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Showing: 441 - 460 of 945 results
  1. Improving Transduction Efficiency with Exosome AAVs

    Blog Post
    ...vector production, assembled AAV vector particles accumulate inside the producer cells and purification protocols...gradients. The current purification protocols for isolating exo-AAVs rely on differential centrifugation steps...Figure 2). Since the development of the exo-AAV isolation protocol by Maguire and colleagues, other al., 2017), and exo-AAV8 expressing human coagulation factor IX in liver in a mouse model of al. 2018). The structure of exosome AAVs is related to the use of microvesicles as a vehicle for drug...
  2. Plasmids 101: NGS Quality Control for Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    ...1, to create a “cumulative wealth distribution” curve, or Lorenz curve. By calculating the area under ...can be counteracted by growing the cells on solid plates, where each transformant forms its own colony, ...less of a concern, but Addgene still recommends plating the transformation mixture on solid media. The ...The colonies are then scraped off the plates and pelleted for DNA extraction. Prepare library product for...
  3. Will You Be My Mentor? Finding and Asking for Mentoring Support

    Blog Post my webinar, “Not Networking 101-Building Relationships for Success”. Choose 1-2 tactics to try. a bit random because you never know which relationships will take off, or who your new contact will ...current organization but also important to build relationships outside your organization. The mentor in your... doing it again next month?” Some mentoring relationships grow naturally out of friendships or work interactions...other ways they can help you grow. Mentoring relationships can last for an hour or for a year. Some click...
  4. Back to Bacteria: CRISPR gRNA Multiplexing Using tRNAs

    Blog Post
    ... promoter, gRNA and pol III terminator. These relatively large cassettes (considering the gRNA itself ... vector. In addition, the pol III promoter is relatively weak, and low expression of gRNAs from these ...deletions of other regions, such as noncoding RNAs or regulatory elements, to examine their function. Bacteria... of polycistronic gene organization, and its translation to CRISPR/Cas9 shows great potential for multiplexed...gRNA Multiplexing Multiplexed and programmable regulation of gene networks with an integrated RNA and CRISPR...
  5. CRISPR 101: Non-Homologous End Joining

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    ...aren’t, so repeated cycles will favor accumulation of the latter products. As noted above, a single, as there is no requirement for a repair template (sister chromatid or homologue) or extensive DNA... repair should take less than an hour, thus a population of cells constitutively expressing a targeted...NHEJ-dependent repair (“pop-in” insertion) provided a template containing compatible overhangs is available. ...
  6. Viral Vectors 101: Types of viruses

    Blog Post
    ...gamma-retrovirus is Murine Leukemia virus (MLV). Naturally isolated gamma-retroviruses have been associated with cancer...lentivirus and gamma-retrovirus are so closely related, their required components are very similar. While...heterologous envelope or a post-transcriptional regulatory element can be used for either type of retrovirus...infect humans, many mammals, and even the avian population. Some adenoviruses are known to cause respiratory...induce a lower inflammatory response within hosts. Relative to the other viruses discussed in this article...
  7. Viral Vectors 101: The AAV Retrograde Serotype

    Blog Post
    ...mouse lines, you can access and manipulate an even further defined population of neurons. For example, say... workhorse adeno associated virus (AAV) shows relatively low retrograde transport efficiency in most serotypes...expression, detecting neuronal signaling, or manipulating any other genetically controlled function. By...Fig 3B). These specific neurons could then be manipulated (e.g., activated or inhibited) by any genetic...
  8. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

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    ...engineers regularly use the platform, why scientists are using the platform, and tips for getting the most...from Nature Jobs Blog While Twitter is a popular platform for scientists, it’s not the only tool in a scientist... Facebook. For each of the three social media platforms, there’s some statistics on what percent of scientists...given you tips for using various social media platforms, and 3) helped you fit social media into your ...
  9. Antibodies 101: Monoclonal Antibodies

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    ...Antibodies, 1999). This creates an immortal cell population that will continue to produce the specific antibody...or, are injected with the whole protein. After isolating the B cells from an immunized animal, those B ...step. Then, a limiting dilution is performed to isolate individual hybridomas and ELISA is used to identify...the selected hybridoma is expanded as a clonal population (Holzlöhner et al., 2017). Why choose monoclonal... Addgene’s antibody plasmid collection Read the latest on Addgene's new antibody project ...
  10. A Practical Approach to Choosing the B(right)est Fluorescent Protein

    Blog Post
    ... on the properties found in the literature or tabulated data that summarizes properties of fluorescent...) respectively. The theoretical brightness is calculated by multiplying EC by QY (EC*QY, sometimes normalized...several important experimental conditions that are related to the imaging strategy and the sample. Practical...developed in our lab uses a reference protein that is translated from the same open-reading frame and separated...the assay is depicted in figure 1. The strict correlation between the fluorescent protein of interest and...
  11. Screening for Successful Genome Editing with Digital PCR

    Blog Post
    ...splitting up a sample into thousands of physically isolated partitions (such as droplets or wells on a chip...edit. Since exploitation of NHEJ to generate translational reading frame-altering indels for “functional...wild type target in each sample can be quickly calculated (details in [2]) and can be used to quantify ...few thousand cells from single wells of a 96-well plate without prior quantification. Comparatively, mismatch...AnotherLabRat.     References 1. Miyaoka, Y. et al. Isolation of single-base genome-edited human iPS cells without...
  12. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    ... at a relatively low frequency, and in nondividing cells, this pathway is further downregulated. Rather...the cell to use the deaminated DNA strand as a template. To do so, the lab used a Cas nickase, instead...repairs the DNA using the U-containing strand as a template, copying the base edit. Cytidine, thus removing these cells from the edited population.  Another way to improve base editing efficiency...While cytosine base editors often produce a mixed population of edits, ABEs do not display significant A to...
  13. Antibodies 101: Conjugation

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    ...low abundance targets. Check out our post on Biotinylation to learn more about biotin and its use in molecular...groups from cysteines, or carbohydrates from glycosylation (Dennler, et al., 2015). However, there are ...Endogenous carbohydrates added to antibodies post-translationally. 4) Modifications made to antibodies, such ...2015) Antibody Conjugates: From Heterogeneous Populations to Defined Reagents. Antibodies 4:197–224. https...The Basics of Western BlottingPlasmids 101: Biotinylation Resources on Unconjugated antibodies...
  14. Rosella: A Fluorescent pH-Biosensor for Studying Autophagy

    Blog Post
    ...non-selective macroautophagy of the cytosol leads to accumulation of Pho8Δ60 in the vacuole, where it is cleaved...structures based on morphology. Autophagosomes are relatively easy to identify: double-membraned structures... GFP allows for tracking the localization or accumulation of pre-autophagosomal structures, autophagosomes...comprised of two tandem fluorescent proteins: a relatively pH-insensitive RFP variant, DsRed.T3 and a pH-sensitive...induce autophagy, red but not green fluorescence accumulates in the vacuole. See Figure 2 for an example of...
  15. Uncertainty about Labor Law Brings More Uncertainty to Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ...better salary increases that those in less densely populated areas. This assumption does not appear to hold...not getting a raise. Meanwhile, in less densely populated places like the University of Kansas and the University...say, salaries are showing surprisingly little correlation with cost of living at the location of the institution...important step forward in helping the postdoctoral population continue to pursue academic work, and to enhance...scientific enterprise by reducing the postdoctoral population which keeps growing despite a lack of available...
  16. Viral Vectors 101: Calcium Sensors

    Blog Post
    ...crosslinking agent, a signaling ion, and an allosteric modulator. Because of its importance, scientists have developed...understand how this metal ion is trafficked and regulated. In this blog we will explore some of the most...and organs noninvasively and target a defined population of cells (e.g., a neuron subtype) and specific... calcium. It has been applied to mark active populations of neurons in vivo to study circuit activity.... allows scientists to focus on specific cell populations of interest. Many of the calcium sensors described...
  17. Experimenting in an Open Source lab: from CRISPR to Cats

    Blog Post
    ...OpenWorm project. The main goal of OpenWorm is to simulate C. elegans as a computer model. When I first heard...biology of the worm into a computer model that recapitulates how molecular biology impacts worm locomotion...neuron knockouts so that we can perturb factors related to worm motion. Working on the Cat Microbiome Project... have members looking at how to re-use it as a platform for monitoring homemade microfluidic chips using...using the fantastic optics and fluidics platform it contains. Biotech equipment becomes obsolete amazingly...
  18. Mouse Modeling, Part 1: Genetically Engineered Mice

    Blog Post
    ...understanding a specific effect related to an experimental manipulation. Common inbred strains include the population, meaning they more closely mimic the genetic diversity of the human population. Outbred...controlled through a drug or small molecule that regulates Cre expression. The most common drug used to induce...
  19. Engaging with science and society at pgEd

    Blog Post
    ...following the latest developments in genetics research, their applications and regulatory policies; keeping...traditional and social); and synthesizing and translating all these into social media and blog posts, lesson...symposia, or courses in social, health or policy-related topics, as time permits. Also seek out opportunities...scientific research does not happen in a vacuum that is isolated from the rest of society or devoid of social context...
  20. Overcoming the Challenges of Lentiviral Production

    Blog Post
    ...precipitation. All of these methods ultimately isolate the viral particles allowing you to optimized prior to starting. We recommend calculating the ratio of the surface area of the larger vessel...example, while the PEG precipitation method is relatively inexpensive and does not require an ultracentrifuge...titering. Typically researchers will choose a relatively permissive cell line for titering in order to...information provides a great starting point, it may not translate to the target cell line. To overcome this issue...
Showing: 441 - 460 of 945 results