more, detection...encodes the LacZ𝛼 protein. Once expressed, LacZ𝛼 complexes with LacZ𝜔 and forms an active LacZ tetramer....
  19. Why and how to start studying chromatin (with Addgene's help)

    Blog Post
    ...being depicted, we can’t forget that those other components are still there in real life.  Certainly referring...interact with each other. Chromatin regulation is complex and influences--directly or indirectly--many other...PIs, articles, genes, and blog posts are not comprehensive, so just because you do not see a name or gene...phosphoinositol-dependent binding of the SWI/SNF-like BAF complex to chromatin after T lymphocyte receptor signaling...
  20. Cas13d: Small RNA-targeting CRISPR enzymes for transcriptome engineering

    Blog Post
    ...Konermann et al. Plasmids here How do Cas13d enzymes compare to other Cas13s? Like other Cas13 enzymes, the ...cleavage pattern is necessary. Konermann et al. compared CasRx to multiple RNA regulating methods: small... the clear winner with median knockdown of 96% compared to 65% for shRNA, 53% for CRISPRi, and 66-80% ...Addgene. Yan, Winston X., et al. “Cas13d Is a Compact RNA-Targeting Type VI CRISPR Effector Positively...
Showing: 461 - 480 of 901 results